are you a virgin?
how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
i genuinly want to know what you think
are you a virgin?
how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
i genuinly want to know what you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Not very, but would prefer another virgin
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
It depends on the specific qualities of the person, virginity is not a big deciding factor here.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Slightly, it's not attractive to know that another man's dick and semen have been all over the woman I'm dating
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Very important
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Only if they are rich
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Only cucks enjoy the thought of your loved one having shoved multiple dicks in them by previous lovers.
is it okay to fuck non-virgins after you've lost yours or is that still disgusting?
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
It depends, if the person is loyal to me and shares the same ideals/goals as me ,no problem there.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
It's disgusting to know that another man's dick and semen have been all over the woman I'm dating.Virgins also have a lower rate of divorce than females with multiple partners.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
I'd rather not be with another virgin, but I also don't want them to have tons of partners in the past.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Yes, I hope the first relationship I have will be the only one.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Not really.
another question: would you be used goods after losing your virginity? or in some way disgusting? idk if there is a double standard like that
most people I've talked to stoped careing about virginity after they lost it
Still disgusting but its ok to fuck as long as it doesn't turn into a relationship and you don't put your mouth anywhere near them.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Pretty important
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
If I find someone I can be myself with.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Usually yes for women. No for guys (since i'm not fucking them).
>are you a virgin
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin
Its pretty important but not mandatory
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life
Yea that's the goal however unrealistic
>do you feel disgusted by non virgins
If they've had one partner in a long term then no if they just fuck whatever then ya
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Not very, I just want someone that won't be dissatisfied with my lack of experience
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Preferably. Is it possible? Don't know, I don't know how well I'd do in a relationship with a woman as I've never had one.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Quite important, wouldn't care if she was very cool tho.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
If they are my type.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Well, its not a pleasant thought that someone was there before you.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Very important
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Yes, and I think it's possible I just need to find a girl who thinks the same way
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Only if they're unmarried (obviously widows and rape victims don't count)
The reason is because I view sex as a collision of two people and when done before marriage it ruins the bond if you marry someone else
Probably people who are only into one night stands.
If you want a long term relationship them being a virgin is a necessity.
oof those people are awful
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
It adds a lot of value but ultimately not a deal breaker.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Yes, I want a forever thing.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Not at all.
ITT: Insecure bitter virgins saying virginity is the most important thing in a girl.
ok faggollo go kiss the girl who gargled cum from 5 different cocks
>wanting a girl that has multiple ex's "befriending" her as they attempt to get back with her and cuck you
>wanting a less stable relationship
>wanting a loose vagina
>wanting to know that whenever she says "i love you" its something she'd told countless other men who then proceeded to dick her
No thank you
>t. whore
I respect virtuous women here, not whores
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Important, I feel like it would be an amazing bonding experience to go through these things for the first time together.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Of course. Anyone who wants a temporary relationship is a horrible person
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
>virtuous women
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
I don't ever intend to be with anyone but if I did they would have to be a virgin as well.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
See above
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
I usually don't think about them so not really but sometimes when I think about it I do find myself thinking that they people have no self control and because of that they are subhumans. I don't understand why people's whole lives revolve around something as unimportant as relationships.
>Are you a virgin?
>How important is it for you to be with another virgin?
I would prefer not to be with a virgin
>Do you want to be with them for the rest of your life/ think that's possible?
I think that it would be more difficult to be with someone who was a virgin before you. When you loose your virginity with someone who you care about you care about them past the point of reason. You can let them walk all over you and take it. You don't put yourself as equal to them and instead put them above you, you can also have a warped and undeveloped sence of what you actually want.
I would want to be with someone who has had pervious partners before so that I know if they are unhappy about something they will actually speak up about it and be their own person and care about me for me not just because I am the person they lost it to.
>Do you feel discusted by non virgins? if so why?
No, sex is natural and so I don't consider it to be something to be discusted about. When I was a virgin and less mature I was definitely disgusted by non virgins but looking back I think that was a way of coping with being a virgin without feeling bad about myself. I also think when I was a virgin I had very little idea about sex and so made it out to be this thing that it isn't.
Once you've had sex you realise its not such a big deal in the ways you thought it was before. It's hard to have a very mature view of sex before you've had it yourself.
That being said a lot of people still don't have a very mature view of it after loosing their virginity. But they don't have very many mature views of anything. Most people don't consider things from multiple points of view.
Partner count < 2 is good enough but virginity gets double points.
