I think I found my oneitis.
Thing is, I'm afraid he won't want to be in a relationship with me because of my looks and robot-ness.
Are looks and other normie values important to other robots?
I think I found my oneitis
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Yes because without looks what else do you have to offer?
Your social awkwardness, your anxiety, your loser status?
Uh theres a lot of other stuff ya left out
What positive qualities do you have that you can provide?
For one he's not a weebaoo tripfag on r9k
Is that so.
Seems like a negative to me.
Well we share a lot of interests and I think we genuinely have some good conversations. Our world view is a little bit different but his is also interesting so I guess we both have something to teach each other.
You can try.
Oneitis feelings are never truly reciprocated, I should know, I've had countless faggots proclaim their love towards me and I couldn't give a rats ass about them.
If talking is all it takes for you to fall in love you're gonna be very disappointed when he has no feelings for you, or if you're lucky he might toy with your feelings for a bit use you and drop you when he's had his fun.
So it means that I'm doomed for the rest of my life? I mean me getting plastic surgery doesn't seem like a thing in the near future or future at all so.
Not really.
Give it a try, the people I've seen succeed were those who tried, and tried, and tried after repeated failures and heart breaks until they finally landed someone to tolerate them.
If the thought of failure scares you, you wont ever find anyone.
Got dumped hard half a year ago because "I got too boring"
So failure does scare me now. Knowing the fact that I'm not really what most call pretty. And now I'm even insecure of how "entertaining" I am to the people around me.
how do you know he's gay tho?
Just BEEEEEE yourself.
Its a shitty meme, but the internet and the amount of thirsty faggots within it is a huge ocean.
Shake it off and try again, then after your next heartbreak try again, and keep going.
One faggot fell in love with me for years and I rejected his pathetic existence so hard he desperately searched for anyone to take his mind off me, and now he's happily found a real life bf.
One faggot will have low enough standards to take you in no matter how shit you are, just have to suffer through the heart breaks, faggot.
..Do I have to say it?
Thanks, cute anime man. But for now, what kind of signs should I be looking for?
>looking for signs
>not creating them
bee yourself works for relationships, ppl usually apply it to only hook ups. why would anyone want to fake their personality in a relationship is beyond me
How does one do that? I don't want to make it seem like I'm desperate you know?
You ARE desperate.
What are you some teenage fucking girl who enjoys the idea of tossing mixed signals hoping to have your partner over analyze every poke you do guessing whether it means you like them or not?
Much less a fucking robot who's low esteem is probably so rock bottom he would normally assume every sign would just be a figment of his imagination.
Get fucking real, you dweebs need to understand that confidence and assertiveness is the real appeal.
Tell the stupid shitter your dick gets rock solid when talking to him and you need him to jack off.
His next response will tell you if he likes you or not and whether you should bother to pursue it further.
Because he's a twink? Not all twinks are turbo faggots, you know
>be yourself
>confidence is key
For fucks sake, I'm asking how do I obtain a boyfriend for a fully heterosexual relationship
Yes, same way as how grabbing a bag of fucking chips from the store shelf and placing it in the cash registers face to purchase it takes confidence, at least for a fraction.
If you're there too stupid and lazy to even take such a small initiative you deserve to starve in loneliness.
Fucking cry baby who wants to live in his safety bubble without sacrificing a damn thing as he searches for love.
People like you deserve none.
tits or gtfo chick
it's not heterosexual if you're a tranny my dude fyi
I mean I won't just come up to him and kiss him??
go back to /b/ kid
jesus christ
>I'm asking how do I obtain a boyfriend for a fully heterosexual relationship
>walk up to guy you like
>say, "Hey I think you're really cute, do you want to hang out sometime?"
That's literally it.
how do I move the friendship to the next level?
>Hey I think you're really cute, do you want to be my boyfriend?
>won't just come up to him and kiss him
there's your whole problem
Then he rejects me and then I lose a good friend.
Pretty sure I'm on the right board
He said he has never had his first kiss so I don't want to ruin the potential magical moment for him, you know?
>while hanging out
>"Hey, I think you're really cute, would it be ok if I kissed you?"
But how do I make sure he evens looks at me the same way I do?
The only normie values that I have for whether I'd fancy somebody is that they aren't so unhealthy that sex would feel like a struggle & that they are a good person.
If you can't tell already then you're either literally autistic or he has no interest. If he's interested it should be obvious. Stop being such a little bitch and dragging poor anons trying to help you around in circles. There is no way to guarantee he will respond positively, that's why you see threads here 24/7 from guys agonizing over asking girls out.
You can either give up on anything romantic or you can take the risk of ruining the friendship and make a move. There is no magic trick to let you know if he's into you if you can't tell already.
I guess I'm not fat nor physically disabled so yay..?
Well that's the fucking point. I'm no good at picking up hints. I need straight forwardness. WHat Are tHE DAMn signs?
jesus christ what does all of this mean
Shit, I guess all of you are right. Just deep down I still wish there could be a lil guy living on my shoulder telling me what to do. You know? Thanks I guess. I'll try. I'll post an update in some time when I finally get the courage to do so. Thanks.
Than be fucking straight forward. Guys like that. Just ask.
Am guy, the amount of times qt grils had crushes on my throughout high school and i was too autistic to notice makes me wanna kms and by qt i mean some of the best in my grade