>Make video attacking Robots/Incels
>ALMOST all of your ironic jokes and explanations up until about 5:40 are actually true
Its amazing how Normies can doublespeak so obliviously.
>Make video attacking Robots/Incels
>ALMOST all of your ironic jokes and explanations up until about 5:40 are actually true
Its amazing how Normies can doublespeak so obliviously.
Other urls found in this thread:
Robot is not the same as incel.
GTFO normalfag.
Do your normalfag activities elsewhere.
>be incel
>make posts about how women should be enslaved and raped
T. Fem"Bot"
Robot has always been synonymous with incel. Its just the word "incel" has been tainted by autists on reddit. Doesn't mean both words have very real and clearly defined definitions. Begone.
Epic strawman...wait *sniff* is that *SNIFFFF* some ROASTBEEF I SMELL?
All robots are incels, but not all incels are robots, m8.
OP isn't incel, he's just geographically incel but I have my suspicions
Isn't incel mean you want to lose virginity? I really don't care at this point am I not a robot because I'm not as emotional?
The incel oppression is not important. We should be focusing on the oppression of gamers in today's society. Rise up gamers
yee yee ass haircut fuck women and niggers
This pretty much describes every normie arguement ever.
What a pretty girl, what's her discord tag?
Distinguishing between a robot and incel to a normie is akin to trying to distinguish between a white identitarian and white supremacist.
yeab but niggers and muslims say the same thing and roasties dont react.
Incel means involuntary celibate. There's different kinds ranging from Geographical Incels, Mentally Disabled Incels, Physically Disabled, etc.
If you can lose your virginity without paying for it in your local 100 mile radius area you're not an incel you're a volcel. If you can't lose your virginity and don't want to for non religious purposes like "you aren't interested in women" you're a mentally disabled incel.
don't fucking group me in with your weird small dicked pedo virgin incel fetish.
'normies' don't double speak
you're just fundamentally broken and it is very very sad.
It is especially sad that your personal identity is based on serious social and metal problems and represented by memes.
If you have a gf, youre not a robot
All robots are incel
So, what your saying is you're not a robot.
In which case, you're not being grouped in with anything, you're just a normie.
Does being angry help stop the tears?
I haven't really tried making advances on any women in a while but I'd like to find a virgin woman to marry because that's the way god intended it, am I volcel?
Chad can say these things and still get women
I guess
I don't have a problem with robots
incels are robots with a serious mental disorder,
pedos should be shot
virgins are just virgins. no big deal.
and well, if ya got a small dick, learn to eat pussy. You should really know that anyways.
Thread brought to you by the redpill master BrendioEEE
If you want a virgin woman to marry but you haven't TRIED to get one you're likely an incel, but its very possible you might be a volcel if you can get a non virgin woman but are holding out for a virgin one. Its very contextual stuff.
I had a gf once but I wouldn't say I'm normal
I wonder what gender could be behind these posts? Hmm....
Don't fall for the GF meme. There's incels who have had a GF but not have had sex with them. However if you'd had a GF and done literally anything physically sexual with them you are definitely not a robot in any capacity.
I'm a teenager still so getting married isn't gonna happen until I get a job in the career I want do I can support a family, I also have a lot of personal issues I need to deal with First before I get into another relationship
You're just angry because I get to fuck women
So you like pedos?
>Male roastie
Even worse. You have the mental capacity to be aware of the destruction you are causing on society and yet you willfully choose partake in it and to ignore its negative effects. At least women have the excuse of being mentally inept and brainwashed/taken advantage of/bad parents. What's yours?
oh.......... at this rate I don't know how I'll find a virgin to marry
What if the girl did all the work? She gave you her number and arranged dates, and You are too autistic to do any of that.
Oh dear, you barely resisted peer pressure sweetie. Sad you couldnt stop reflexively projecting though.
Being a robot requires 100% virginity so no.
No it doesnt
Robot just means you have extemely poor social skills and dont relate to normie culture
Sorry that I'm destroying society by having a good job as a scientist and starting a family with a loving woman who also has a great career.
I must be making it so bad out there for all you incels.
fuck. I'm so selfish, why didn't I just tie her up and take her to your house so you can slob your micro dick all over her?
I'm going to be so happy! and have kids! and Live a long fulfilling life!?!??!! NOOOOOOOO
lol, you're just so beyond fuckin broken buddy. Someone should put you down, you can't be fixed.
but hey, I guess I don't belong on this board.
