Fembots, how does this make you feel?

Fembots, how does this make you feel?

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Guys are like that, it's terrible.

I had the flu once and went to a pharmacy to buy medicine and water and I got hit on like 4 times. I wish you could become invisible when you go outside and only talk to people when you wanted to.

>women can look their absolute worst and still won't be left the fuck alone

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woe is me, people find me attractive and bend over backwards.

I'd prefer being a shitstain and rejected as a human being to the point of suicide, that'd be swell.

Nice bait thread.

I meant literally invisible, I just want to buy things without being harassed.

Oh no! guys find you attractive.

I try hard and am still not noticed. Fuck y'all

It doesn't make me feel anything. Never been hit on, and I'm glad, I wouldn't know what to do.

Kek "rolled out of bed" for roasties is still a good 30mins of preening

Oh, my gawd, it's like even if i don't put in any effort, guys are still hitting on me. I'm like this naturally gorgeous. It's so aweful to be me.

>guys find you attractive
You're strawmanning. She is complaining about being hit on, not about being found attractive.

If you honestly can't see how unwanted advances can be/are uncomfortable then I don't know what to tell you.
Have you ever had a door to door salesman who just wouldn't take a hint and kept pushing his luck? Or a person with a clipboard on the street who can't shut up about how you should save the whales?

Most men would gladly cut off their testicles if it meant they'd get to experience your mild inconvenience.

You are completely out of touch.

No, I haven't but I do get how unwanted advances suck. I still find it insane how people can complain about being hit on while other people can't even get noticed by anyone.

women want it all

the brutal cruelty is she wants to be invisible only to non-chads. non-chads should die. if based hollywood tier chad said hi, she would be over the moon, he would have made her day

I feel for her. Average girls have it worse though, she looks like a Stacy from her picture but average girls are hit on by everyone from incels to pesdo-Chads because we look more "get able"

>i am not content with hitting the genetic lottery and being handed the objectively easiest life, i also want the few pros of being unnatractive as well

women boggle the mind

It's kind of silly that she felt the need to tweet about it.

>lol I'm getting so much attention
>better take to the internet and grab some more

That kind of situation is annoying. I'd get really irritated if some guy had the balls to hit on me in front of my boyfriend. That's rude. I'm relentlessly rude to guys who try to flirt with me, though.

I'm sorry no one ever talks to you and it probably really annoys you to hear people complain about being hit on all the time but it really does get in the way of everyday life.

Indifferent. I don't envy that situation because I'm painfully shy and can't handle nice things being said to me. I've only ever received kind comments about my physical appearance from random women and I still stuttered and made myself look like a fool.

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Yes, this is a classic humblebrag. "Woe is me, I'm soooo ugly and gross and yet men still want to fuck me, please give me attention."

Fucking idiot roastie attention whoring.

who the fuck cares? Dumb ass roastie

Do you really lack empathy to such a degree?
People complain about things that effect them. Very rarely does someone complain about something that has no direct or indirect impact on their lives.
In the same why someone can complain about their car breaking down while a bus full of carless people go by, a woman can get frustrated by unwanted advances while a desperate guy yearns to be touched.

So that's the "can". But I feel like what you're really asking is "how can they be allowed to express themselves when it hurts my feelings?".
Obviously people tend to try and minimise the harm they do while talking, for example by not using discriminating words when talking about minorities, or by not swearing around children.
The difficulty about encouraging that kind of censorship for this topic is that society looks at inherent qualities as the basis for protected groups: You can expect to be treated politely/normally if you're black, but not if you're being an asshole, because you made the choice to be an asshole.
Since there is a social component to sex/relationships/interaction, it is very hard to pin failings in those areas to some inherent quality.
If you could do that, then I think you would have a better chance at the "I don't get how people can complain xyz" thing.

Dope anecdote duder.
If you really want to experience "mild inconvenience" get yourself on as many spam mailers as you can. Go to the poor part of your town and let homeless people engage you in conversation. There are lots of ways you can put yourself in situations where you're going to be made uncomfortable by others' apporaches.

Say hello to amazon.com

Proof positive that women don't even have to try at life it truely is easy mode for them

It doesn't have to be an obstacle to every day life, though. They say that life is 20% what happens to you and 80% how you react to it, or something to that effect. So when guys pester you, you don't have to let that inhibit your day. Just shut them down, ignore them, whatever gets them out of your face so you can keep doing what you need to do. I act like an asshole when idiots come up to me trying to be cool, and I keep pepper spray handy in the event that they don't take it very well. You just have to be a savage when you're out in the world a lot of the time.

