I am 19 years old and I have never had a girlfriend. I feel like a pathetic failure of a human being...

I am 19 years old and I have never had a girlfriend. I feel like a pathetic failure of a human being, and the fact that I am incapable of attracting a single woman eats me up inside. I can not stand the idea of spending my entire life alone but I also do not see any conceivable way to get a girlfriend. I can't help but think that I am simply too ugly for relationships.

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Hi there im a 8/10 fembot and I mostly lurk on this board bc I am suicidal and I have a rape fantasy. I just wanted to say that you remind me a lot of myself and you just sound like a severely depressed boi with self esteem issues. I used to feel the same. I lost my virginity at 19 and until I did I felt like an abomination. Now I'm a 23 y-o roastie with a worn out pussy and I've realized I'm actually objectively attractive (to be fair it's easy to qualify as attractive when you're a girl, younger than 30 and thin, but life's unfair ayyyy)
anyway, good luck user. I just wanted to leave a (kind of) nice reply before other robots told you you were reeeee too young and probably a Borneo high schooler
My point is that it's just a feeling, even tho it's an ugly and terrible feeling to have.
Also, considering how much you seem to loathe yourself and need a female presence to soothe your toxicity, I would probably have tried to fuck you if I was younger and edgier. If that makes you feel better.

wanna fug ??
t. 7/10 robot

There are bigger and better things in life to focus your time and energy on. Many people don't get into their first relationship until they are well past your age.

if you think physical attraction matters that much after high school/college mentalities, you're wrong. don't get stuck in the idiotic hive mind of Jow Forums--most of these people are low IQ and severely lacking in worldly experiences. Go out and focus on your life, start doing something interesting, work hard, create stuff. I don't usually write positive messages on Jow Forums because I'm an angsty young adult, but physical attraction is seriously over-hyped. Most people grow out of that mindset, and so will the people you meet. Ugly people end up in healthy, loving relationships all the time.

I didn't have my first real relationship until I was 19, and now I'm getting married a few years later to a beautiful woman who I love. I'm not necessarily attractive, but i spent more time focusing on learning and exploring my inner self, writing poetry, reading philosophy, creating music, etc. ...and by becoming a person with feelings and ideas, I have discovered things more valuable than physical appearance to a woman: character & passion.

it's easy to forget how young you are at this age, but everything will change faster than you could believe.

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>I am 19 years old
Fuck off kid.

Your use of exclamation marks seems to indicate that you may not be from an English speaking country. Are you OP? Are you in France? Tell me more.

Welcome to the club buddy. Now grab a broom and help sweep drive the reddit tourists from the board so we can be comfy once again.


look at this retard that calls question marks exclamation marks

Wow, that's a long time to go without sex or relationships. Don't worry kid, we have all been there. I was 17 and thought sex was just around the corner. Now Im middle aged and still socially retarded

Take up vidya and git gud at fapping. That's all you will have for the rest of your life

To be fair it reads more like an exclamation than a question


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(OP) #
>if you think physical attraction matters that much after high school/college mentalities, you're wrong.


Women age 20-34 consider 80% of men below average in looks.

BLAGAHAGGAGGAGAGGAGAGA do you have any IDEA what I would do to you... SEXUALLY?? HOLY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDD Haha I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! I'm high as a balloon!! My fucking MIND is just FUCKED! Listen to me! You are a faggot like Bob Saget!

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>are you in France
Not him but yes
Where you at

>I am 19 years old and I have never had a girlfriend.
try 26

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>I am 19
Stopped reading right there. Life has barely fucking started for you.

try 20, no friends or girlfriend ever.
and now an actual failure since I dropped out of college due to my memory issues (try doing calc where you have to reteach yourself previous semesters of calc, trig, geometry, and everything else every couple of months)

>try 20
Fuck off kid.

Try 36

the 20 part was unimportant, the fact he hasn't got fugg'd at 19 makes him feel like a failure, while some of us have had no friends let alone a girlfriend and are actual failures was the point of that.

I'm 20 never had a gf and I do not care at all. Failed normgroid get out

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meant for

Your age makes everything you post unimportant

Keep a guardian with you

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