British Army instructor reduces female recruit to tears records it and the video leaks

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I thought this kind of stuff was the point of army training so you can weed out the ones that wouldnt make it in the service

literally being fired for hurting someones feelings
holy fuck

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>daily fail

It is, I don't have the screenshot but the British army also gave a cash settlement to some female recruits who had to march/parade "like men" and it made them hurt because of muh ovaries or something. Funny enough women can do fine in the military, Israel had some report a while back that it's mixed units that turn to shit because men naturally try to protect the women at the cost of the objective.

england would nuke itself if brown people and le women told them it would make them seem nice and tolerant

>think you can handle the guilt and weight of taking a life, the constant threat of dying or getting maimed, and watching your friends die right in front of you
>can't handle a few stock meanie-weenie words from your drill instructor during boot camp

That was the airforce, and they were forced to march in step with men.
Women have short legs, so to march with men they have to quite dramatically overstride.
Think John Cleese funny walks.

This looks fun, I hope I get through the interview and medical.

literally fired for doing your job
holy fuck

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hes not in trouble for yelling at her, berating her, pushing her, verbally abusing her, etc. thats all part and parcel with military training. does she have what it takes? perhaps not, i dont know if this is her first training exercise like this maybe shell adjust, maybe most males would be just as tired and perform similarly i dont know. what i do know is the guy isnt allowed to video tape her like that and post it on the internet with her fucking name attached to it and everything. thats was a stupid fucking move.

The instructor's mistake was filming it, not shouting at the recruit. But it's funny how people think it's unacceptable when the whole point of the army is to fight the enemy who fire bullets and shells at them which is infinitely worse than a couple of harsh words.

>Think you can be a man and handly manly situations, because the society made you think that.
>Get your feeling crushed on the first possible occasion.
>So what men have to get through this? You will get pat on your backs and that MALE PIG who did that to you will have major problems.

In other words - you can do whatever you want and if you fail, everything will be rebuilt for you.
Sounds like easy mode to me.

>the footage posted to facebook has been liked thousands of times

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LMAO, how fucking pathetic. How many men do you think got this exact same treatment and A. didn't curl into a ball and cry and B. no one even gave a shit about it?

I guess that drill sgt forgot that he needs to be careful not to hurt the feefees of the diversity hires.

>women in the military is a good idea :^)
At this point I would prefer an actual invasion by muslims instead of slow infiltration.

will they also fire enemy combatants when they reduce her to tears?
this is the fucking point of the training lmao

Most of the comments are defending the guy. People know the stupid bitch shouldn't have been there in the first place.

>guy doing his job and making sure army recruits are top soldiers
>hurts some roasties FEELINGS because she wants to be a soldier

Girls literally can't be yelled at or you will lose your jobs. Fuck this feminist world.

It's coming out exactly how (((THEY))) planned it.

I don't know how it compares to the actual military but i used to be in the air cadets and the girls in my squadron literally never had a problem with it even when we'd march for 3 hours non stop. Is there like a specific age at which you become a whiny bitch?

Why did they let this stupid whore keep her tongue piercing in? So she suck the boys dicks better?

>Israel had some report a while back that it's mixed units that turn to shit because men naturally try to protect the women at the cost of the objective.
I read that. You are thinking about the female soldiers opinion piece on female soldiers.

it's not like women just have drastically shorter legs than men
like the longest woman leg is the shortest man leg
it varies
women can't complain about this because the men aren't either it's how the military is run

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You never know, they might in the future.

>perverted estrogen pill popping trannies make better soldiers than women
*insert music lyrics here*

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The Army's useless now.
A colonel here got fired a few years back for telling 4 gay soldiers (because we accept them now) to stop shagging each other on the fucking mess hall tables.
Because he told them that's where people eat, and they should do it in their bunks instead, he lost his job.
A woman replaced him.

If the cucked government refuses to ban women from the military then it's honorable to show the world yourself what "progress" looks like. He put his career on the line for the people to see the truth. Never compromise.

This, why does everyone completely miss the point?

were they fucking on the tables though?

Yes I believe this fully yes, good.

Yes. For some reason they chose to do it on the tables rather than going back to their bunks.
Google it.
He was fired for "misconduct" for telling them not to.

I always thought this was normal ...

... yknow breaking the recruits and then rebuilding them so they keep their mouth shut and do as they're told

yes, that part is completely normal, completely fine and expected, she indeed may not be fit for combat considering she is breaking down emotionally in the video. what isnt acceptable however is the instructor filming her and posting the video on social media and with her name no less

Someone tell me how this video being publicized will negatively impact her life? It's not a video of her sucking a black dick it's her being a crying girl under pressure. Big deal. Nobody is gonna cast her out of society.

fired for filming and distributing it.