Yes, they're used goods. Be it because of bad life choices or downright being a slut, their very mental state is obviously abhorrent. Sex should be an intimate thing that is done with someone you love, not random strangers off the street for "pleasure". Not to mention the proven psychological profile correlations and hygiene concerns.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
it was important and that's how i lost it at 28
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
yes, and it's been years so far
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
i feel pity for people who give up and lose their virginity to non-virgins, for people who have casual sex and for people who botch up their first night in their teenage years. there's a special bond that comes out of doing things right, and it's a tragedy so many people will never experience it
robots unironically have a much greater chance at finding true love than normalfags. what normalfags have is easy hedonism, surface feelings masquerading as something deep
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
not at all because condoms are a thing if i did care it would be because of diseases not ideological or psychological reasons
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
hell no i can literally only remember the name of one person i slept with and that's only because they turned out to be a legit crazy person
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
no i don't
only virgins and retards want to have sex with virgins
>anime pics all over the thread
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
not at all.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
depends. if she doesn't leave me then I'm gonna stay with her for as long as I can
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
no. I don't get why people value others virginity more than their own
>only the pure care for the pure
You don't say.
>even if given the opportunity for sex I would decline
Who here /pure/
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
It's preferable, but not required. As long as she isn't blown-out roasted, I won't mind.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
If I'm marrying, which I believe is an eternal commitment, yes.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Yes, the idea that everyone just casually has sex is off-putting and makes me feel like I'm not even human at times. It's even stranger that I have memories of being like that years ago.
why is being a virgin so "pure"?
everyone masturbated before. everyone has had fantasies. the only difference is that they haven't acted on those urges yet..
some virgins (especially here) are massive degenerates who dont deserve the descriptor "pure" imo
I agree, online sluts are pretty bad.
But at least their bodies aren't tainted by the semen of 100 males.
Don't listen to this faggot. Traded my virginity and it wasn't special at all. Very awkward and I only have regrets.
>everyone has masturbated before
Yeah true but that isn't sex, there's no emotions involved
Also I stopped masturbating for this very reason
Yes. Very. Yes, if possible but I know it's naive and unrealistic. No.
Most people on this thread view themselves as pure because there is nothing else they have one over of compared to the average person in their mind.
This isn't a healthy way of thinking and ultimately it's not true
>being pure isn't a positive attribute over someone who isn't
Wew lad, what a world we live in.
Hi Kryst!!! I missed you so fucking much, sweetie. :)
please bully me some more
holy shit this is gay
originally desu kyaaaaaaaaa
Literally fucking WHO.
i said bully me, you precious little shit.
How do you consider "being pure" any better than not?
Here. If a girl offered me sex and we aren't in a long term relationship I would think she's a slut and start avoiding her.
Don't know who you are, don't care.
My time is precious and you aren't worthy to obtain any more than you've already gotten.
Be thankful, now shoo.
Same way you consider a new car to be better than a used one.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Somewhat important. I'm 28 at this point, so I'd rather be with somebody in the same predicament than somebody who's probably going to hate being with me because I have no idea what I'm doing.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
I guess that'd all depend on a lot of factors, wouldn't it? If we got along great and were actually in love, sure, but there's a lot of things that can turn that shit sour, or even extenuating circumstances outside of the relationship that can cause it to fall apart. So I guess that depends.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Sometimes. I don't get how people can just send nude pictures of themselves to people or just casually mock people for physical components of themselves they can't help (microdick, tiny boobs, etc). The former just seems degenerate and the latter seems like a dick move.
You do know Kryst is named Juan and is 25 year old manlet Puerto Rican who works at Macdonalds in Kentucky right?
Reminder if you still masturbate but want a pure girl that you won't have sex with until marriage you're slightly a hypocrite
I'm not saying jacking off is the same as being a slut, but if you masturbate how can you expect her not to
>Comparing a partner to an inanimate object
This tells me enough
Your ignorance explains more than enough.
One is used, the other isn't.
In what world do we live in where "used" has equal or more value than the unused?
Why would this change when placed upon people?
But Kryst, I love you! I want to cuddle with you and make out with you and pat your head, lose my virginity to you... stop being such tsundere and love me back!
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin
i'd prefer it greatly, don't wanna think about my partner fucking someone else
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life
of course
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins
only a little
Juan is a mistake don't bother with him, his brother is a better choice than the burger flipping manlet.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
I don't care, I don't want a relationship
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
See above
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
No, why would I?
I am never a judgemental person when it comes to someone's sex life
>are you a virgin?
Yes. I have fingered and gotten a handjob from 1 girl though.
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
I'd prefer it, but I wouldn't mind it too much if she's only been in long term relationships. I would mind if she has had multiple one-night stands.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Yes, that's the goal. One-night stands, FWB's are for sluts. I want a meaningful relationship and affection. It's possible I think, but I have to be very lucky meeting the right one.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
See question 2. I don't mind those who are in / have been in a serious relationship. I don't like sluts who only have sex for lust and entertainment.
>loose vagina
You know how it's obvious you have never seen a girl naked in real life?
I'm more pure than you despite not being a virgin, because I don't collect pictures of scantily clad underaged anime girls unlike you.
Enjoy your sloppy seconds.
I don't know if loose vagina is actually a thing, but
unmarried nonvirgin women (not including widows or rape victims) = loose women
You are gay, right? Why else would you think of other men's cocks and semen when the subject of a vagina comes up.
Because dicks and semen are what goes in them???
kryst, can your dick and semen go inside me? >.