How am I supposed to find a virgin Christian woman in this day and age? I was raised to not lose my virginity until marriage and now you tell me I could've gotten away with it since there's a 95% chance that my future wife isn't virgin?
No it doesn't, and it never has. Its always been synonymous to virgin/incel/something of that nature. Its why cyborgs and fem"bots" are shunned. You aren't us, you never will be.
>implying sex doesn't relate to the normie culture
Sometimes I think I'm a normie, and a lot of people on /n/ think I'm a normie, but then I see you and realize I'm too spergs and a failure to be like you
you can't get through to them
this is their ENTIRE identity.
They'll fuckin REEEEEEEEEE harder than if you say the wrong pronoun when addressing a SJW tranny.
bulgarian mafia here. stop trying to force your way of thinking on a already established culture.
i don't know you, but your first step to actually having a good life would be to develop the critical thinking skills to realize the terribly narrow perspective on life people like this guy have
good luck user
remember you can't win if you don't try
>Unironically Sweetie Posting
You said having sex with *women* as in PLURAL. Are you fucking a girl out of wedlock? Have you fucked multiple women out of wedlock? I mean any sexual act btw. If the answer is yes, according to all statistics you are/have caused damage to society.
Good women exist out there, just not in mass numbers or droves take a look at this map. I'm a geographical incel (Meaning I can't get a girlfriend, wife, even pump and dump in this specific place I live because of the localized sexual market)
Just go to a place in Middle America, or Asia/Eastern Europe if you're not from the NA plenty of virgins and good women in these places.
Oh sweet sweet summer child...
Sex is the result of meeting a certain threshold of physical attractiveness. Nothing to do with normiedom.
you dense motherfucker, you still don't get it do you?
Need a version of this where there's also a butthurt Asian guy.
>Are you fucking a girl out of wedlock? Have you fucked multiple women out of wedlock?
Yes and Yes
and Im not even Chad
You know who else causes damage to society?
Incels especially the mass murdering ones
With all of the horrible problems in the world you have convinced yourself this is the biggest one?!? Wanna know why?
You can't look internally and take responsibility for anything. Youre the problem, youre broken, and because you cant admit that you cant start healing yourself. You cant get a girlfriend because you are fucked in the head.
So just fuckin do it
Kill yourself
end the pain. You know you will never admit that you are the problem and you will never get any less shitty. so just fucking do it already
anyways incel faggots
i'm out try not to cry to much
bulgarian mafia here. your posting is very reminiscent of a certain other website
I-I may not have had a girlfriend in three years but once I get a degree I'll be able to find the time to start looking r-right guys?
Fuck off Bulgaria
I mean if you had sex with them out of wedlock and they did it that just reveals that they weren't good enough to be married as virgins? If not you sexing them then someone else?
waiting till marriage is a meme
>Yes and Yes
>And i'm not even Chad
You don't need to be a Chad to not be an incel you just need to live in an area with a decent sexual market, wealthy, or have great looks. Mix of all 3 and you hit the jackpot.
Also Mass Murdering Incels are a result of your damage to society and people like you caused, of course in reality you're just a proxy for Marxism causing that damage. You sure do strawman a lot aswell. You don't know my beliefs, my qualifications, what research i've done.
I know more about sexual markets, psychology, and biology than you ever will. I don't hate women but the reason i'm an incel is not my fault as, with many MANY other Incels. Specifically the Geographical kind. Anyways go run away brainlet. Your boomer tier facebook posts clearly show you're not match for any actual arguments anyways.
Not according to multiple studies and scientific data.
>what research i've done.
i bet you're also a flat earther
did you get your degree at youtube university?
sure bud
i'm an actual scientist with an acual PhD
and hey maybe thats why i'm actually valuable to women.
Cause i'm not rich and i'm only a 7u
It's really not, both my parents did it and so did their parents, the ones before may or may not since my grandparents on my mothers side were converted to Christianity from Catholicism
Normal enough to get a gf. That means you're very different from robots.
>i'm an actual scientist with an acual PhD
bulgarian mafia here. severe doubt. post the following for proof: i.index. h.index. narrow field. and your opinion on indians.