Nice reductio ad absurdum.
You dont need to use metaphors, most men would give up anything for constant female attention and adoration.

You are embarrassing yourself.

>Get in the way of everyday life
"Hey no thanks buddy"
That's it that's all you need, everything else is made up bullshit in your own head about fear of strangers and indoctrinated beliefs about rapists men are not that violent on average

>Go to the poor part of your town and let homeless people engage you in conversation
Holy SHIT roasties really do lack empathy, she pretty much said if you want to know her pain try treating the homeless like they are actually people, she is that disgusted by the idea

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I have never in my life been hit on like that. Makes me feel really shitty, like I must be really hideous. It's probably because I'm very obviously autistic and I've got that weird frumpy chubby body type.

Care to explain how an unwanted and persistent advance from someone trying to get you to sign up for Greenpeace is different from an unwanted and persistent advance from someone trying to get you to give them their number?

Since you're sitting there happy to speak for most men, can you tell me what their favourite dinner is?
Also, if "most men would give up anything" for this attention, why don't they? From the looks of this board all you have to do to get women is have money and be jacked. Are you telling me that "most men" are all rich, well dressed, and charismatic with 6 packs?

you're absolutely removed from reality if you think that hitting on someone is an expression of adoration in most (hell, if any) cases.

You are probably a Stacy. I go out and guys don't hit on me.

You are. I know autistic girls and I hit on them all the time.

I am a man, and I would *definitely* go for a ponytail girl. I like it. Makes them look more innocent.

Are you fat?

It hurts, man.

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You're right, I misspoke and meant to say "beggar" not homeless. I'm just trying to highlight common interactions people have with skewed power dynamics and unwanted attention to try and help people empathise with what it means to be hit on.

When guys hit on me it was often the creepy kind like a guy asking me to masturbate him in a public bathroom before his grandma picks him up.

Women are subhuman garbage.
Stop biting the bait.
They'll never understand what it's like to not be wanted, and trying is a folly.

stacies are more attractive and have better personalities than me so i blame no one else for my fate

boo fucking hoo, people pay attention to you.
what's next, are you going to complain about how people open doors and say "good morning" to you?
Having empathy for the """plights""" of women is a mistake. They don't like us, they never liked us. We have no obligation to give them anything but hate.

Leave it to a woman to be as pedantic as humanly possible. Leave it to a woman to employ reductio ad absurdum even after being called out on it.

How should men let you know they are interested in you, my highness? Should they develop telepathic mind-reading so that they dont inconvenience you with their attention? It must be terribly frustrating to experience attention from lesser men, sometimes, I can see how incredibly difficult it must be to express that you dont want to meet them, those 10 seconds of awkwardness surely outweigh a whole life of being lusted and coddled by men to the point where you could manipulate them to do your bidding on a whim.

It must be so hard, I dont know how you can manage to live with such adversity.

People are falling for this bait?

Do guys really hit on women when they go out? I've never considered myself ugly, just very average looking, but I've never been hit on when I go out and just run errands.

Yeah, they do hit on pretty women all the time.

I know I do.

>How should men let you know they are interested in you, my highness?
By understanding the social cues of the situation, and if failing that, the explicit statement of disinterest.
Since we're in this thread, let us look at the OP:
>at a bar
While it is true that some people go to bars sometimes to find romance/a fuck, this on its own isn't enough of an indicator of those things.
>with their boyfriend
I shouldn't have to explain this one, but since you seem to be totally oblivious: Most people in relationships are not seeking new partners/someone to fuck. Of the small proportion of poly/open people, it would be an even smaller proportion of them that would be looking for a new partner/a fuck while out with their partner.
>not made-up
Like it or not, make up and hair are a significant part of how most women choose to present themselves. Not putting any effort into their appearance is an indicator that they were busy in the morning, that they put little weight on the current social situation, or they're prioritising comfort over looking good. These all imply that the woman is not seeking attention.

I'm whole cake away from being fat.

I should add that if you genuinely don't have the social skills to pick up on these glaringly obvious cues, then that's a different story. Maybe you're autistic or have some other issue, but at that point you can't be speaking for "most" men. Because most men have the capacity to understand such cues.

The question is why don't men follow those cues? Or more tellingly, why do men persist even after being rejected?
if you can answer this you'll probably have figured out why women don't like being hit on

dubs confirm
absolutely originalo

Well then, either I send out serious bitch vibes when I'm shopping or I'm uglier than I thought.

