What does female affection feel like?

What does female affection feel like?

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like lying on a bed of wildflowers in a meadow on a warm spring morning

Feels pretty good, makes me want to better myself so I can experience it more often.

You want a simulation? Then get this.

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feels like the one thing you wouldn't want to ever stop

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nothing makes you feel as validated as female affection

It's better and more worth it than anything.

This shit is beyond human. It's animal.

Great until you realize it isn't real and never was

closest thing to meth i've experienced that isn't meth

makes you feel like a king

If you're an extreme introvert, it's constant pressure to pretend to be happy, interesting, funny and motivated. You realize quickly being alone is better.

you must be an incel

No fucking idea.
How would trubots know?

It gets boring and even annoying after a while. Not kidding.

Male affection on the other hand...

depends whether she is cute or ugly as fuck

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No Schlomo-san. I've been there and realized there are more fulfilling things.

Sometimes I wonder if there's a concentrated effort to make robots desperate for roastie.

THis. Good at first then just tedious.

Made me uncomfortable and paranoid. I'm too psychologically broken to accept positive attention

> ywn experience genuine love for who you are that isn't unconditional.
Whenever family say that they care about me I'm filled with so much despair. It's not the same.

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Empowering, probably. Especially the sex stuff like when she tells you to fuck her harder and all that. I haven't experienced too much of it but I imagine they get all touchy feely and give you sexual innuendo and cuddle time. They might express it with touch, gifts, kind words and compliments or favors. They're content to simply sit there and speak to you about anything, you mean that much to them and they'd travel to the ends of the earth with you. Anything to see you smile and always curious to know what is going on with you, their focus is on you. They feel close to you and will speak to you like you're their best friend, you're warmly welcomed and what's theirs is yours. Maybe they get really bad attached or develop an infatuation with you and they start doing all kinds of goofy little things to try to get your attention or they've been talking about you and everyone says they have the biggest crush on you.

anyone who tells you a good gf wont improve your life is full of shit. good being the important part

warm, like you always have someone on your side