What was the incident at your school that (almost) everyone knew about?
What was the incident at your school that (almost) everyone knew about?
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Kid committing suicide by slicing his neck in the bathroom after killing his baby brother during lunch break. Rumors has it that he had a manifesto and a gun in his room.
A guy probably suicided by getting in front of train. At the time they told us it was "accident" and people were told to be careful to not run in front of trains lol.
>be me
>weird loser
>meet other weird loser in middle school
>become best friends
>graduate middle school
>go to same high school
>he's still my one and only friend
>he's in a different pottery class than me
>a popular Chad is bullying him in pottery class
>my friend keeps his cool for weeks
>one day he snaps and stabs/slashes Chad's neck with an exacto knife
>Chad is injured but driven by adrenaline and rage and takes the exacto knife and stabs my friend repeatedly in the stomach
>both pass out from blood loss
>cops and ambulance come
>both are saved but my friend losses several feet of intestines
>obviously expelled and sentenced to 2 years in juvie
>Chad literally gets no punishment
>now I'm friendless in high school
>Chad gets a cool scar that chicks dig
I tried to find my buddy on social media but no luck
I went to a middle-class comprehensive in South-East England so we had next to nothing.
Someone got caught with magic mushrooms once.
>sophomore year of high school
>kenny is the class clown and only child
>he's a real cool dude that talks to me, the losers, goths, nerds, jocks, blacks, hispanics, etc
>he's cool with everyone and well liked
>all around great kid that helps other and saved me and others from bullying
>his parents also volunteer at the school and they're all around great people too
>our school has a weird old intercom system
>it's a box by the door with a phone set
>when the office calls, a red light on the intercom starts blinking
>the teacher can either pick up the headset so only she can hear the office or hit the button which sets it to speaker mode and the whole class can hear
>in english class with kenny
>mrs. greenfield always picks up the receiver when the intercom call comes through
>normal day
>intercom lights up
>for some reason teacher sets to intercom to speaker mode
>office secretary says to send kenny to the office because his parents got into a car accident and didn't make it
>everyone looks at kenny
>it took him a few seconds to process
>then sudden deep wailing and crying
It's been 8 years and I can still hear his screams. Poor Kenny didn't deserve it.
Teacher had sex with a couple of students.
There's a few, someone died at my school pretty much every year except my senior year
This is the only remotely believable one in the thread so far.
Our senior class president got expelled for smoking weed on a school trip
Why would they announce that the parents were dead over the intercom? Shit's too personal to announce publicly.
A girl got naked in the weight room and sucked off 4 wrestlers and had to change schools
A kid was driving drunk and in an accident that killed 2 stacies. He ended up being my partner in woodshop his name was Luis and he had so many court dates I did most of the work alone.
My school was kindergarten to 12th grade, separated into junior, middle, and senior.
Last year 11 9th graders got expelled for doing meth in the junior school bathrooms
>junior year
>Mr. Buckley was my trig teacher
>he was a good looking guy
>25-26 years old
>married and just had a kid
>Lauren is a senior in my trig class with Mr. B
>she's the class vixen
>absolutely gorgeous blond, with big tits, and was fit as fuck
>she openly flirts with Mr. B
>he actually flirts back
>administration gets wind of it but found no evidence of them doing anything
>she graduates
>come back for senior year
>find out that Mr. B divorced his wife and married Lauren
>has a picture of her on his desk
>administration had to pass a new rule that teachers couldn't have relationships with students for 2 years after they graduated
>there was this one popular kid whose name I don't remember
>he dated Lauren for a bit back before she graduated and hooked up with Mr. B
>he's in Mr. B's class
>apparently he was being distracting in class and Mr. B got mad at him
>gives him a detention
>kid then says he fucked his wife first and started describing what sexual positions she liked
>Mr. B turned red and had to walk out or he was going to fight the kid
Good times
Head had an affair with a teacher. Word got out, ended up retiring.
