Let us have some sort of letter thread ok? Good

Let us have some sort of letter thread ok? Good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dear A,

I'm sorry I've put you through all this and felt really guilty about leaving. I don't plan on coming back this time but I genuinely did like you a lot.

I really wanted it to work but I think that there's so many factors that would have made it get worse and worse.

I still feel the same way in hoping you get everything sorted out and can find someone who is more stable and able to help you a lot more than I can. I wanted to help you as much as I could but it was definitely bleeding into my day to day life and preventing me from being able to make myself better (not at all your fault, I definitely got obsessed).

I really hope there are no hard feelings (even though I feel like there will be) and I just want to wish you the best in the future.


No annas allowed btw

Dear Anna,

The years we spent getting to know each other were the happiest of my life.

When it finally came to an end, a big part of me died.

I miss coming home and being able to talk to you. I miss feeling like I mattered to you.

I miss the times when we were making each others lives that little bit better, Sometimes I think that we're both broken people who somehow worked together. I stopped believing the expression "2 wrongs don't make a right" when I met you.

I still think about you every day of my life, and I will always miss you, for years to come.

I never stopped loving you.

fuck you i do what i want

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I wonder what life would be like if you ended up with me instead of him

I guess he is better than me anyway

Leave J alone, man. He's good people.

Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a big fucking bag of meth and an overweight Colombian girlfriend who likes being tied up.

Love, user.

Are You There Anna? It's Me, J

The day's are slow and my mind wanders, I've wrote you hundreds of letters, and I'll keep writing you hundreds of more, despite you not caring to even contact me once I spend my every waking hour thinking of you.

No it's not creepy, I say this to myself, It is not!
for it is devotion, for you. the one that care's not of this lowly weepin worm.
And you are probably with another man, another man that can provide things to you that I never could. I'll still think of you.
and not of the many nights you spend your time with that new man you have, I will not think of such things, of you starting a new life with him while I am still here, here in this dark work, with my emptiness, with my thoughts of you here alone.

I wont think these things, I will only think of you.
My sweet Anna, I am not a creep. I am your devoted cuckboi

With much love, and a heavy Heart.

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Dear cousin, i'm sorry i flashed you my dick when i was 10, i hope u will forgive me and stop thinking im autistic
best regards

Hey you're not me! Unless you just happened to be another J that wants to talk to A

God damn I wanted to fuck that robot so hard when I was a kid.


Have you seen a man get caught in a lathe?
same thing might happen to your penis

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Dear everyone,

Would you fuck off?




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>Would you fuck off?

Dear Z,
I will never stop loving you, I hope one day we can be together


When I wake up tomorrow I am hoping to see you replied to my messages. If not then I expect you wouldn't have blocked me this time. In that case I will most likely message you every month or so in order to give you an unpleasant reminder of what you did. You can move on as much as you like but as long as I can afford to give you even brief moments of guilt then I'll take it.

I'm confused why you blocked me on two platforms yet when I surprised you on this one you didn't block me again. Curious? You wanna see what else I've got in store?

>Curious? You wanna see what else I've got in store?
Give me everything you got, I'll take it all

You suck ass, Taylor

If you don't plan on coming back you shouldn't be writing me letters.
And of course there's hard feelings. You never loved me but the idea of me instead. If you weren't willing to put up with the fact that I will have down days (just like everyone else), then you could never truly be there for me.
You're no better than anyone else who's hurt me in the past.

What are your initials? Are they R?

dear crush
fleeting feeling again i have lost it, im so sorry to say it but it is as though i thought., myh feelings are as fleeting and temporal as u thot they are and that to me is just so sad, so sad that i cant even say what i feel is love! id say i feel loveless and empty, like a lighthouse long abandoned by the guy who sits in there day in day out to point at the lads at sea and tell em no come here, well really now they are crashing against shore and being drowned and smashed and broken like as big waves plunder through timber and steel and fill lungs and tear bronchioli and so on, wht a thing they say doctors can do now is drain lungs of liquid and so on
if my feeling of romance do not come by sundown, i will declare tem dead and have a surrogate funeral my sweet sweet little lover for you, ofcourse u wil laugh at this. but um literally real feelings am i right? its not like you ever cared enough to make it work either, so i dont take blame on myself fully, infact i feel slighte victimise by your stringing long me of a fine chicken breast too the slaughter n consumstion of Souls and soo n soon so on, so forth, soon my love, you'll see how i felt, maybe even regret it, maybe u wont ever know how powerful i felt. I just wish i could hold you for the first and last time ur so beautiful my dear lvoe love you even though its fading now im so gone and gone igone gone, gone awayyy gone... goodbye now im finishing up here and thats thaht

Sweet Prims
Rhapsodies of Brimston
Delight in Bright Fright
suck my fuck

I think about loosing you and get sad, then I think about how you never really fought to keep me and it feels like it was meant to be this way. You never thought it would last and you never intended it to.

