This is your government provided girlfriend, as decided by the national lottery. You only get one, no exchanges...

This is your government provided girlfriend, as decided by the national lottery. You only get one, no exchanges, no matter what happens. So please, love and care for her.
What do you do first?

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stick my dick in her fat rolls

Love and cherish and work out together.

Get to know her over some good old fashioned high impact cuddles

use her hips as handle bars for non-stop breeding


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Look for an autistic loli gf.

Kill myself because I wouldn't be able to handle a relationship

>blonde hair
Also put some clothes on you WHORE

Get into a position where I can stick my dick between her thighs and suck a tit at the same time

hit the gym with my noew gf

>REEEEEE at the government for getting it's grubby little hands in matchmaking rather than just rolling back marriage laws to before the sexual revolution
>try to get along with my gf
>love her the absolute best I can
>see if I can make her a more assertive, dominant type
>see if I can make her lose weight

Eat her cunt and cuddle.

ask her questions about what led her to this point. also ignore her sexually.

>ignore her sexually

i wouldn't sex someone who I don't know well. and who didn't meet my standards. which this girl doesn't physically and probably doesn't mentally. I wouldn't consider her my gf just somebody who the government forced to live with me.

>sexually ignoring a body type which is literally made for breeding
like you'd even be able to

Wait on her to cheat on me so I can feel justified in my paranoia and emotional detachment

I would. at this point I'm practically asexual and she is the exact opposite physically of what I want in a girl in every way except that she has a vagina and her hair is short.

Cuddle her and make up for lost time.

Wake up from this wet dream

Are you ok dude? so you would just wait for her to cuck you? wouldn't that just make you a cuck for waiting for that?

I'm at the point where I'd just expect it no matter what. Even if this was binding with the threat of being thrown in the gulag for breaching this contract, she'd find some fucked up justification for it. You can't trust anybody.

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