i won't ever find love edition
last thread >have crush on bi friend but he wants to have a wife and have kids
it truly is suffering
>/r9trap/ Anonymous
kill yourself queer
I was already planning it user but i dont need any reminders
Go to /lgbt/ faggot filth.
you make me feel at home user, thank you.
Just go to Iran if you really want to die
I was considering going into the military but decided not to go through all the hassle of training etc.
You cunts arent welcome here.Leave and dont come back you gay trash.
>You cunts arent welcome here.Leave and dont come back you gay trash.
OP let me give you a pro tip
use a /r9trap/ related image so when people see the image they know it's this thread
also if you intend on making more of these you should start numbering them like /r9gay/
>they're still going
and Discord said by getting rid of lel alt rightie they'd fix the problem :^)
i ran out of trap images and was too lazy to post any to be fair.
im lost
>OP let me give you a pro tip
tfw no dom trap gf that rides my cock against my will while my gf watches
such is life
>tfw no dom trap gf
kill yourself faggot
let me give you a pro tip -
>let me give you a pro tip -
go to /lgbt/ that's where faggot scum like you belong.
Faggots can fuck off to /lgbt/.
>go to /lgbt/ that's where faggot scum like you belong.
>Faggots can fuck off to /lgbt/.
I wish i wasn't atracted to sex and women, then i would have more time to my hobbies. Without them you feel like shit.
you first queer
>I wish i wasn't atracted to sex and women, then i would have more time to my hobbies. Without them you feel like shit.
i don't get it. you're straight but like crossdressing?
Is anyone into cute chinese traps? Im bored and lonely, add me Lost#2786
What is this lost meme?
kill it with fire
I wasnt aware of a meme, silly
>Is anyone into cute chinese traps?
fuck off chink queer
>looks cuter here
I see a lot of people post lost discords.
Do another desu.
please do not disrespect me again
fuck off reddit chink queer
I'm drunk, horny and noone to fuck me.... its not fair
Post dick this instant
Like thiiiiiiiis one
Still not original
ok if you say so :p
Cute. Pull the foreskin back now
fuck off homo
unfortunately those pics are a couple pics old and im not in a position to take pics for the next lil bit so no 4skin pulled back :(
Diamonds. Do one where you squeeze your titty
Why so angry american boy?
Don't worry trapfriends. You're too pure for this world. And even if you do kill yourself WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT! you'll get the heaven you deserve.
Is good? :3
>you'll get the heaven you deserve.
god hates fags
Not bad. Where are you from
Real god doesn't hate fags. Stupid jewish kike demon aka Allah, aka Baphomet hates fags.
Fuck off dissenter. Return to your brimstone filled hell.
I am in California studying but I move here from China
you're a redditfag from reddit
is there a r9k trap discord i can get orbiters on?
What make you think I from reddit? I never been there in life
>is there a r9k trap discord i can get orbiters on?
go to /soc/ faggot filth.
Are you who I spoke to yesterday night?
Why did this kill tt?