So, here's the deal, Jow Forums

So, here's the deal, Jow Forums

My little brother got bullied by this little faggot from his school, i was gonna do the old fashioned kick-his-teeth-in method and call it a day

But i've had a better idea.

So you see, i've stalled my brother and stalked this kid on facebook and IRL for a bit.
Turns out he's qt (not normal qt but god-tier-trap-potential qt AND has the bod to accompany it) and has a like a fuckton of insecurities, probably related to his probably non-existant masculinity which gives me suspicious that he may has gender dysphoria.

You probably know what i'm getting at here, Jow Forums, i want to convert him to a trap, my own trap.
It's a win win situation, i get my plaything, brother gets his rest, and the bully gets a husband

So, how do you get to know at 15 year old that you've never met before, and most importantly, Mindbreak and convert him (soon to be her) to your loyal trap gf?

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump, lads i need some advice before i execute.

don't do anything until he turns 18 then give him a smooch

Youre the roastie
Hell do whatever you tell him to

fuck off, being a trap is worse torture than even a school bully deserves.

Post picture of him

I'm a man though.
why the fuck would a woman want a tranny gf?

I don't think this is the best place to look for child grooming advice.

so you can doxx and eventually contact him (soon to be her) about my shenanigans?

Just find him on the internet (where less can go wrong) and keep pushing him to be a girl and try to make him develop a lust for cock anonymously. Then push him to take female hormones. If he actually has gender dysphoria itd be really easy to push that stuff on him and he might even like it
Thats what some people did to me when I was 15 and it worked pretty effectively
Honestly it is

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Who the hell knows what roasties want nowadays

So I can jerk off to this story as it unfolds

only Jow Forums is stupid enough to believe this

>Just find him on the internet (where less can go wrong) and keep pushing him to be a girl and try to make him develop a lust for cock anonymously. Then push him to take female hormones. If he actually has gender dysphoria itd be really easy to push that stuff on him and he might even like it
this is fucking fantastic, might need to wiretap his electronics though, but that's not a problem

I wish it was fake, i'm hitting new levels of perversion and i can't stop myself

Why but originally.

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>It's a win win situation, i get my plaything, brother gets his rest, and the bully gets a husband

>I wish it was fake, i'm hitting new levels of perversion and i can't stop myself

You gotta keep us updated OP. I hope you can make a gender dysphoria guy see the true way.
If he doesnt have it, I don't think you can make him have it.

>If he doesnt have it, I don't think you can make him have it.
i probably can induce homosexuality on him and convert him to crossdressing
Everything's possible.

Not really user. You can't make a straight guy homo. And you can't make a homo straight.

>tfw no guy to force me into taking HRT at a young age
life is suffering.

Still no problem, If i have to go full reiko, then let it be.

If you say so user. Just give us updates. I wanna hear how you failed if hes straight.

This sounds like a bad NTR hentai.

do the first method you fucking faggot piece of garbage.
>I'm going to stick up for my brother my converting his bully into my personal trap
fucking wrong with you?

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>ops brother weak and submissive enough to get bullied by a trap
I wonder how op feels about his babby bro....hmmmmmmm

Wow a gay person who wants to groom and sexually abuse an underage boy? Color me surprised!

Burn in hell fag.

why the fuck not, honestly, it's even more humiliating, he (soon to be she) might have if i beat the shit out of him(her), slowly degrading him(her) into my girlfriend is the best method.



oi nigga i can help what do want to talk on, im good with this shit i managed to get a bully to try to kermit suicide and then told his mom his plan

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>hands down funniest fucking midget of all time
Sucks that other fag had to an hero

post pics, censor the face brother

Alright, just as the thread says, kid bullies and i want revenge by slowly turning into my loyal trap gf

again no, reverse image search my get him even with slightly modified images

>turning boys to traps

user thats lewd!!!!

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ok discord what do you want to use

>It's a faggot gets bullied by a faggot so the biggest faggot (OP) tries to turn the faggot into a bigger faggot

You. Originally, unironically.

Sorry, i don't use discord, use this thread.

can you make one its easier on me because captcha

You are a fucking garbage human being and I love you

no way lad
discord is botnet

can i make a chat room

Theres a movie with that exact same plot

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Not his biggest fan. I think its the accent, I did love Desparado when I was a child though, you?

here we go this will be easier all can join

Well im spanish, so his accent sounds ok to me

Just do the pineapple thing instead

>pineapple thing

Its when you eat a bunch of pineapples and cum in his mouth so he thinks cum is candy

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uh no

pic realted

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hopefully the police pick you up freak.

Suck his dick and call him gay, duh.

That won't help me get a trap gf

...Unless you're thinking about the long game where i pick him AFTER he's mindbroken

you can't
get your brother to do it

You're saying i turn them both into hypercompetitive traps to please me?

you're giving me more ideas

or get your brother to convert the bully into a trap himself, then i dunno share it