Do you guys remember when you were young and thought women were the most beautiful thing in this world? When we thought women loved men because of his charm and personality and not because he was alpha and dominant? When we thought women didn't care about looks and only cared about our personality?
The sweet pill is that moment before the redpill and the blackpill, that was the only moment in my life I was really happy and content with life, hell I didn't have a gf of course but I was faithful with this idea of women being the cure and that it will come to me haha.
>I used to idolize my oneitis and make songs and collages for her
>I used to think women hated brutal and dominant men MEGATOPKEK
Do you guys remember when you were young and thought women were the most beautiful thing in this world...
Other urls found in this thread:
the ones who survive are not the strongest nor the most intelligent but the ones who adapt the fastest.
I lucked out and got 4 year relationship with my "sweet pilled" mentality, she was a qt chubster new girl freshman that rode my school bus when I was a sophomore. I bullied her for a few weeks then I somehow caught feels and asked her out with a note. She thought it was a prank at first lol. It was right around Sweetest Day so I bought a rose in a vase and gave it to her, she loved it. Then as the romantic process went on, I would text her all sorts of sappy romantic poetic shit and she was into it.
Then as time went on, it became apparent to her that I was not going to be a good provider with a well paying job so she broke up with me.
I was a broken man for years after that, then I slowly became redpilled on women thanks to the internet. Now I'm full on blackpilled with no hope for any future relationships at 28 years old.
At least I got a taste of a real relationship...
Fuck I still get dreams with her in them to this day though
bulgarian mafia here. women in bulgaria are not sweet when ognyan was young. they were hard and fierce like cold turnip in winter. only fool and coward think woman is different from turnip
I just hope that robotics and technology get here just in the nick of time.
because if they get here then the sweet pill will be real in the form of synthetic gf or wives.
>thought women loved men because of his charm and personality
>ever thinking this
So...those weird mgtow guys then?
>"user you're going to be so tall and handsome when you grow up!"
>Mom is 5'4" and Dad is 5'6"
my mom and dad are too around 5'6 but somehow I got to be 6'1 in my 20s so I am fucking glad I got to be tall thanks to braces forcing my growth.
how old are you? there might be a chance for you to get tall with braces and get up a few inches.
extracted this from a dying thread
no MGTOW is not the answer I'm afraid
humans are social beings, being alone will cause you to go mad.
the answer is to reject women based on how her past behavior was.2+ partners? model looks? don't touch her she will think this type of conduct is acceptable and continue to ride the cock.
tell her you want a real women and not a broken person with no sense of responsibility or morals.
show me the women of a civilization and I will tell you the type of men they have.
there's a certain point where that shit has to be fake
no way can a human being write that out and not realize what they're saying
>"how dare he reject me"
Fake. Stopped reading there.
>the answer is to reject women based on how her past behavior was.2+ partners?
So MGTOW then?
Fucking this. I have been given good looks and an athletic body but I'm only 5'9." Chicks will still reject me because I'm not tall which is what women want arguably the most from men.
then why didn't you use braces to add some inches to your lenght? even if just one you will be taller and everyone will take it as a late bloomer shit.
it worked with me.
I have zero sympathy for those who relish in being ignorant. Part of being a man is embracing the truth no matter how disconcerting it is.
As for me, yeah, it was a soul-crushing experience to learn the truth about women. But I was never happy while being blue-pilled. So I remain miserable while I at least have the satisfaction of understanding why I've never landed a gf and I can also prevent myself from wasting irreplaceable time pursuing women from this point on and live only for myself.
and cucks envy you for being more of a man than them.
at least you have your shit together relativately better than them.
Amigo, have you not seen the shit girls type when they get rejected? They honestly handle it much worse than guys.
based bulgarian mafia poster
do you think women use logic? most women don't use their brains anyways, even for basic stuff.
Dude I'm a 6"4 25-year old skinny virgin. If you have an ugly face you're doomed. Face is definitely the most important. Some women care about height, but most of them don't
No man, you just acted like total beta.
>implying loving a guy because he's alpha and dominant isn't loving a guy for his personality
You had a shit personality and no charm, why did it make you happy to think that women were attracted to those things (they are)?
This so much. I used to be a more caring and empathetic individual in those days
I would daydream about my oneitis and imagine all sorts of romantic thoughts
After realizing women only valued dominance I tried it and it actually worked like a miracle. It changed me though, it transformed me slowly into a more ruthless human being. Toxic masculinity is literally a manifestation from women's desires that men pick up on.
you havent changed your tampon in 2 weeks, havent you?
You think there are adult women out there who've had 2 or less partners? How blue-pilled can a person be?
My mom was 5'2" and my dad was 5'7" and I ended up 6'0". You never know.
Women value money and ability to buy things most. The more money you make the more attractive you are to women.
>After realizing women only valued dominance I tried it and it actually worked like a miracle.
How do you do it?
maybe he went full PUA and somehow he managed to bring out the best of him.
even then it wasn't enough it seems...
5 5 manlet here. I am sure that being a manlet is one of the worst fucking things that could ever happen to man. Fuck my life.
>How do you do it?
I would also be interested in hearing some concrete examples.
>Some women care about height, but most of them don't
yeah right, some of them...
women have a eugenic nature.
this man is speaking the truth here.
So why was Donald Sterling's blaxican whore fucking the whole NBA but not him?
What are you talking about? No. No one in 2k18 believes that anymore
>quotes from an uglylet
i bet this belief helps you cope, huh?
Total opposite for me, i hated women in the past (and sex) but now i want it so bad.
Well, not him, but it worked for me. My face is hideous and I'm naturally chubby. My family is loaded and on my early 20's I was able to swoon some girls with money alone. Once my family started to hit some hard times, things changed tho.
This might sound cliched, but the kind of girls who only want money might give you pussy, but they're worthless on serious relationships.
I used to dream of us together, think of names for the children we'd have, and prepare for meeting her parents.
Now I can't even think of her without feeling her rejection.
Here's a hint: they're not actually attracted to you. They just want your money. They'll still cheat on you with some Chad who lives in a section 8 apartment.
She literally told me the reason she couldn't be with me was because she didn't want to be the "breadwinner" and I wasn't going to college to pursue a career.
That was a real eye opener and pretty much confirms that women don't love their partners beyond what they can provide for them.
Though I won't deny I was beta as fuck. Still got steady sex for about 3 years though so that was cool.
I completely agree user, I would add to your tip tho, that using money to pump and dump is the smart choice, I did that and even if sometimes I wish I had more, I hardly regret it.