The article is crying about how abusive he was to her.

True, i was so focused on the "women want to be treated special" angle that i completely overlooked what an enormeous cunt this instructor is

If he gets fired he'll become a security contractor and double his income

Women shouldn't be there in the first place.

I don't understand why incels on Jow Forums and Jow Forums are giving their 2 cents about women serving their country. You're not man enough to have sex yet you think you're man enough to criticize her. Give me a break. You're little boys.

I honestly wouldn't be able to tell this is a woman out of context

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It's because he recorded it you fucking mong.Not hecause he "yelled".

Why is the story calling him out for bullying her in the video?

But that's what drill instructors do. If a person can't even handle the stress of being shouted at and insulted they're going to fucking die out there but not before breaking down and possiblely endangering the lives of others. Even for women in non combat roles that shit is really stressful.

She's not serving anything, she's crying because she's getting yelled at.

Do you think if he ordered her to suck his dick right there she would've actually done it like a good girl not understanding how banter works? I think she probably would've. Now THAT would've been a video worthy of the news.

He deserves to be fired, why the fuck would you record and upload it.

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To encourage melts not to join.

To show women shouldn't be there in the first place. He's in a position where he has to deal with this gender equality bullshit daily. These coddled sluts shouldn't be let through the door.

first of all, you're a melt, kill yourself.

secondly, he posted it to make himself look like a big man which is fucking pathetic, and even if what you said was the excuse he gave he doesn't have the right.

>first of all, you're a melt, kill yourself.
Alright, bit of an overreaction 2bh.

Should have just let her pass boot camp with flying colours so she could be thrown into a warzone where no one cares about her fee fees.

You probably think that other an7deserves to get kicked out of uni for saying "thst was a quick year". Weak fucks like you and her shouldnt be anywhere near the army.

When she ended up getting raped and murdered in some war zone it would be a national tragedy.

did you just have a stroke? originally

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From what I understand, most officers in the British Army are quite averse to women in the forces, and pretty soon they will be allowed to join combat roles. Poor lad was probably in a bad mood about the situation.

This. He just exposed what the msm never would. Look at the kids in this thread standing up for the 'strong woman'.

I think most people in the British army don't have a problem with women in certain roles, but they are completely adverse to them in combat roles. From top to bottoms there is an anti-egalitarian attitude, particularly among the NCOs and privates. The insertion of women into combat roles is politically motivated and is being done against the wishes of basically everyone in the army.

Something that irritates most people is the different physical standards for men and women. For example, to be an officer you have to be able to run a mile and a half in 10:30 if you are a man, but in 12:30 if you are a woman. You also have to do 44 press ups in 2 minutes, where as women only have to do 20. They basically just make it easier for women to satisfy their egalitarian attitudes.

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I just watched the video. The corporal is clearly taking the piss, he literally quotes Full Metal Jacket. I also liked the graphics from the recruitment adverts at the end. Funniest thing I've seen in a few days.

Aye, it's all 'Progress' Politik from Westminster.

Its the same with the police. You have these weak little birds patrolling. When the average teenage boy could beat them to death if they were so inclined

That was the way things were half a century ago, but the world's moved on. Nowadays instead of weeding out those who aren't up to the job, the instructor's job should be to train them until they are up to the job.

Abuse should not be tolerated, as it makes things much worse for many, but benefits nobody.

Guy deserves to be kicked out for recording and uploading it, but the woman should also feel the shame. She signed up, expecting to possibly have to kill, die and witness your friends die infront of you for the country and Queen. She is a disgrace. The worst part is that due to the military being cut down in numbers, we have a much more shit military and now people like her actually have a chance.
Pretty much everything has gone to shit here in the UK. We went from being the number 1 military power, number 1 economy and the country at the forefront of inventions and science along with once having the largest empire to ever exist to this.

I'm sorry but if you can't take yelling and fee fee hurting, you shouldn't be anywhere near front line service where bullets are flying.

You legit get the same thing in school, only on a different level. If you can not take some mean words then you are not even fit to be a police officer, never mind a member of the military.

You can't train anyone to do anything. Some people for certain reasons, many of those genetic, are not suited for particular jobs.

link the video my nigga

This is a prime example as to why the thinking of the left is literally insane.

Yeah, but only if you're a woman

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True in some circumstances, but not the military. If you're studying math then you study it by being put in situations where you do math. If you study surviving in a loud, chaotic, and stressful environment, then you study by being put in situations where you're in that kind of environment. It's not like they don't get trained in other ways in the army too, but learning to deal with that kind of thing is a big part of the training.

Britain's military is laughable for a previously first world country. If ground wars mattered anymore they would get absolutely annihilated.

