so tell me about the last time a girl tried to approach you
>be me
>at a conference
>just minding my friends' stuff while they get some sandwiches
>randomly start daydreaming
>random 7/10 indian girl approaches me while i'm alone
>turn head to look at her
>wait fuck do i recognise her
>no it's not someone i know
>i realise i'm just standing there without saying anything
>"oh, h-hi"
>realise i must look really stupid
>rapidly turn head back towards table top and pretend i didn't see her
>she turns away and thinks for a while before deciding to walk away
i dare someone out here to top my autism
So tell me about the last time a girl tried to approach you
A blonde girl tapped my shoulder and I screamed at her, literally AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, no other words, and walked away with a straight face
>be me
>just minding my own business
>suddenly a girl comes to and says her friends wants to talk to me
>say "but i dont know her" and turn back to my table,
not really autistic but i still cringe when i think about it
top kek autism right here
still counts lol. did you know the girl who approached you for her friend?
i didnt know that girl either
i cant actually remember the last time a woman approached me, at work or otherwise
Four years ago
>working as a bouncer
>kinda ugly problem-hair girl comes up to me and mumbles something
>she walks off and gets in her car
>guy next to me says, "Wow dude, she likes you!"
I work with more women than men so ignoring the usual day to day stuff the last time one approached me was maybe three years ago.
>17 year old girl starts working on our ward as a health care assistant
>Keeps talking to me about music and shit
>Asks me to join her for a rave and then go back to her place
According to the nurses she was a huge slut, she seemed alright though.
Went club the first time 6 months ago. A girl squished my face. It was a weird experience. I ran away.
Went club 5 months ago. Girl grabs my arm. I ran away.
Went club 4 months ago. Girl grabs me but I got pushed away soon after. I was first time fucked on coke, so I don't remember.
Went club last month. Some chubby chick constantly pressing her ass against me. I moved a little and she ended up touching me. Got scared, ran away.
I don't belong in clubs, my social anxiety gets really bad over there.
holy crap dude. i feel you (although it's mainly because i got really stressed trying to approach a girl at a club/bar and then epically failed that)
Kek. The image of this looks hilarious. Hearing a random hag mumble with no sense, then hearing the cuck next to you say she likes you because he somehow understood.
I haven't approached a single girl yet. I just don't know how. I never tried.
College Chad Friend tells me to talk to a girl all the time. Dude knows I a virgin, I got myself into a situation where they asked me my worst experienc. I was stuck in a trap.
> on bus
> in far back half seat
> wearing a hoodie with the hood up
> not crying, just as I always am
> she comes back just before my stop
> a really cute normie girl
> "user you look so sad!"
> tell her im fine
> she leaves and I have to get off in 30 seconds anyway
> Dont think there's much I could have said
> dont even know her name
> never speak to her again
> another libtard bfto
One time this girl... never approached me
If you've been approached by a girl you are a normie and must get out
not sure it counts
but one time this fat uggo started texting me out of nowhere asking me out
have no idea who gave her my number in the first place
it was disgusting
afaik you're meant to just introduce yourself, but the best i could do was "is there a line for the bar"
she replied with "i can't hear you" twice before i gave up
>a girl tried to approach you
fuck off normie
Failed normie.
I wish I was a normie. Could have atleast been normal.
if she appeoched you it means you get out and at least decent looking. a failed normie is still a normie, now get the fuck out of my board.
i've also overheard people say that i always look like i'm about to cry
Sometimes when I walk down the street someone could say he looks sad and I would hear it. It's mainly girls that would say it.
Most times someone asks me if I'm okay and I tell them I'm fine with a smile.
I have started to question myself, do I really look so sad.
