Buckley on Incels

Is he right?


Attached: photo_71.jpg (350x350, 19K)

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Is this loss?

im at a loss for words


>you stupid Americans probably didn't even hear about the Toronto attack!
>All religious people are crazy and stupid
>incels are caused not by social isolation or virginity but depression caused by chemical imbalances in the brain!
>horrible faggy Canadian accent
Buckley is such a worthless cunt, his opinions on like 90% of topics is wrong and often complete garbage

I like Buckley, doesn't quite nail it in this one but he is definitely right

Buckley of CAD?

He always seemed like the type of guy that never grew out of his edgy teenager phase.

this dude is redpilled AF. thanks for sharing the video here

This. Just the tone in his voice. Annoying cunt


Haven't heard of this guy for about 8 years

Watched some of his stuff years ago.

He's a whiny faggot that moans about pop music aimed at children being bad also his voice is horrendous

Am I the only one who confuses this guy with that fag from the late 2000s "What the Buck?"

Yeah he is right, especially towards the end. These incel newfags genuinely need help. A problem that's been growing within Jow Forums is that everyone is taking it too seriously and letting it affect their lives. You retards treat this as a echo chamber for your bullshit and blame others instead of yourselves.
It's part of the reason why Jow Forums managed to defy all odds and somehow gotten worse over the years.

No you're confusing cause and effect, people wouldn't come here if they weren't mistreated so badly, browsing here is the natural effect of not feeling accepted anywhere

>browsing here is the natural effect of not feeling accepted anywhere
Yeah, I know. Why do you think I'm here? But you need to be smart enough to not let the constant negative atmosphere influence you.
The reason so many people on Jow Forums are bitter is because they surround themselves with shit to purposely make themselves bitter. I know because I've been through it myself. The only difference is after awhile I realized I had no one to blame but myself and started making positive changes in my life.

Make all the changes you want, but nothing will get better, you will always be refused by everyone

>you will always be refused by everyone
Nice projection retard. I've gotten two girlfriends in the past year.

Holy fuck, completely forgot about that flaming faggot. He used to rake in millions of views, and now he can barely hit 10,000 on a channel with nearly 1 million subscribers.

Attached: 15 - G2W840d.png (300x384, 172K)

Just fucking get out then you normie, you have nothing to do with us and will never understand

Way to prove my point you echo chamber loving newfag.

It's you the one who is judging people from outside not knowing us

>It's you the one who is judging people from outside not knowing us
I've been here for almost a decade user, I'm not some normalfag judging Jow Forums just based on what I see on the news. Stop blaming others and blame yourself.

Couldn't even listen to his faggy, obnoxious leaf voice for more than ten seconds.

>Stop blaming others and blame yourself
No, it's you who thinks just because you made it we can too, you're watchingus from a biased point of view, thinking what applies to you does to us too, I have no doubt 85% of the people here are just failed normos or ironic posters and that they are actually bringing it upon them, but there are some people who no matter what never can work in society

>but there are some people who no matter what never can work in society
90% of the people that claim this fact are wrong. They'd rather sit around and whine about how everything sucks instead of fixing things themselves. Sure there are actual autists and retards that can't function, but they're a minority.

They're not only autists and retards, some are people who have been intensely psychologically bullied all their life, have 0 charisma and/or are overly sensitive