Out of curiosity what kind of scientist are you? I rarely hear that term anymore, it's engineer this or thatnowadays
I think I'm not normie anymore, I get really anxious talking to ppl and have no drive in life along with wanting to kms everynow and then because I derailed my life
>muslim does something bad
#notallmuslims #realvictimshere #islamisareligionofpeace
>incel does something bad
Thread related.
Unless you have extremely good looks, a girl doing all the work never happens if you have bad social skills.
early career scientist
Physical Chemistry (nanoscience, surface science, spectroscopy)
Citations 120
h index 5
i10 index 3
Dots or waggon burners?
You also have to be normal enough to be in the normal social world. It can't happen without that.
Then you're above regular normalfags. You're Chad.
>I think I'm not normie anymore
so you're a failed normie i.e not a robot
bulgarian mafia. dots of course. your three fields are pretty far apart. it causes me some high suspicion about your truthfulness. your h and i index are on par with the average 2nd year PhD student which is also suspicious. but perhaps your PI was very bad and you were unable to publish much during your PhD. i am not convinced. your posting style is also very bad, indicating a low IQ coupled with inflated self worth. good luck
i wish i could help incels. i would give them sex and care for them. however, i would still need to be paid for my time since i need to make rent and all that. i'm also ugly af so idk if they'd have sex with my anyways.
those fields are not far apart
Surface science is a fundamental core aspect of nanoscience and spectroscopy is a fundamental method for materials science
you have clearly shown you know shit all about science.
Oof a character assassination and an adhom. Where's the arguments senpai?
>With an acual PHD
Usually not one to point out spelling mistakes as that's not really an argument or relevant and not a good look, looks like you're getting worked up. Also if you're a 7 looks wise that's really all you need in most sexual markets so how is this an argument?
Also according to your newest post what does your "qualifications" have to do with Evolutionary Psychology, or Biology? Oh wait whats that they don't? Cool because i've studied those things for several years in and out college, not that it matters because some appeal to a piece of paper doesn't matter, only facts and evidence do.
incel = someone who believes they are "involuntarily celibate". Most robots aren't that delusional and know they are responsible for their own lives. Fuck off back to rebbit
sub par, 2nd year
good thing I won a national scholarship and I just won a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship
Nope roastie, it means something VERY specific. See
meme tier education
bulgarian mafia here. surprising you won such things wth your poor citation record. well done.
I guess I'm failed normie? Feels like a hiatus though, I just can't get out of this Jow Forums posting rut
How did you have the endurance to endure such hard classes and then come here in your free time? Wouldn't you rather spend time doing happier things?
>in and OUT of college
Most of my research was done out of college
even better
Bulgarian mafia here, I love big dicks flopping in my mouth
I liked being a grad student it was awesome and I really like the subject matter.
I wouldn't recommend anyone become a scientist if you didn't really enjoy the material.
Undergrad wasn't very fun (except 4th year). The classes are stupid, exams are more memorization based, and you don't get to do actual research
Oh great, now this board is overrun by literally rebbit. Why hasn't Canada been nuked yet?
Alright incel faggots, i'm out
don't forget to kill yourselves.
All you other robots.... you're cool
don't believe the hype!
Bruh look at this D00D wait till you see the HUHUHU NONONONO OHOHO UHHUHHUHHUHHHHHHH
bulgarian mafia here. good luck with your poor citation record
Why are you even on this board if you're not a robot?
>Calling the other person out for making a strawman argument
If they made a serious argument, i'd make a serious reply.
Some robots don't want gfs but the ones that would like to have one are incel.
If you want one but you're not desirable then you're incel.
Real robots dislike reddit. Now go back there you tourist
Bullshit revisionism. A year ago almost everyone here was on about eggman's blackpill and how some are just born genetically superior to others. Normies co-opting this board the past few weeks is like being in the twilight zone
>If you want one but you're not desirable then you're incel
Nope. I don't consider myself desirable, but the reasons I'm not desirable are fixable by me.
>A year ago almost everyone here was on about eggman's blackpill and how some are just born genetically superior to others
Its almost like Jow Forums has a diverse range of users with different views on why they are virgins. Just face it, robots hate reddit and you're just trying to come up with excuses like "m-muh normalfags". Guess what kid, reddit is more of a normalfag site than Jow Forums
up until 4 minutes he was just sprouting nonsense
after that the video was "ok"
Good thing i'm not from there larper. Real robots don't disassociate with the word incel.
What with normalfags attacking incelfags lately? Are they the new nazi?