I'm currently thinking on how to talk to women...

I'm currently thinking on how to talk to women. Now i don't mean beta friendzone shit like "how are you doing" or "whats up" im talking about manipulator shit to get into their head like playing to their insecurities and making them reliant on you. It sucks I have to do it but if you want relationships in 2018 you have to be a ruthless motherfucker and take advantage of others before they take advantage of you. Anyways, I haven't figured out how to manipulate them yet. Any guys here who figured it out? I know it has something to do with texting and ignoring them and making it look like you don't care and at the same time you do. I also know it has something to do with berating them and making them feel like shit. If thats what I gotta do to get a gf then so be it. Anyone here know how this shit works?

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Look up the redpill sub

The most Chad guys I know (i.e. slept with dozens of women) are extremely nice caring people.

we can't exactly go the honest boy scout superman route now can we. We don't fit the part. I'll play to my strengths(their weaknesses) and cut corners where i can. It's only the sensible thing to do.

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good people are attractive
and not in the "nice guy" kind of way where you're trying to get in their pants
I mean genuine love and care for other people

If that were true you'd already be doing it.

Try the D.E.N.N.I.S. system

>texting and ignoring them and making it look like you don't care
This is basically all you need. There's nothing edgy or fancy or sly about it.

You're just basically never answering things straight on, and always making subtle jabs about inconsequential stutters or idiosyncrasies in their body language.

Then what happens is they'll start to think you're a puzzle that needs to be solved, or like somehow "deep."

What ends up happening with me, though, is that eventually I get bored or annoyed or impatient and lose the balance, pushing them away entirely.

Ugh, it's just such a pointless game. I don't talk to girls anymore.

because jokes from a comedy show always work
pure genius

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Just be strong, stable and confident. Being nice is good, as long you stand your ground

Please go back to rebbit with your Pick Up Artist shit

why do people here always act like women aren't people

ib4 normie get out reeeee

No, the worst part is that it WOULD work. People are retarded. The thing is that it is a terrible thing to do to someone (which is the joke), so not many people like that are around. Obviously you shouldn't do this shit but it will work.

if someone did any of that to me i would kick them in the nuts and tell them to fuck off lmao

A lot of them don't act like people. Tons of women would rather feel like a hole to fuck, rather than someone with their own will. Also, a lot of them don't think for themselves even when not trying to get fucked, which is why women who are into niche or even remotely unusual interests are almost nonexistent. This isn't like a porn fantasy thing either, a lot of women feel this way. Feminism has taught women to not respect themselves, so naturally robots don't respect their personhood either.

they are they're just (generally) also stupid and emotional and those two things make them fair game for manipulation

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this made me chuckle, my sociopathic friend

>people who are into niche or even remotely unusual interests are almost nonexistent
Yeah, fixed that for you.

They're niche interests. They're unusual interests. So by definition, people in general aren't interested in them. You're fucking retarded.

I'm not sociopathic my dude. There are respectable women with a will of their own and who I consider people. The majority of them however simply aren't. They have so little will and are so easily manipulated they are barely people. I don't blame them, I think society is to blame for teaching them to be that way. I think its a sad state.

okay mr. strong willed, extremely interesting and not possible to manipulate

You know that part of yourself that you try to hide from everyone?

Yeah, that dude. Get to know him. Everything about him. And ffs treat him better than you have been.

He's the important part, not the nice guy.

Cuz women have to know they can live with that dude. Assuming you want a woman to grow old with you.

I will give ya this manipulation: my owner once told me that, if I needed to impress upon someone that I'll cut a bitch, I can think of slitting their throat, and the feeling will transfer without altering anything else about the conversation.

If you're tired of making friends, I'd say the same would hold true of thinking about ruining her while you have a normal conversation.

Or, ya know, google pua tips. What you want will be right there on the first page.

*glances around at the NEETs and InCels*

And there's really no way to find the exact NEET I'm looking for on Jow Forums. That sucks.

>you know that part of yourself that you try to hide from everyone?
No, not at all.

(as an original, very unique question)

Look up the definition of negging.
I was a shy beta boy for all of my teens. If your attractive enough by looks alone then sometimes girls are so desperate that they try and come onto you. I used to work with a 8/10 girl who was a little bit younger than me and she would try and come onto me, literally begging me to neg her and tell her to fuck off etc. but everytime i just responded with
>ahahuh nah I can't tell you to fuck off :)
And you can literally see their interest in you die.
>treat em' mean, keep em' keen

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And this is why women are fucked up in the head and you're better off just ignoring them altogether. It's simply disgusting that when you treat a person like trash, they like you for it, just the thought of it makes me feel bad, but what hurts more is the fact that you can't change yourself to become an asshole and stop feeling bad.

i doubt that this really happened hmm

It is a foolproof system YOU IMBECILE.

Easier to act like doggo is people than wamen

What the fuck did I just read my man?

youre all gross in this thead and im glad youre virgins

I thought we were over pick up artists? Isn't the point of incels is that pick up artistry is bullshit, and the only way to get sex is to politically impose a strict patriarchal hierarchy to enslave women in so-called marriages?
Is all you want from a relationship power and sex? Wouldn't you want to bond with someone on an emotional level? Maybe the reasob girls don't want to talk to you is because whenever they try to emotionally relate to you, you just shut yourself off and call them roasties?

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The more "traditional" the situation the more men will abuse it

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I need to make this tomboy understand that she's the woman of my dreams by emptying my balls inside her over and over until there's no way she isn't pregnant.

Why the fuck is OP asking about pickup artistry bullshit on R9K of all places