We had some weird kids in our school, seemed to be a retard magnet desu, probably why i was there
>the incredibly autistic kid who gots caught whacking the gack multiple times in the changing rooms
>the kid who sprayed hairspray on his leg and lit it on fire
>the teachers who would swear in class
>the teacher who we learnt nothing from apart from "sticky dogs"
there was one kid, total weirdo
>multiple rumours (often said to be true) of him "inapropriately" touching girls
>had the largest head in the world (nicknamed megamind"
>played pokemon (the worst popular tcg)
>would constantly try to get into friendship groups but just ended up sitting at the edge, getting ignored
This guy might sound like the kind of person that would post here, but don't have sympathy for him. He'd orbit any girl that was too shy to say no, and just had an insufferable personality
i'll post some more stories about him if any1 wants
>sucked off four wrestlers
That's a nasty bitch
Guy took a shit on the stairs.
Chick sucked the dick of almost every dude at one after prom party.
Someone threw a soundbomb at canteen and everyone went bananas. They searched for attacker like 2 months but couldnt find him.
Plot twist: It was me
>some genius decided to have locks to the door to the bathroom although all the teachers had a key to unlock it
>so anyone could go in, lock the door, and have the whole bathroom to themselves
>in geography class
>kid goes to use the bathroom
>comes back and complains to the teacher (don't remember his name but he was a 40-something year old guy) and says he hears people having sex in there
>our teacher leaves
>15 minutes later the dean comes in and takes over
>apparently our teacher unlocked the door and went into the bathroom and locked the door behind him
>instead of stopping the two kids getting it on, he whips out his dick and starts masturbating outside the stall they were in
>a kid in another class tried to use the bathroom and it was locked so he complained to his teacher who went to investigate
>other teacher unlocks the door to see our teacher beating his meat to the sounds of kids fucking
>other teacher freaks out and runs to the main office
>masturbating teacher chases after her and tries to deny things
>but he has an obvious boner in his pants
>gets fired on the spot
Aboriginal fights that included the ancient tradition of bbq throwing
A few guys in my year used to go to boxing training. One guy died following sparring; turns out he had undiagnosed leukemia. Kinda tragic really, imagine being the guy who accidentally killed a close friend with your fists.
He probably died in juvie.
the virgin assassin rage vs the chad fury of vengeance
A grill got raped and murdered. I didn't care for her tbqh.
At our secondary one black kid pissed off a gang, so during break 10 of them went to the gates with machetes and knives to threaten him.
Somone called the police and they ran off, but I didn't see that kid tomorrow.
I think you misread that. He was saying the teacher accidentally hit the intercom.
>in Florida so our school football team is very important
>we won the state championship last year and were favorited to win again so all our games are broadcast on local tv
>so we have the school video crew recording games and a local sports channel recording them
>have a home game
>it's a blowout and we're up by 30 points at halftime
>lots of people leave early
>towards the end of the game, a bunch of the girls that were left in the stand decide to flash their tits and moon the field
>this is broadcast over live tv
>our school also uploads the full game to our school website
>well someone notices the flashing and reports it
>the district attorney goes mental
>tracks down the girls involved
>they're all underage
>charges them for producing CP
>charges the people in school's IT department for distributing CP (by uploading the game footage online)
>think he even tried to go after the school and local camera crews for recording the flashing
>huge shitshow
>DA eventually drops all charges after the backlash
That was a fun time
>some kid lost an eye when somebody threw a rock at him
>some kid hacked the school and stole everybody's passwords
>in another school I went to apparently a teacher died because they fell out a window
I almost had an affair with a teacher but we were really close in age so no one cared.
Yeah sure. Go ahead. We're listening.
Probably the time the school went into lockdown after a kid brought a gun to school and shot himself in the bathroom and died 2 days later while in a coma
doubt anyone forgot about that
In six grade, Chad and Stacy regularly had sex during class, before they got caught and expelled.