You proved to be a slut.
Sluts have no value in my serious life, let alone half of my fun life.

to you
do you remember? lthis december?
a descent from ember
fire fell like soft autumn leaves
coating the ground in ashen complexion
i left with a more depressive direction
those feelings i had for you
those reelings were bad through and through
i had to, i had to do
you r soft lean abdomen
your sweet sweet body, your beautiful eyes
all of it a sickly neat surprise
your perfect round cheeks, that sweet sound from you never missed a beat, it still infects
your soft pale neck, those pretty veiled thighs
oh i stabbed them, stabbed them really good
i cut them up and sliced and diced them so their body was a mashy paste and capillaries and arteries were torn and cut and mashed into a lined goo and blood gush out filling the floor with plastic lining as i saw throu the bones of another priceless limerick to fate of a harlequinned scarlett babe adorned in the hue of purple crescent flowers and darling daffodils being drank from by a small buttercup sweet yellowy fluids dripping from the delicate leaf oh so sweet so tasty so soft and frail like the new touch of a blind childs brail, what unspeakable tragedy and pained resentment i had to endure during the passing of time and clicking of clocks while you sat in a old wooden box drinking a gin flavoured with lime all to pass the time and rocks bash against a old wooden box ripping the thin wet papery layer that was tossed to the ground without much of an afterthought like a rainy day down an alley where dogs lay to rest of thin papery cardboard as pillows which in turn mellows those poor soppy fellows clutching bottles of rye and wearing something akin to tie dye but its not dye, rather snot and spit and sick and blood and all those other nasty cliques that hurt the begotten soul of just another hairy bum, lonesome on the streets and most likely face defeat sad sad upsetting scenes on a riverbed poor young lad full of lead bleeding his organs out onto the shore, another day in the life of a whore
from me, with a lot a l

i feel so insecure about myself because you were always pointing out my flaws because of my race even though you said you really did love me. maybe you picked on me out of love? regardless, im so insecure and hurt and i hate being this way, even though i had no control over how i was born.

whyd you keep making fun of me? you couldve stopped at some point, considering we were together for 4+ years.

They blocked you because you're a vindictive twat and spends their time trying to make other people feel like shit and guilty because you yourself feel like shit and are probably guilty of it all blowing up in your face.

Also they didn't block you because they're know you're fucking desperate and can always use you as a backup plan if their current life goes awry as either an emotional tampon or just a quick trip.

Grow up, go focus on those people that actually hang out you and actually want to spend time with you instead of pushing them away in favor of someone who doesn't give two fucks about you anymore and never truly cared in the first place. Like what the fuck are you, 16?


Thanks for leaving. I wish you would've done it earlier but seriously, thank you. I am doing far better now and I know that's what you would've wanted in the long run. Of course, whether or not you really meant that is irrelevant.

You'll never truly know the extent of how I acted during our time together and I still have no intent of telling you. It's better off that way. All you need to know is that I was a sleazy, manipulative cheater. You can put two and two together from that point on.

Regardless, I hope you're doing well in life. Best of luck to you and I hope you find happiness as I did.

Too bad it's too late and J replied to you.

Aww, you're just cute.

I'm a shit person.
Stay away from me.
Every problem that I have with him, it's my fault. I'm the mistake, I'm the egoistic, I'm the childish. All the people that called me in that way? All of them was right, and you too.
I'm the problematic one.
I destroyed you, but I'll not hurt you anymore, I'm not letting myself do that only because I feel like I kinda need you, I don't care, I won't let that happen.
Because suddenly I saw what I am. And I hate it even more than before.
I deserve to be alone, but you don't.

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I kinda hope you're G, but i doubt you are.


Nothing and nobody fills up this void, only you can do that.