Going blind at 28. I wanna kill myself but my religion doesn't allow it. Can someone please make me feel better

Going blind at 28. I wanna kill myself but my religion doesn't allow it. Can someone please make me feel better

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Going blind sounds like a godsend
Free neetbux and you can never tell how ugly a girl is if she hits on you
You also can go around acting pretentious with a dog

eye transplants are a very real thing and as long as its not optic nerve related, you can see again.

Even if it is nerve related, they have sensors that can give a rudimentary image sort of like a shit version of geordi laforge from TNG.

or you could become a master of echolocation like that one blind guy who clicks and can detect things in front of him, also your other senses will improve drastically. Become NEO

Get an assistant and have him post here for you.

this, hire a proxy shitposter, the older and purer of an elderly lady the better. Or get a qt secretary/shitpost assistant and have her become corrupted by the cancer that is is this site.
Then have hot steamy blind man sex because who cares how ugly she is

Why are you going blind?

>Going blind at 28.

Okay dude, how about you stab your eyes out if being blind is so good?
Fucking retard

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Why the fuck would you bother following a god that blinds you before you're 30?

My advice: worship Satan. He can still work miracles.

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>Can someone please make me feel better
>my religion
Ask your god lmao

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>mfw your shitty god lets you go blind despite years of devotion whilst infidels keep their sight

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Hire some one to assassinate you. Going blind might be the best thing to happen to you tho.

Just pray haha.

DItch your retarded religion and off yourself. Or get a script for oxy and legal weed and lsd and trip out and listen to music

Well then you can be a NEET without feeling bad about it. I would stock up on audio-books if I was you. At least this should cure your porn-addiction

>As far as I know, none but the votaries of monotheistic, that is to say, Jewish religions, look upon suicide as a crime. This is all the more striking, inasmuch as neither in the Old nor in the New Testament is there to be found any prohibition or positive disapproval of it; so that religious teachers are forced to base their condemnation of suicide on philosophical grounds of their own invention. These are so very bad that writers of this kind endeavor to make up for the weakness of their arguments by the strong terms in which they express their abhorrence of the practice; in other words, they declaim against it. They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice; that only a madman could be guilty of it; and other insipidities of the same kind; or else they make the nonsensical remark that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every mail has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.
Read this while you can fag

Real answer, see if there's a way to prevent it from getting worse. That will probably be a lot easier than anything you could do once your eyesight is gone.

fapping 5 times a day for the last 15 years

Your god is a joke.

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>Your god is a joke.
your fedora is showing guys

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That is tragic, though there are much more important things in life than vision. God bless you, friend.

I'm not a fedora, I just worship a deity that doesn't let his faithful subject go blind LMAO

"I want to kill myself but this thing that is clearly a story that was made up by someone a while ago that caught on and is now considered a true thing won't allow it"


No I'm 9001% serious, he should pray. Maybe if he asks nicely God will make sure he doesn't step on too much dog shit when he's as blind as a bat. LMAO

Convert to Islam and become the next Abdul Hamid Kishk

Can you seriously tell us OP? I have vestibular dysfunction which is fucking with my eyes and I could lose control of eye movements. Amazing how this shitty this body was designed, whether by evolution or by intelligent design. Everything should be able to regenerate like fucking Piccolo to give the organism the best chance at survival. But no...

This is your only option. Origgnamoly

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>he fell for the counter-bait

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