A few days ago i made a thread how i ordered 3 g heroin to kill myself

A few days ago i made a thread how i ordered 3 g heroin to kill myself.
They just arrived.
I drank a bottle of wine and will now snort 1g and eat the other 2 g.

See ya in the afterlife.
I hope wou will make it.

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im very happy for you user, tell pete to off me in my sleep when you get there

Good luck wherever you're going buddy, wish I had the strength you have

>his final message to humanity was a frogpost
What a way to go

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Goodbye, user.
Say hi to my grandpa and tell him i love him. I never got to tell him that.

Now i'm crying again.

I'm such a fucking coward i didn't tell my own grandpa on his dying bed i love him, because my family was there too.
I hate myself for this...

>I hope wou will make it.
You're hoping we die too you sick fuck?

Anyway, enjoy vomiting yourself to death dumbass. You should probably have injected though if you wanted to be sure. Also, one bottle of wine is a bit weak to be sure of an opiate-alcohol suicide

I did, but I am not an incel-loser like you

Why you want to die so badly? Make something with your life instead

How did you come to the conclusion i'm an incel? Did your grandpa accepted you as his lover so you evolved from incel?

Since you are a coward. Also don't talk shit about my grandpa you sperg. My grandpa was a holy man and so am I. What exactly are you except a pedophile rapist?

He's a tourist who heard about this website from the news.

i won't make it, but i will meet you in hell brother, farewell.

If I told my grandpa that he'd probably think I was a poof. I wouldn't want that to be his last thought of me

See you on the other side bro.
Tell my best friend I miss him.

>ordered heroin
how do I do this?
I want to die too.

Why not inject? You'll most likely throw up and survive.

discord gg/ENMPtyh
Sup chads and cuck join this server if you want to enjoy the autistic nature of Jow Forums but with the interaction of real people you depressed fag... get in here man!

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And then be a heroin addict. Lmao Ii can't wait till the next thread

Bump and seeya (the last word in that phrase enables god mode).

You dumbass you will lose like 90 percent of the potency by eating and snorting that shit. No way you will die, you'l just have one hell of a heroin trip.

Tell my friend that I'm sorry I fapped to his sister's pics

This user doesn't always post Smug Wojak in these threads, but when he does, EETcucks get triggered.

Attached: smugwojak4v2.png (640x400, 32K)

will that kill be enough to kill you? if so rip op.

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oh dogs the typos

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Can you tell my mom i'll be there soon too? thanks user

Op here, just woke up. wtf...
i didnt worked out. shit
feel fucking dizzy

see you then bud
love ya senpai

Goodluck in the afterlife op, I don't want you to go but I won't try and stop you