'Kay, I have ascertain that you are either larping or incapable of basic discourse.

You can continue to create vacuous points and adress them, ad infinitum.

I guess it's too hard for the stereotypical woman to give straight answers or to admit privilege.

I hit on bitch-faced women all the time, I enjoy the challenge. More often than not, they are easier to number-close than the homely girls.

You are probably uglier than you thought.

>women can be like TOTALLY robots too you know :^)

ylou're uglier yhan you thought

Oh well, no big deal to me. I'd rather not be bothered when I go out.

>literally give a straight answer to your question, politely ignoring the word-vomit that came after it
And you complain about me "creating vacuous points"

Women have their own set of issues to work out. They'll never know the feel that being a completely unwanted dude brings and it's dumb to try and make them. The ones trying way too hard to "relate" need to stop it too.

I wish girls would hit on me.

What are you doing on Jow Forums you roastie?

Can I just say that women often mistake friendliness for hitting on them? A friend of mine thinks shes always being hit on by strangers, but I've seen it and it's just guys being friendly

Women have to admit and men have to realize that women unironically hate and despise the vast majority of men. They only respect the upper echelon of men.

We can discuss until the end of time, but that's the reality of our species, women absolutely despise us and would love nothing more than for us to disappear.

How would you not know if you have a bitch face or not? Are you fucking retarded? You can look in a mirror and tell if you make angry cunt like expressions or not.

as an ugly man who gets treated like I'm basically invisible, trust me when I say that you don't want that

Then they probably don't see you as being very beautiful, otherwise they would use the 'gentleman' approach. It would still sound dumb, but they'd use nicer words and try to treat you like a 'princess' and other such stuff.

This. I can't ride an uber or ask for directions without some roastie saying she has a boyfriend or husband. Like IDGAF. I'm just trying to navigate through life.

She is probably very pretty even having just woken up.
Yup. Ive only been catcalled three times in my life

post feels kinda like undercover bragging disguised as a complaint

It's blatant humblebragging.

Imagine being so privileged that this is an actual problem for you.

You should tell a starving child:
>omgggggg dont u hate wen u eat so much food and u feel bloated wahhhh wahhhhbh :((((

If all you had to eat was actual faeces, you mean.

Sorry, not sorry.

You really, really don't want to be like Jeffrey Dahmer, Alek Minassian or other such people.

>unattractive men are faeces

That's female entitlement for you. If you aren't attractive you are literally worth less than shit like this femnoid just proved.

>I wish you could become invisible when you go outside
I have mastered this super power

i have been out of my house twice without makeup and people don't even glance at me

It's actually pretty common for a woman to think shit like this. "But I'm just wearing sweat pants and I've got a ponytail! BAKA!"
It demonstrates how a woman is more attracted to the idea of someone than who they really are. A man will hit on her because they see their potential and understand identity is a game of masks and perception.
Like how you hear that women will judge guys on what shoes they wear, and all sorts of superficial crap that basically just comes down into Testing the guy to see if he's Chad, or rich, etc.
They're thinking the equivalent "well, my shoes are shit. why would anyone want to gold dig me right now?"

>Be gay femmish dude
>Dunk 'straight' guys hit on me when I'm walking home from work
A few have tried assaulting me when they found out I was a guy, because they "weren't gay". It is not fun walking home.

eat some oregano and then lose some weight.

Are you actually this stupid or is this good bait? Too hard to tell anymore. Parody seems to be less crazy than actual feminism now.

>all these spoiled and entitled females itt
LMAO getting called out on your bs and being told how fucking easy you have it really triggers women for some reason. I guess when you live life on easy mode even the slightest hit feels like a massive blow. Now gtfo off my board to get railed by Chad and paid by your orbiters.

Don't worry, bro. All you have to do is "have money and be jacked."
Because you know that's totally comparable to just "don't be fat and exist"

It's called sympathy in this case you ignorant twat.

Like shit. Nobody ever hit on me, even if I tried to look as good as I could.

This user speaks for the rest of us.

Just thot things.

>Or more tellingly, why do men persist even after being rejected?
You can never expect a woman to be honest. Anything could be a shit-test.
> if you can answer this you'll probably have figured out why women don't like being hit on
Let me guess, it's because men don't respect women. Did I get it right?

Let's switch places user

Attached: he cute.png (244x245, 64K)

Why this image bacame so popular last days?

Because this nigga finna boutta get dabbed on

>sucks teeth
You aight, white boi

he cute