>In 11th grade of grammar school
>Middle school is one building over
>One day see fuckton of ambulances in front of middle school
>Turns out some kid fucking gassed the children in the cafeteria
>Popular, laidback, coolguy teacher
>Really really good at his job and he loves it
>One of those guys who just should be a teacher
>One day his laptop starts acting up, and as a schtick he overreacts to it
>Starts making insults, goes on a huge rant
>Entire class was apparantly in fits of laughter
>He tries something "One last time"
>Class silent in suspense
>Error message comes up
>Everybody starts laughing, he unplugs the laptop from the projector and throws it out the window in a "just done" manner
>Everybody laughing even more
>Freshman kid literally sprinting through the empty courtyard during class time for some reason
>Instant KO
>Class goes silent, teacher freezes
>The kid lived but aparantly had some major head trauma and long and short term memory damage, he stopped going to our school
>Teacher was never seen again
>>>Chad literally gets no punishment
He was defending himself.Your friends tried to murder him, and got pretty close. Why would he be punished?
he bullied him nonstop
A guy from the last year of high school was expelled because he was sucking all dicks from middle school boys inside the bathroom and them letting them fuck him. Shit got so crazy that he was talking 4 middle school boys to his room at home and them let them destroy his ass so hard that the neighbors started be annoyed by his loud moans.
Today this guy is some journalist where I live and still luring middle school boys to fuck him. The last time I had news of him was something about he give a Oculus Rift and a high end PC as prize to the boy who make him cum harder.
That bastard live his dream.
Yeah but that's expected because your friend's a loser.
about a year after graduation this kid I knew in high school was caught raping a girl in the Subway where he worked. Turns out he raped like 7 other women in that bathroom. He's in prison for life now and I remember the day that news broke and everyone from my old high school was talking about what a fucking scumbag he is and always was. I didn't know him that well but I'm honestly not too shocked by it
>went to catholic high school
>girls wore skirts
>in theology class, the teacher had the desks set up weird
>the desks were split in half with each half facing each other and a walkway in between for the teacher to walk around and stand during class
>enter Katie
>cute, ditzy girl that loved attention
>she sat in the front row of one of the halves of seats
>one day early in the semester she was being ditzy and didn't realize she spread her legs open
>notices all the guys on the other half smirking and staring at her crotch
>she apparently likes this
>starts flashing her panties randomly everyday in class
>eventually stops wearing underwear at all
>one kid brings in a camera and manages to get a few shots
>somehow got them developed without the photo tech calling the cops
>he starts selling the pics
>principal ends up finding out
>immediately switches the girls uniforms to shorts and skorts (a skirt with a small paid of shorts built in underneath)
I still jerk off to the thought of Katie's puss.
bullying isn't a crime faggot
It doesn't matter, that doesn't make it OK to fucking kill someone, you dumbass. If your friend tried to beat his ass then I'd be more sympathetic. But there was nothing wrong with how the school/cops handled that.
Emo kid accidentally killing himself trying to jerk off while choking himself with a dog leash. He had a brother that still went to the school.
Not sure if the school is known for these things but a few things that me and a mate did from grades 7 til 9. But first a little about me, basically I was one of those high achievers the teachers liked (wasn't a teacher's pet, just smart) having me around improved the reputation of the school.
>7th grade, use metal coil as a resistor and accidentally burn a hole in my desk. Fire alarm goes off on entire school. I cover the scorched area with a book and open the window. Next day quickly fill in and cover the scorched area with gum and painted with liquid whiteout.
>never caught
>8th grade
>at the end of the day, friend thinks it would be funny to put meatspin on all the computers and switch off the computer screens. Leave for the day. Next day computers are all off, no word of whether or not anyone turned on the screens.
>grade 9
>obtain teachers login details for computer. Great because we can play halo on his unrestricted access. Eventually teachers investigate and trace it back to my friend and I... 3 afternoon detentions. Parents dgaf and me and my friend just play vidya in detention anyway.
>mfw teachers are massively bias towards a married
>grade 10 moved to better scaling school, no longer with devilish bro.
>mfw I was in the top 0.5% of all grade 12 Australian graduates
Before one of our 10th grade finals, 2 years ago, some kid smoked weed and slept through the whole thing.
Unsurprisingly he didn't pass and had to drop out.
I recently heard that he has a kid now.
Probably that time I sperged out in the headmasters office and smashed his face with a chair. Whilst no others witnessed it, word still somehow got out. I suppose that was part of the reason why I got expelled and never finished high school. A bad start to life you could say
>be me
>in auditorium watching home alone before christmas break
>on phone not paying attention to movie
>have to be carefull teachers walking up and down isles looking for phones
>all of a sudden angry history teacher stops movie
>kids ask why movie was stopped
>some sort of note was being passed around
>everyone files out of auditorium
>teachers were yelling at us to be quiet
>no one listened
>everyone in halls asking what was on it
>a stacy tells me there was racist and offensive stuff on it
>i say thanks to stacy then flip her off when shes not looking
>get to class
>sit there in silence for twenty minutes
>chad sits next to me
>"user do you know what happened?"
