I'm running out of money and being forced out

i'm running out of money and being forced out
what do i do

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Who is the semen demon? original q

suck black cocks for a living

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Who the fuck watches blacked? I wonder if a single white girl watches it or if it/s just sick white men and few black guys

i have 700$ enough for rent for a month

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pajeets and chinese
ofc white men

White men.

White men are the biggest consumers (they pay for it) of IR porn. Remember porn actually has to make money, so fapping to it on tube sites or torrenting it doesn't mean anything to the people who make it.

Why have white men become so perverse and twisted? Pic related were white and certainly weren't like that. But modern germans are.

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>Remember porn actually has to make money, so fapping to it on tube sites or torrenting it doesn't mean anything to the people who make it.


Because it's flat out racism that drives the consumption of IR and by extension, cuck porn. Have you ever wondered why all the amateur videos are of nothing but white men watching their white gf/wife fucking black guys? Have you ever stopped and wondered why isn't the "bull" white, asian, or even hispanic? (Protip, it's not "MUH BBC"). Even if you found a video of some black dude getting cucked by a white guy, it pales in comparison to the amount of bmwf videos. Why is he almost always black?

This is because black people are viewed as inferior and lower than themselves, nothing more than animals. If bestiality videos were legal, they'd get off on that too, but it isn't. IR porn is produced because white men are getting off by watching a white girl get "degraded" by fucking a black guy, who is often times paid to act "hood" to really sell the image that he's the epitome of everything wrong with black people. Thus, watching a "pure" white girl (bonus points for being the aryan ideal) is especially degrading.

I don't even know why the fact IR porn exists triggers the fuck out of people. Porn isn't reality. It's all a fucking fantasy. People watch porn for the novelty and often times, shock factor. When some porn whore is being degraded, viewers get off to that. Part of watching porn is watching something that you would never try in real life. Plenty of women are into extreme degrading gangbang porn, but it remains nothing more than a fantasy in their minds.

damn... deep.... and original...

Literally becoming homeless is the most based thing you can do. Why wouldnt you want to be homeless?

You go find a job. Duh

insecure white midwest boy


This unironically. The races should not interact. Segregation ftw

no doubt

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Also dont be a weak little faggot dont wanna get raped do you?

This is so fucking hot. I wish some black thug with BBC would destroy my mom like that! Her pussy would be so loose my dad wouldn't even feel a thing...

Gaey ass nigga

Kill yourself with a black chainsaw

Because of the weird racial dynamics of America and the attempt at dehumanizing black people. White racism backfired and created cucks.

or whites are weird

Nah whites are great. Just that people today people are so demoralized and degenerate(I hate using that word) that everyone is now weird

Whats with all the blacked spamming?
>and they say there is no shillling here

Pol here, just a reminder that chucks get a rope as well

/tv/ here

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Idk I think its just some guy thats really into cuck porn. Which you have to be a real faggot to like

it's not cuck porn

All interracial porn is cuck porn

then all porn is cuck porn

Have you seen some of their titles? Wife cheats on hubby or some shit.

exactly. Head the nail on the head.

Who cares about a title just watch the flick

I dont watch them though. I find blacks unattractive.

If the viewer is black, is it cuck porn? Most black guys that watch porn, watch porn with white women.

Here we go againagainagain.

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All porn with a man and woman is cuck porn because you are watching a guy fuck a woman you want

I meant cucks, fucking autocorrect

I love Mia and I'm fine with her fucking black guys but why'd she have to fuck the ugliest black guy?

jesus just look at that


that's a little to early to get bred