>move to America
>there's shame in eating seafood, insects, organ meat. It's considered low-class food that people eat out of ncessity
>there's shame in eating vegetables. it's considered rabbit food
>there's shame in working fast food. In my country you were lucky to get any job that wasn't selling snacks from your home, moving rocks, selling product at the market, or being a taxi
Move to America
>shame in seafood
wrong, i have never heard of a place where eating lobster is low-class, if you are on the coast then seafood is going to be a local culinary staple of fine dining
>shame in insects and organ meat
this is true
>shame in eating vegetables
unless you eat with 7 year olds then there is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever in eating your greens, where the fuck do you live?
>shame in working fast food
true unless you are a teen/young-adult who is looking for some part time work during the summer in between school
go back to your own country and you don't need to live in shame
the shame is all coming from inside your own head. stop worrying about trivial thoughts and live your life
"Ew. user. Why are you eating that ? It stinks"
"user, your food looks like poop."
the solution is to go the fuck back
immigrants need to learn how to stay the fuck home and improve their own countries
Eating insects is considered dirty here, as far as organs go some people eat them however they are usually not liked here; though eating vegetables here is considered healthy and good, maybe because i'm in the west coast though
My home country is already prosperous, fucker
America is nice because get to live next to many hospitals, schools, and grocery stores. Back in my country any such business would hours away.
Never got why American hate organ meat so much. It has pretty unique flavors.
Where are you from? Did you miss your country? What are you thinking about America? Do you think Mexicans are ruining their way of living?
I can understand insects and some organ meat, like tripe, but where I live (Alaska) its perfectly fine to eat everything else. There isn't any shame in fast food from what I've experienced, I just pity the 50-year-olds behind the counter who have worked for so long to get shafted by people screaming at you non stop
Then go back faggot
Myanmarr. I miss my family and food and being able to venture out without needing someone to accompany me. It is nice to have running water and houses that prevent mosquito from going in. Also less fear of terrorism.
what are you really from?
can I ask what country you are from?
Don't worry about what other people think. Just do you, people will respect your confidence!
I think eating insects might be a really cool solution to the food problems we are having right now. I am a vegetarian right now, but am very curious about many of the food tech products coming out with insects - have you heard of cricket flower protein? If people are making fun of you, just remember that there is nothing more right about their diet than there is about yours. There is nothing wrong with being different.
Can I ask what country you come from?
I'm from Myanmarr.
since when?
I've never heard of Myanmarr before but the pictures in google make it look dreamlikely beautiful.
Why are you in America? What do you think about the Mexicans? How much do you hate them?
I haven't interacted much with other races to have strong opinions about them. I assume that they are just like me trying to achieve a better quality of life by making a living in America. I am America because I want to deal with the constant fear of losing basic necessities. Clean running water is a luxury, so is laundry machines, flushable toilets , and going to a doctor.
are u a girl?
>How much do you hate them?
i love em
Would you date an illegal Mexican?
Fuck em'.
My first few years in america were rough but I learned to ignore naysaying cunts when I learned deeper about the true mongrel culture.
"Ew you eat bugs in your country? Eat this patty made of estrogen and literal pig shit, our greatest ally made it"
i do not understand why you guys get pissed if americans don't like your shit. like wtf, go back to where you came from, you retards.
>"Ew you eat bugs in your country? Eat this patty made of estrogen and literal pig shit, our greatest ally made it"
made me laugh to be honest
Lol. In my home country I was raised as a vegetarian because if I ate meat then I would contract the anger felt by animals as they're murdered or exploited
I never changed, but in any setting inn burgerland,
>rabbit food
is the most accurate summary of intelligence from these fat idiots