>"oh ok" says the chad
>little does he know that i know everyone who did it
>five minutes later principal walks in
>principal says that if one of us knows anything we should tell her
>she also says that if we know and dont say anything she will hunt us down
>mfw (pic related)
It's been 4 months and i think they gave up searching the day after we got back from break
I went to a religious school. Our school was K-12. Our church was a mile down the road so the high school level kids would hold hands and walk the K-3rd grade kids to church when we had mass once a month. The high school level kids were also required to mentor one of younger elementary kids. It was actually one of our classes. We'd help them with homework and whatnot, usually in the library. The library also had tons of rooms so we'd typically take our kid into one of the rooms for our mentor session. The rooms had a door and no windows.
Barnabas was the slightly creepy kid. He was the son of the dean and the dean was insanely religious. One day, Barnabas is in one of the rooms mentoring his student (a 1st grade girl). The girl wanders out of the room and into the library naked just walking around looking shell shocked. Turns out Barnabas was molesting the girl. He striped her down and raped her then took a nap. While he was napping she wandered out and was noticed by the librarian and a few other students.
Instead of calling the cops, the dean (Barnabas' dad) and the principal cover it up. Someone eventually told the girl's parents and allegedly, the principal, dean, and rector guilt tripped them into not pressing charges since it would ruin the school and church. There were rumours that the girl wasn't the first kid Barnabas molested. Eventually I graduated and moved out of state. Fuck fundamentalists.
What exactly was on the note?
I punched chad
>gee, user, learn to take a joke
>gee, chad, learn to take a punch
Some kid stole my usb and taunted me to punch him. I punch him with the force of a dying neutron star. The sound on contact is so loud everyone stops what they are doing and stares at me. Now I'm the autistic kid who punches people.
>lived in a rural area
>our high school had two floors
>senior prank one year
>kids get a few cows, break into the school at night, and lead the cows upstairs
>cows have poor vision and don't go down stairs since in their eyes, it looks like a giant canyon instead of a several inch drop plus their knees and hips aren't built for shifting their weight down stairs
>we come into school
>go on second floor
>there's cows and cowshit everywhere
>teachers herd everyone outside to the football stadium
>we're stuck outside in the heat until they bring in a crane, demolish part of the wall, and bring each cow down one by one
>principal wanted to know who did the prank
>said he wasn't mad and they wouldn't be punished, he just wanted to know who pulled it off
>5 seniors confess
>principal lied and expelled them
five kids died during my senior year. only 300 or so kids went to my highschool and they all died between midterms and spring break. two were a car accident, two were suicide, and one was a plane crash. Another kid also threatened to shoot up our school on facebook. Everyone was on edge and my senior year sucked.
a really popular teacher in middle school who had tons of board games in his classroom for kids to play in during our recess period and also led the young males fitness club was found to be a chomo. he was arrested and the news spread like wildfire who the victim(s) were. i forget how many but at least one boy was raped/molested. he disappeared for a year and came back but thankfully noone did anything to point him out and his friends were all waiting for him
>tfw punched a old lady teacher in the back of the head cause she told me to stop tapping my pencil against the desk.
Gosh school was just awful, did so many things i regret.
This proves that the problem is not that we are physically weak, but weird and people just don't like us.
>Boys only school
>Guy in Year 12 (16-17, penultimate year) comes out as trans, it's all official and everything, we even have an assembly explaining the situation
>His family don't accept "her", leading to alleged drama at home, she's taken in by her best friend (male, at the school)'s family
>Younger brother in year 10 (14-15) kills himself over the schism
>She leaves school soon after
>Awkward and tense atmosphere eventually just moves on as nobody ever mentions it
Happened like 20 years before I went to the school but some senior brought a knife to school and stabbed a girl to death because she didn't want to go to prom with him.
The plane crashed? With no survivors???
