Niggers with white women is fucking disgusting. Get off our board cucks and shitskins. R9K is a white power board.
Niggers with white women is fucking disgusting. Get off our board cucks and shitskins. R9K is a white power board
1488 brother.
Interracial porn pisses me off a lot too.
Not to make this sound like an advertisement but I use as my porn site because it's an all white porn site.
How bout you just ignore it, instead of whining like fags?
Shut your nigger loving mouth.
How about that?
Um, no?
I don't listen to whiny bitches sorry.
these posts just made me want to post more interracial porn, thanks fellas
How about we just cut all niggers' dicks off?
Lol how about you do it yourself pussy?
I'll still be here when you come back with your tail tucked.
lol look at that tiny black dick you posted
Tell me your address and I'll come beat your ass nigger. I've beaten every nigger I've fought.
Wrong board faggot go back to your Nazi board .
Didn't know reviewbrah was into the BBC.
This is, running on review!
Today we're going to be reviewing a black dick...goin in.
No such thing as BBC. Black dicks are all tiny.
No Jewboi. We don't play by your rules here.
Can't post porn on Jow Forums
Yabbity dobey doo. Lol boo boo
>White power board
>Jow Forums
Your fucking kidding me if this is true white power than please just fuck off and even if this place does become some white supreme meetup than it was dying anyway and why in the fucking world are you faggots affected by dicks in porn why do you even care seriously I can't understand it
Seriously you fagggots need to end your lives
The guy on the left was probably sodomised by soviets after getting caught naked in his trench
Fuck all cuck scum. May they all die a horrible death. They are worse than niggers by far.
t. Jew boi
Check the kill count bitch. Germans won World War 2.
Dropping a lelbow
Anyone knows the sauce to these?
Thanks in advance!
>Get off our board
That's not an argument and you're not in that picture. You're just a cuckold.