Try? Was the other week, some random chick just appeared started cuddling me and then dragged me into the bushes for a quick fuck. I love when girls take the initiative
Girls don't approach me. I've never noticed one looking at me. They don't want to get to know me or really acknowledge my existence in any way. I am completely unattractive to all.
the last time i was approached by a girl was when i was a freshman in high school
>getting approached by girls in the first place
Why would you rub it in like that
>that girl you try to make eye contact with in the hallway/corridor
>occasionally meet eyes
>that girl you imagine is out of your league
>that girl you would otherwise have no business talking to, ever
>that girl
she introduced herself to me the other day and honestly I have no idea how to proceed from here. But I want to talk to her again
>be me
>shopping at H&M for basic tshirts
>girl comes up to me
>asks if i work here
>'haha no, just shopping'
>asks me if im busy
>think shes going to ask me to help her with something
>used to work retail so i dont mind say no
>she asks if i want to go out sometime
>thank her and say no
pretty good feeling desu, even if nothing comes of it at least its a confidence boost for a short while
I have some autism for you lads. This happened about 3 weeks ago, I very rarely get approached so this caught me off guard
>walking around campus on uni
>kinda hot out
>getting sweaty
>go inside library to get some work done and get out of the heat
>make sure to sit at a computer far away from everybody else so as not to bother them with my stench (really self conscious about how I smell)
>working for like 20 minutes, not paying attention around me
>next thing I know a qt sits down at the computer next to me
>next closest person is like 20 feet away
>she just does computer stuff, I go back to typing
>10 minutes later she taps me on the shoulder
>>Excuse me sir, are you wearing cologne?
>oh fuck, I must smell bad she can smell it
>say Uhhh, no (I really was not)
>>Oh, well, someone smells really good!
>say Welp, must not be me
>she looks super confused
user, you are Chad. One day your penis will enter one of those vaginas, mark my words.
>be 17
>after nasty relationship that literally demolished all sense of self esteem and ruined any progress i had made regarding my social anxiaty
>walking down the street high af on the way to meet up with friends
>am late
>staring at the horizon while walking and listening to thrash, occassionely stare at peoples faces who walk past me
>8/10 sophie turner with blue dyed hair look alike comes up
>we stare at each other
>she smiles
>we walk past each other
>i turn around to check if she looks back
>she does
>smile again
>she smiles and stops walking
>i keep on walking while looking back and smiling
>almost hit a pole
>gee whizz that was close
>i forget her existence and go back to listening to my music
I felt like a dumbass after that but theres just no way i could have even started a conversation
If i werent high i wouldnt have even looked at her for more than a second, without my gaze falling back to the ground
Can't be a Chad when you're 5'10 and only 63kg with a baby face. Pure skeleton.
girls have literally never approached me because i look like an unstable person with crazy eyes also i am skinny good thing i bang whores shamelessly or i could have ended up like an incel
Define approached
Because I've been approached by waitresses who wanted my food order
Same, I'm 6'0 and 66 kg with baby face and hair like pic related only dark brown. Can't be chad if you're a skeleton.
probably won't top yours, but this happened two days ago
>be me
>junior in high school
>sitting at lunch with some people
>one of them is this 9.5/10 girl who plays the flute right next to me in band
>prom is the next day
>friend X: "hey girl X, do you have a date for prom?"
>Girl X: "no"
>Friend X: "you should go with user"
>Girl X: "well..." looks down and blushes
>me: "well I don't really want to go"
>she says okay
>the topic doesn't come up again
I shot down my chances of being a normal human by being a goddamn autist and saying no to someone who clearly wanted to go to prom with me
>shot down my chances
Fuck off nigger, if a 9/10 was interested in you you there's no reason for you to complain.
A coworker said I reminded her of one of her friend's BFs
Didn't know how to take it so I chuckled and said "oh" and left it at that. She didn't stay for too long and even then I only ever saw her in passing since we were on different shifts.
>being approached
If this has ever happened to you why the fuck are you here?
My dad was never nice to me that why I'm here.
>elementary school
>girl comes to my desk whilst im drawing a car
>"Hey user what are you doing"
>"Its none of your fucking business"
>girl walks away
Don't even regret it. Fuck off roasties.