I'd have no problem fucking a loose vagina as long as it was a direct result of genetics, and not from having sex with a bunch of people,.
Tiki is trash
A loose vagina is 100% the result of genetics and not related to having or having not had sex.
>Are you a virgin?
Yes, I have not had any sexual or romantic intercourse (yes, you can use that word that way), but I am not exactly "pure" either.
My minds been sullied by the Internet, I have seemingly lost track of purity and adopted an negative-nihilistic view on sexual material, even if it is very weird porn.
So, basically, yes, I haven't had sex.
>How important is it for you to be with another virgin?
I'm not sure how I feel on this topic, my emotions tell me what it wouldn't matter to me whether they're a virgin or not, but I'm also aware that I would have prejudices against them from both views.
If they're a virgin, I would look down on them slightly.
If they're not, I would look down on them slightly.
I can't win.
>Do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
I don't think anyone could deal with my autism and repulsing personality, but eh, there are a lot of humans out there.
But yes, if possible, I would like to spend the rest of my time with one person, that would make me the most glad.
>Do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
I wouldn't say disgusted. I'm more displeased with them, but since I am sexless and still un-pure, it can't say much on this issue, I don't think have the permission to complain un-purity.
Those of you wanting a virgin girl: how would you know she is a virgin? She could lie.
She bleeds the first time
So I guess you won't know until you have sex with her
i am
pretty important in the context of if I do it at all
i don't think its possible but would like it
not really I just want the experience of losing my virginity to a virgin.
Oh, you're one of those. No, that's not true at all. She could bleed as a nonvirgin. She could not bleed at all despite being a virgin.
I couldn't know. which is why I don't even try.
>I'm le deep for using muh big words
Rick and Morty weeb Reddit nigger leave my fucking board
I don't think I'm deep, I only use "big words" because they're more descriptive and makes what I try to say come across better.
So for example, from these 2 examples: "This is good" and "I thoroughly enjoy this", which one do you think coveys the message better?
I just don't like being misunderstood.
And, if I wanted to be taken seriously, I wouldn't post an anime girl along with my comment.
How old are you.
16-19 would be your range I assume.
Are you a tranny? Namefags usually are.
I am 18 years old, born in 1999.
Use that information to judge me as you wish.
No reason to judge you, you behave like a typical child.
If you were older then I'd be questioning your choice of words, but it makes sense in this context.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Not very, but would prefer another virgin
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
It doesn't depend on her virginity, and I wouldn't want to go relationship-jumping like a fucking "romantic" teenager. I already missed out on that and I don't want to catch up.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
fellas is it gay to insert your dick inside a roastie? i mean her walls have literally been touched by another guy's dick that means you're practically fucking another dude's dick
Yes, I am indeed a child who is childish.
You have the behavior of someone who erps a little too much on the internet, I suggest you tone it down.
In either case, shoo away.
I'm not curious about anything else you have to say.
Don't listen to that guy. There's nothing wrong with your choice of words, it's expressive and tells a lot more. Keep being you, 18 years old user.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Doesn't matter directly, but if she's already had Chad I can't imagine she'll want to stick around me very long.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Yes / probably not
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
No, just envious
Yup. I only fuck virgin girls to remove them from the incel dating pool. Less competition is nice.
I've never ERP'd in my life, nor do I want to.
I think he's entitled to his opinion, so it's okay.
And it's not like he's particularly wrong (well he is about the ERP thing), so it's fine.
But, thanks
Too feminine.
Lying and a massive erper or just a straight up female.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
I used to not care but as I grow older, my preference for another virgin has increased
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Yes, I hope so. I do believe it is possible.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
If they are not in a relationship with me, I do not care. But if we are, I am thrown off by it. I want to be able to share the intimacy between husband and wife knowing that it was special and sacred for the two of us. I do not want to be with a man that has shoved his penis in a bunch of holes because he could not control his lust. Makes me feel like I am just another hole.
>Too feminine.
I've been told that before, I don't really get what it comes from, maybe cause I was raised around mostly women or something.
And again, I don't ERP, I find people who do so to be distasteful or whatever, not my niche.
Also, not a female, I'm a fully fledged boy.
I'll go with my instincts.
You can perma fuck off now.
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
Yes I wanna die holding her hand
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Not really, no but I immediately stop caring about them romantically
Okay, bye bye.
are you a virgin?
how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Its really important, the thought of dating someone whos been fucked before is really unappealing
do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
It already is desu, Im dating this really amazing girl and me and her are going to spend out life together
do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Yes, although Im disgusted by most people
>all these nonvirgins who want virgins
Fuck off impure faggots go fuck a roastie, virgin women are OURS (for marriage)
>are you a virgin?
>how important is it for you to be with another virgin?
Very important.
>do you want to be with them for the rest of your life / think that's possible?
No sex before marriage, and no divorce. So yes, rest of life.
>do you feel disgusted by non-virgins? if so why
Not if they are married, or at least already engaged