So? Just because someone bullies you doens't mean you have to stab them like a faggot. Banter back. Pussy.
3 people got kicked out of school because someone brought heroin into school and then proceded to brag about finding heroin
>big jock chad
>popular with the girls
>insanely homophobic
>constantly calling people faggots
>throwing shit at the openly gay kids at school
>turns out he was fucking one of the gay kids
>everyone starts dunking on him for being a fag
>i guess he decides the only way to prove he's not a fag is to beat up the twink he was fucking
>he just starts wailing on him in the hallway smashing his head into the ground
>took multiple teachers to restrain him
>twink is out of school for a few weeks but comes back alright
>chad is tried as an adult and gets several years in prison
he probably got to be some guys prison bitch there, everything works out for chad in the end
wow great joke retard
Track coach who was married fucked and sucked a runner for two years
We had a prayer room 2 kids allegedly fucked in there. Staff took ye rumour seriously enough to lock the door and only unlock it with permission
in elementary some teacher had a heart attack while yelling at some kid, he lived though
nothing major happened in high school but it seemed like our school had a lockdown and police/dog search at least once a month
Principle got accused of molesting his niece and jumped off a cliff to kill himself but survived.
A science teacher also got in deep shit for secretly recording girls.
How high was the cliff? A-asking for a friend...
Video of some of the 10th grade sluts surfaced where they were shoving fruits and vegetables up each other while shit faced. Nothing happened and nobody cared after a week. A few girls got fingered in class for weed.
It was an ocean side cliff, so probably pretty high.
Don't do anything stupid user.
Oh shit that reminds me actually. We had a really cool history teacher, but he got fired for taking the girls volleyball team to Starbucks after winning a game and giving some of them his number.
It was super shady, he was escorted of the school grounds by another teacher and none of the staff would talk about it, neither would most of the class the team was in so even now I don't know if the rumours are true.
Hope it didn't fuck up his career too much, he was a cool dude
Fugggg that's literally my only way out though. I've actually read like 4 stories on here recently of people surviving high falls, it's like the universe is deliberately trying to discourage me
I ran away from home and had missing posters all over the place, everybody knew me. I could have disappeared for good if I wanted to, but I didn't want to do it alone.
Our school hired a known paedophile that was being searched for throughout Europe. He's been my maths teacher for at least 5 years before they tracked him down. As a result this private school had to change names because almost all of the parents were removing their children for safety concerns.
Somebody started a rumor that there would be a sniffer dog coming on monday after the dep principal found an ounce of weed in the locker on friday. Probably half of the 2500 students didn't turn up to school that day. The teachers had no idea why.
Was it on the third floor of the school?
I'll just flat out tell you because I don't care, Bilborough College
Oh ok not my school lol
>spanish teacher in high school is colombian
>10/10 delicious brown with huge tits
>she never wore a bra and kept her classroom at 60 degrees
>almost had pokies sticking out of her top
sometimes would wear sheer tops so you could vaguely see her tits
>her tops her so low cut when she'd bend over to pick something up, they'd often fall out
>she's randomly jog from one side of the room to the other and her tits would bounce
>fucking dream come true for all the boys
>one faggot ended up complaining to his parents who went to the principal
>she had to wear a bra and conservative tops from then on
Still mad
How was he? Weird? 'Cool'?
Heart breaking. Poor kenny
>one faggot ended up complaining to his parents who went to the principal
Have you ever considered that some kids are actually there to learn and don't need to be distracted by some whore's mammory glands?
What? Our high school student council president was the barista who served vodka and and cocktails to the dozens of people who attended our prom. He was 17, and the vast majority of people who came to the prom were 14/16.
Kind reminder that the party, funded, organised, and hosted by our school was watched by at least one teacher.
Nobody got even a slap on the wrist.
Assuming it was a private school? The ones near me are all pretty old fashioned about that kind of stuff
>Have you ever considered that some kids are actually there to learn and don't need to be distracted by some whore's mammory glands?
No. But i am considering Chad was right for bullying nerds
>they needed a crane to get them out
Well that's an old copypasta.
Kid was caught recieving a bj on a bathroom stall. We were an all boy's school, and he was on primary. Spooky stuff
He seemed very normal. Very strict, but could take a joke well. He cried with a smile on his face on his last day at our school, saying that he won't be our math teacher any longer. He probably knew it was over for him but remained a teacher until the end.