>last year
>in a study room
>just studying as usual and minding my own business nothing out of the ordinary
>suddenly 6/10 in front of me starts talking to me
>says that "I look way too sad" so she offers me a cigarette and tells me to go outside for a break
> I say that I don't smoke but I'll come anyway
> with her are two other friends, one male one 4/10 girl
> we start to talk, although I barely say anything through the whole thing cuz robot
> meanwhile 4/10 goes full sperg and starts talking about her unrequited love for some dude and shit, gets advice from 6/10 all in front of the complete stranger that is me
> conversation ends
> never seen those people again except for the 4/10 who pretended like she didnt see/recognize me
>At a party
>Random girl asks me if I have a lighter
>Tell her I don't smoke
A lot of hot girl give me glances everywhere, but in the moment they discover I'm some autist they run away. The only women that come to me restlessly are leftists girls with those multicolored hairs and I proceed to get away from those girls because they are bad news.
Yes, we get it. You are gifted enough to gain a ticket into the female world. You don't have to rub it into our noses.
Have some respect for the rest of us.
Bruh, take some anxiety killing drugs. Pussy is basically dog-piling on you compared to the rest of us losers and you are letting it all go to waste with your disorder.
Preach brother.
>i dare someone out here to top my autism
kill yourself underage faggot
>listening to thrash
good thrash?
lmao that sounds like something I would do when I'm nervous.
Don't overthink it, user. People do awkward shit all the time. All you can do is learn from it and move on.
>Be me
>19 years old
>In the army, mandatory conscription
>Riding the bus while in the uniform
>Always falls asleep as soon i seat down
>Wake up with my head laying on some girl's shoulder
>Cute brunette with a backpack
>"Sorry", i say
>"It's ok"
>Odd silence for a few seconds
>Notice she keeps looking at me
>She tries to say something
>I get up quickly and shout "Ops thats my stop"
>Get out of bus
>Never saw her again
Eh i don't know if i have fucked up or not
fucking died
you do realize a hitlerjugend haircut will turn you into a pussy grating machine? Fucking ungrateful skellies. Atleast youre not a fatty with curly hair.
>Be in Pub with couple of old colleagues, and one of their friends
>The manager is one of the colleagues sister
>Nice lass
>She finished up early and joins us
>We flirt back and forth but I keep it light cuz I consider the colleague a friend of mine so dont wanna do anything, but the attention is nice
>Suddenly get blackout drunk and dont remember the rest of the night
>But pretty sure at some point sis lost all interest in me
I hate losing control and getting drunk like that, but I didnt even drink that much. It just hot me hard.
not really an approach, but
>at bar with friends
>some girls join our table
>time passes
>one of them grabs my arm to get my attention (it was pretty noisy) and asks me if I've got a light
>autism kicks in
>pull arm away from her and tell her "don't touch me" out of pure reflex
>she looks confused as fuck until a friend offered her a light
Vain C-miehet voi olla oikeita robotteja
Was super drunk so my friend told me what happened
>Be me
>At a bar completely drunk as hell
>waited for an hour for a beerpong table
>start playing with two of my friends
>girl and her friend come up to me
> they try starting conversation with me
> to focused on my game of pong
> one ask if i want to go back to her place
> turn and say "na" and continue playing
Mfw my friend told me in the mourning
A girl asked if I needed help once at a store, see ya later losers!
i was outside a hotel smoking a cigarette during some shitty conference and a milf sat next to me and starting chatting me up while smoking...started talking about how she had one of those Vapes in her room in a way like she was half inviting me to go up there with her...said she would be at some bar later on that night and that she highly recommended it
>get out normie
plz I'm a 26 year old kvh I was just wearing a suit and looked important or something... I'm just a lowly wage cuck as a machinist at a machine shop and my supervisor had me go with him for what knows what
>be girl
>sitting several seats away from smelly autists
>one of them starts talking to me
>a-are you going to p-prom with someone?
>say no so they'd stop bothering me
>you s-should go with user!
>spit flies out his moth as he points to the smelliest one
>smell hits me
>it's like something died while rolled in shit
>quickly look at my hands and pretend I didn't hear
>shitstain spurts out about jacking off the furry porn instead