Where were you when you realised that size is really important. And girls will do depraved things if they know you have a big dick.
Where were you when you realised that size is really important...
Like it fucking matters. I'll kill myself before I ever fuck a girl. And that's a good thing. No girl deserves to be near me.
It gets originally better.
>went to reddit
>typed in size queen in the search bar
Typed in stupid slut :')
>nonstop whining in public about how hard women have it, how privileged men are, how much "pressure" there is on women to be attractive [while any ugly fat pig can go on tinder and have 50 chads in 2 minutes]
>dicklets are disrespected to the point that you literally can't mention it in public because it would destroy your life, literally everyone would mock you relentlessly
very fake and very gay. just look at the user profile. this is a dude.
Every day roasts make me more angry.
This, don't take LARPing seriously
came to write basically this
>Jow Forumsstupidslutsclub
That entire reddit is full of crossdressers, cucks, autogynephiliacs and other depraved perverts.
It makes me sad that porn like this is all larping men because stories that seem genuine make me hard.
Are you a cuck?
They make me hard too, but I hate it (because I dont want to be a cuck), so its good these are all fake
No. That stuff is gross and humiliating. It's the woman's overwhelming lust for something that gets me off.
>tfw decent sized dick 7x5
>looks bigger on my slim body
>will never use it
im like 5" but if i go at the wrong angle it hits my gf's cervix and is apparently really painful.
dont believe the shit
i dont even know why i bothered typing this out because someone always mentions something like this and yet you faggots never listen
Retard, this bitch is talking about being a size queen. This is not typical.
Oh shit, that was me.
You're OK. r9k is 98% delusional morons looking for anything to blame so long as it isn't their own cognitive handicap.
Yeah the story is obviously fake and gay, but women do love a big cock.
9 inches AMA
Girth matters most and most guys don't have girthy dicks that get women off.
How long is your dick
8.75 inches
But I round it up to 9 for the purposes of bragging about it on the internet.
Can you go all the way inside a woman's vagina, or just partly in?
Have you fucked any guys?
>you're all doomed
Uh yeah, it depends on the position, but even still you can stretch the vagina and make it fit more if you are careful. If you do it wrong it will hurt them but if you do it right it makes them go crazy. Never fucked a guy.