>Guy deserves to be kicked out for recording and uploading it
Kill yourself faggot

This is really not the case. All the egalitarian stuff is political. The ranks are still firmly anti-egalitarian. The quality of the NCOs and officers in the army is outstanding.

this bitch is fucking weak

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If a woman wants to serve her country she can have kids while not being a single mother. Best thing possible for women.

British Milifag here.
The Army is a massive joke these days. The women I did my Phase 2 training with were useless, and I mean fucking worthless. I'm not saying that there isn't a place for females (one of my instructors was female and she was great), but generally they are dead weight.

On our final ex, the girls couldn't stand up without help when they put their bergens on. They couldn't carry a stretcher further than a few feet, in fact it hit a point where the 120kg stretcher and the four guys carrying it (who were in full combat rig) were running faster than the girls who had reduced weight and weren't on the stretcher.

Not only that but their phase 1 is a fucking joke compared to a males phase 1, they are literally treated better because instructors are terrified of situations as described in OP. I remember having one of my instructors bash me on the head with a stick during an ex while screaming "Move you fucking cunt, fucking move, you're a cunt, fuck you!" right in my face, and that was just 'normal'.

They all demanded special treatment during training and would crumble the instant a little bit of pressure was put on them.

It's fucking pathetic hearing "to kill!" in a woman's voice. It was cool in Starship Troopers but in real life I want to punch her in the mouth for being so pretentious.

>current state of anglo saxons

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The few women who can pass the same tests as men should be let in, the rest should fuck off.

What a fucking weakling holy shit

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But dude, it's the 21st century, dick sucking is empowering

It's because he recorded it and uploaded it for the entire world to see. Training is one thing, but there's no valid benefit to publicly humiliating someone on that level.

>He even appears to feign sympathy and hoodwink her into thinking she has completed the exercise successfully.

>She cries uncontrollably and is reduced to a quivering wreck, before the instructor launches another verbal attack.

best part of the clip honestly

Probably bait but that's not how it works. Allowing less-than capable people to serve in combat roles is detrimental to effectiveness and morale. It's not a right to serve in the military either.

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a guy would get bullied if he cried
fuck this gynocentrist society

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>there's no valid benefit to publicly humiliating someone on that level
Its the only way to get it out there. Because people like you will always fall for the strong women meme.

>I'm sorry but if you can't take yelling and fee fee hurting, you shouldn't be anywhere near front line service where bullets are flying.
And that's one of the reasons I never joined the military. But those who do shouldn't be so actively discouraged, especially early on in their training.

I never said the problem was confined to the military.

No it's not bait, and I think you've misunderstood what I've said. OF COURSE WE SHOULDN'T ALLOW LESS-THAN-CAPABLE PEOLE TO SERVE IN COMBAT. But rather than trying to weed them out, the instructor's role should be to make them capable.

We were right

>>But those who do shouldn't be so actively discouraged, especially early on in their training.
>But rather than trying to weed them out, the instructor's role should be to make them capable.

This is utter balls to anybody who's ever done military service. It's not meant to be a jobs program, it's the violence-wreaking arm of the state. If someone's not capable it's the job of men like the corporal in the video to make sure they leave and their spot filled with somebody capable and aggressive.

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Basic training shows you how the military works, if you can't take yelling there then you most certainly won't be able to function anywhere in the military. Also if you were going to be discouraged by the yelling you shouldn't be there in the first place.

Yes because you're so much better posting here and giving your two cents as well right?

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>the instructor's role should be to make them capable.

This kind of egalitarian mindset is retarded. Humans are not a blank sheet of paper and you cannot train everyone to be anything. People that do not have the right mindset or physical qualities should be weeded out as soon as possible. You fucking commies need to get the fuck off my board.

It's literally the drill instructors job to toughen you up.

If you burst into tears over a few mean words then how the fuck are you going to deal with a combat situation where you'll likely see some of your friends being killed right in front of you?

Honestly people this soft shouldn't be in the army end of.

>there's no valid benefit
Hopefully less stupid holes will waste their time now.

>the instructor's role should be to make them capable.
99% of women will never be as capable as a man. The ones that can do what the male recruits can should be allowed in. Weak bitches like this shouldnt.

>The ones that can do what the male recruits can should be allowed in
No they shouldn't. There is no benefit to mixed gender infantry and many downfalls. Much more appropriate to close it to all women rather than opening it to them for the 1% who can do it on a physical level.

Link to arricle pls, can't find

>The ones that can do what the male recruits can should be allowed in
No, they fucking shouldn't. They're wired to compromise cohesion.

>this might not be bait
>someone might actually believe this
>there are almost certainly millions of people in britain who do believe this

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Not in to combat roles. In to the army.