Here's the guy on Dailymail.uk.
"He kept a low profile in Spain for some four years before travelling to Cambodia, where he is understood to have been living for about a year". That 'low profile in Spain' was the period under which he was my math teacher.
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>went to the best school in the city
>wealthy area and rich parents
>90% white student body
>some black kids there on scholarship and to help the sports teams
>regular girl
>know her but never talked to her, but she seems nice
>her parents are very rich, well connected, and donate a lot to the school
>spring semester of sophmore year
>rumor goes around she fucked several guys of the basketball team and its on video
>her parents get word of it
>use their pull with the administration to have students punished for spreading the rumor
>parents hire a private investigator to find out who started it
>apparently the video does exist and everything was true
>suddenly she isn't in school anymore
I have a couple
>small kid named Chris
>he gets bullied a lot
>everyone said he jerked off in the bathrooms
>I feel bad for him because he gets a ridiculous amount of shit for it
>sure it's a little weird but who gives a fuck
>eventually I get a little more detail about it
>turns out he got caught doing it once in middle school, and the reputation followed him
>it's just a rumor that might not even be true
>I feel really, really bad for him
>I decide to be his friend
>turns out he's a smarmy little jackass and a major cuck
>thinks he's better than everyone else
>Don't feel sorry for him anymore lol
Coolest guy in school loses both legs in a drunken moped accident. Becomes a drunk. Dies but nobody wanted to discuss it.
His brother drives drunk and kills his little sister and joins his brother in wheelchairland. Offs himself with a shotgun.
>nicknamed megamind"
You might be talking about me...
It was years ago when Channel One was a thing in highschools. We had televisions in every classroom and it was my senior year. A guy I knew, all of us were seniors, had found and borrowed/stole a video cassette from another friend who had recorded porn on it. As a prank, right in the middle of a very nice climax scene with this chick, he recorded himself masturbating and cumming. Well, with about a month of school left, the guy with the video somehow got the tape of the other guy masturbating during the morning Channel One time when everyone in the school was watching. Everyone got to see him furiously beating his dick for about a minute before the administrators and teachers realized what was happening and were able to cut the feed.
>fat ugly kid named Max
>looks like a literal troll/goblin hybrid
>he was part of my friend group
>he had a different lunch period than me so I didn't know him well, and didn't hang out with him
>even my friends who do hang out with him don't like him
>he likes to bully kids who are smaller than him, probably to make him feel better about himself
>one day he's insulting a small kid who was kind of new
>the kid isn't having it
>not sure exact details of how it got physical, but long story short, it turns out the small new kid was secretly a fucking MMA fighter
>Max gets beaten up so bad he has to get taken out on a stretcher
>didn't see the fight but some friends showed me where it happened
>there was a big puddle of his blood on the ground
>a BIG puddle
>the kid who beat Max half to death only gets one week of suspension because the teachers already knew Max was an asshole
I have more about Max, he was a prime, grade-A shit head. I'll be back robots, heading to the corner store for some brews.
A cartel came to my elementary to recruit the most though little niggas we could bring
Kid dying during his sleep because one bacteria naturally found in the nasal cavity somehow got into his lungs in a way that his lungs got inflamed and he choked to death. Apparently its extremely rare but can happen and its pretty fucked up to think that bacteria that lives in your nose can kill your lungs if you're unfortunate.
The girl who fingered herself with a mars bar and it melted while inside and all the goey chocolate caramel centre ooozed out her vag.
reminds me of something in middle school
>my school also had a section with special ed kids
>Patrick is a fucking spaz and no one likes him
>he should be in special ed but he's technically not disabled so he's in regular classes
>he'd start petty shit with people but not really bully anyone
>one day he tries to start a fight with a special ed kid
>kid is fat and short and has down syndrome
>tard tries to run off but Patrick corners him
>tard starts screaming and does the windmill arms
>ends up connecting with Patrick's jaw and knocks him out
>ambulance comes
>Patrick's life becomes a living hell as even the special ed kids start making fun of him for losing a fight to a downie
>attempts suicide and leaves school