If life amounts to nothing more than a never-ending, and often futile...

If life amounts to nothing more than a never-ending, and often futile, effort towards evading the feeling of emptiness then maybe living is overrated and maybe we should just end it.

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>Muh nihilism.
What are you, 14?

Attached: SataniaIsSmugsDoubtfully.jpg (225x225, 7K)

No i did not read nihilism when i was 14 user
I was playing halo

You're an idiot. Everyone dies eventually, there's no need to rush to death.

>cut dick

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Life is a horrorshow for the entertainment of those with the eyes to see it. We live brutally and we ultimately die brutally.

>Being over 14.
>Still have a Nihilism phase.
Lmao dude haha Xd.

Attached: SataniaLaughs.gif (244x248, 113K)

Not him but what's your phase? You retarded fucking weeb.

Wow you must be pretty mature user

If only there was a way to regress from nihilism back to the laugh-at-nihilism phase. I miss those days.

Not being a pussy and complaining about everything like I'm super important.
Not really, can't you see the anime I'm posting? It must indicate immaturity.
There is, but I'm not gonna tell you cause I'm lazy.

>Not being a pussy and complaining about everything like I'm super important.

What brilliant and novel insight. This recalls a quote by Lincoln: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

Is that a backwards penis? It looks like the urethra's on top.

It's a vein. I wish my cock had veins like that.

>he thinks calling someone nihilistic makes himself look smart

I would love to bash your face in with a baseball bat.

That is a majestic cock

He's a pathetic wannabe edgelord. I pray he's not above the age of 14 given how weak his comments are. He's completely unaware how much more cringe-inducing he is than the nihilists he's laughing at.

Bizumb trumpet stump

The tip looks like Darth Vader

Attached: vader.jpg (768x431, 56K)

There's no point in ending it cause you always do it too late

So the big "vein" is a vein right? What are all the small ones called? Are they veins too? So veins come in a lot of different sizes?

You should seek balance, my son.