How do we stop female hypergamy?

how do we stop female hypergamy?

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How did this mountain troll manage to have two (2) women?

Both are fat slobs and once you have one girl friend women flock to you cuz they're competitive retards

lowered his standards

Money, intelligence or Good parents

Also he just was himself Lmao just bee yourself

The entrance to his cave is small

Are you blind? They are also fucking landwhales.

But even fatties want Chad.

do re mi oregano

This. I've experienced it first hand.
>walk out n about town by myself, get quick glances away or even looks of disgust
>walk around town with my friend (a qt if I ever saw one) talking and laughing and all these girls are suddenly trying to catch my eye and smile at me
I hate women

don't deal with degenerates.

>said the virgin

Grow up, kiddo.

Please tell us what you're doing to further the cause.

I honestly have no idea what triggered you in that statement

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But it's true. Women find you more desirable when you have a partner. They just do.

You're either a virgin or a dumbass girl.

They fuck other men retard

kys. Do it.

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I'm a grown man with a wife and child, and 41 years of life experience. That's who I am, fella.

Post good memes only please.

That gets me beat by cops.

First love was a perfect 10 and at the mall all hot girls would stare!!!

>how do we stop female hypergamy?

Can you imagine the smell desu

You deserve at least one You for such a glorious post.