User you're an only child? wow that makes sense, that explains everything about you

>user you're an only child? wow that makes sense, that explains everything about you

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>tfw not even r9k can relate to me on this

Are you a shy perfectionist? Only children tend to be like that.

no they are talking about my autism i guess

damn i wish there was somewhere to discuss only child problems

Try being the younger brother to someone who got all the looks and intelligence.

People assume that people with bad social skills are socially isolated (not a bad assumption), and that part of that isolation stems from not having a sibling to interact with. It's also why if you had a sibling people would be surprised, since they would assume that you were an only child. I know because it's happened to me before.

Try being the OLDER brother to someone who got the looks and intelligence.

You act like everything you do is so important and needs to be noted, not necessarily to a high degree but you do think this to an extent, you probably also project a bit more since you're not used to having a sibling

are you me? and if yes, should we kill myself?

most of the time they mean you're selfish, spoiled and make every thing about you

i dont really think this makes much sense with my situation, but ive been told the same thing multiple times in my life

damn that is rough. i do usually get told this after a particularly autistic conversation where they try to pry into my life and i give short ambiguous answers

Yes and Yes. soon brother, soon

I don't know you, but every single child I met is oblivious to it as well

I hate being an only child so much its just me and my parents, I have nobody my age that I will ever share a blood connection with, I want to have a lot of kids when I'm older because growing up as an only child is terrible

oblivious to what?

how was it bad for you? just to see how it comapres to me

Thats what i would mean with it.

my parents are both good people and try their best, hell my status as an only child isn't even their fault my mother had three miscarriages, but it is depressing as hell when the people you have most social interaction with are your parents, even if you have plenty of friends its inevitable that they will be a huge weight on you. Because I had no siblings I went into school without any idea of how to socially engage with others and I really had no friends until about 5th grade, when I had learned how to socialize with kids my age. I still can't be friends with more than 5 or 6 people and close friends with only 1 or 2.

Being an only child hasn't been outright horrible and I don't hold a grudge against my parents but it is definitely detrimental as far a social development and mental health goes and isn't something I want to burden my kids with.

I've got siblings and my social skills are still shot to hell. Don't worry about it.

>think about having kids
>don't want more than one because i want to focus on just one so there's no chance for one to get more attention than the other and so we have a special bond
>but don't want all of these problems that come along with someone being an only child
good thing i'll never be able to have kids i guess

Typically self-centered, not necessarily in a selfish way but just never had to share anything.
Often not good at arguments or debate because never had to argue with siblings.
Sometimes spoiled (a stereotype that is not always true, but if you're an Only, they throw it at you).
Often expects to get more attention from doing things than is warranted.
Can also be overly self-conscious of things and tentative to do things because of it.

interesting, my parents were pretty shitty when it came to social things. never seen my father have a friend in my entire 25 years of life

^this desu
Being the older brother who was put out to pasture in the genetic lottery is even worse because you get to see the brother who you're supposed to act more mature than pass developmental mile stones faster than you

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Do I count as an only child if my brother is 16 years older than me, I am 29, he is 43, and our mother is 72?

My parents aren't neccesarily shit at socializing, but they don't do it much. In all of my years I've never seen my father have a real friend, though he always got along well with other fathers on my sports teams and stuff like that. Mother has had 2 friends outside of work during my lifetime. One would visit around christmas and that was it, the other is a bit of a globetrotter and we see her once a year or so.

I never thought that this was odd until I got older. But now I am kinda like them, no real friends, prefer being alone.

>Often not good at arguments or debate because never had to argue with siblings

i kinda have the opposite problem, im too mean in arguments

>Can also be overly self-conscious of things and tentative to do things because of it.

now this is interesting, where do you get this?

my mom is very social at work but she doesnt really have any friends outside of work either. my father is just very narcissistic, hypocritical, thinks everyone is stupid except him. i have no idea how he gets along with other people but me and my mom kinda dislike him. the only people i remember him regularly interacting with was a small dog group that would meet every weekend at the park that he attended for like a decade yet never did any activities with them or talked to any of them after my dog died

I am an only child and I went through an Ayn Rand phase in high school. I also have the tism. Are only childfen really more likely to be autists?

idk about autism but only children are definitely more liable to have limited social skills

>Be only child.
>Mom was a workaholic and never home.
>Dad was a drunk and never home.
>Operate like a socially well adjusted individual in public.
>Secretly an emotional train wreck with crippling trust and confidence issues.

What did I mean by this?

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Means we were loved and they mad.

Try being the botched older brother to a 7 years younger sister. You get the wonderful experience of:
>being a full-time babysitter at fucking 7 years old
>having to listen to her bitching constantly as she gets older
>getting shit on for everything while sister gets rewarded for mundane tasks
>trying to endure the constant glimpses into the normalfag world, as well as getting a reminder that you have never experienced 90% of the stuff that people 7 years younger have
>having a girl at your home which hates you just like all other girls, meaning you can never truly run away from their annoying harassment
Super fun!