Are incels really holding back humanity? Why do women and chad want to genocide us...

Are incels really holding back humanity? Why do women and chad want to genocide us? Don't they realize we're the reason they have the Internet?

Attached: incels.jpg (900x506, 129K)

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Most of the 18th century scientist were chads with hot wives

Not to mention the wealthy Chad fuckfest that was the Manhattan project.

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Weren't all those guys chads except newton? Einstein and Ben especially

>pic not related

Newton could have gotten any farm slut he wanted. He just chose isolation. So not really an incel.

Not to mention he was a one wealthy knight.

Mentalcels are still incels

kant was a hyperautist who never even left his home city and did daily autismwalks

he also liked to go to parties

It is thought that some of the most famous and important personalities suffered from mental issues.

Incels are all dumb as shit and never accomplish anything. It's all Chads and normies who are remembered in history for their achievements. There's the occasional volcel but that's it.

It's possible he was gay.

>t. normalfag and/or woman

The Chads and women aren't going to genocide you incels. You're doing it to yourselves.

BTW there are a few people in you pic who had more sex than most people will ever had.

>t. sad NEET.

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I'm probably Chad by most definitions of Jow Forums.

Then why the fuck are you here? Leave.

> Einstein
> incel
dude couldn't keep his dick in his pants

What rule says I should?

OP is fantasizing. None of them were incels.


Tesla was a volcel. He literally turned down girls who wanted his d.

>Ben Franklin
He was the literal opposite. He was known for banging tons of women

100 years from now idiots like you are gonna be saying Elliot Rodger was a volcel.

I think OP's point is if any of those guys were brought to the future to 2018 America, none of them would be able to get laid.

>implying original implications that are original

Can you imagine any 9 of those guys walking around "the club". They'd get thrown out for creeping people out. They don't know how to properly carry themselves. They don't understand the "irony" and "subtleties" of modern day American interaction.

Oppenheimer was a robot desu

In 100 years nobody will remember who he was because dumbshit incels never accomplish anything and nobody will remember Elliot. Even now only Jow Forums remembers who he was. He was forgotten days after it was brought up he inspired the leaf incel.

I think OP's point is that he is a fucking retard.

Tesla was a volcel. This is easily seen from documented history. Why are you lying?

You don't think Benjamin Franklin would adapt? Humans don't change that much, especially in a few hundred years. What women find attractive now isn't that different from what they found attractive in the 1700s.

they'll just be raised in this society so they would learn how to be chad today.

>What women find attractive now isn't that different from what they found attractive in the 1700s.

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OP probably took a list of men who never married and assumed they were incels.

Benjamin Franklin was chad asf, he had a literal army of french thotties who loved him.

If you don't think a pussy slayer from 1700 would be a pussy slayer in 2018... You are a hopeless brainlet. Oh wait, you are an incel, same thing.

If you brought a "pussy slayer" from the 1700s to modern day America he wouldn't be able to get a girlfriend. Today's women are extremely brainwashed and attracted to unnatural things.

Pic semi related.

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Amazing how knowledgeable you are about history and women. You have a PhD in history and sexual studies right? You wouldn't be a kissless virgin NEET?

All Ben Franklin would have to do is update his wardrobe and speech and he'd be fine.