Do you remember your teen love?

do you remember your teen love?

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I wasted my teenage years playing video games and posting on Jow Forums
this is probably my greatest regret

the sad thing is that OP probably did have a teen love and comes here thinking hes welcome here

>tfw thinking about my teen love while laying in bed this morning

I'm 25 now and at the time we were sixteen, we had met at my summer job and used to makeout on the job and fuck after work. I just want to go back

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I'm 29 and it's a completely abstract memory without any emotional component for me at this point. I have certain triggers that set off ancillary feelings of nostalgia but nothing will ever resurface the insane infatuation I had with my oneitis.

yeah, it still makes me feel sick when I remember it

Didn't have on I went to a all boys school and didn't leave the house accept for school.

yeah, it was a doomed relationship though. she was obsessed with me and told me she wanted to marry me a week after we started going out. it was clear early on that she loved me and I only sort of liked her, basically just enough to continue getting sex from her. We ended up going out for about a year but I should have broken up with her like 3 weeks into that relationship. The only thing I feel bad about is stringing her along for so long

I was with my first gf for a week and she broke up with me because she said she would more than likely cheat on me.

Unironically never had one.

Forgot to add she's dating a nigger now. But nothing lost she was ugly as fuck

haha gross dude, sounds like she was doing you a favor

i still fap to her pics every day, im such a loser

Every day? Don't you want some variety?

Remembering is for things that happened.

Frequently. I liked this girl when I was 14. It was the only time I had a female reciprocate my feelings so she became my oneitis. She has kids now and married chad. I hate her with a passion for being the roastie slut life of the party while I was forgotten. I've become a wizard now and have no hope of getting romantically involved with a woman.

i masturabate several times a day, but i always reserve one for her

Ah yes. Shame she didn't love me back. I wasted my teenage years pursuing my oneitis and now I am almost twenty I realise that I have only a few months of being a teen left. Too late for teenage love I suppose.

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I JUST THINK IT'S (originally) BEST

Daily reminder that "youth culture" and everything related to it is a jewish invention designed to make you feel like you missed out on something indispensable and that you will never fit in and you guys fell for it hook line and sinker.

Nope and I'm glad
All the females sucked at my school and they're all married now

>Daily reminder

This is the first time I've seen this....

>t. 90 IQ 18 year old with smart phone

Yeah, it was unrequited every single time.
Judging by what's been said to me I'm the greatest friend to everybody in the world.
Good fucking times.

>insists it's a "Daily reminder"
>doesn't post it daily
>expects everyone else to be up to speed
>assumes everyone is eagerly gobbling up his little life lessons daily despite not making an effort to post them daily

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teen what, user?

My ex sent me dozens of nudes so it never gets boring and I fap to them every once and awhile.

>teen what, user?

teen love

I had a few crushes as a teenager yes.

I had my first kiss at 18 and even though this seems late, I have no regrets.

I was an awkward, immature retard as a teenager, dating would have been torture

>tfw your ex sent you nudes
>when you 17 and she was 16
>technically CP

No I didn't keep them. They were primitive camera phone quality photos from 2004 anyway lol

Ive been there user although it was a college relationship. The important thing is we ended it at all.

Sorry, not the previous user, I just didn't pay attention, teen what again?

>Sorry, not the previous user, I just didn't pay attention, teen what again?


>your teen love?
wew lad

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>I had my first kiss at 18 and even though this seems late
>seems late

Haven't had one but I did some pretty cringey stuff with 1 girl who liked me and I still feel horrible when I think about it

What's a teen loaf?

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I'm 50 years old and I remember her...her name was Patricia.
All thru grade school and high school it was obvious to both of us that we had more than a crush on each other. We never did anything more than hold hands all those years, but talked about children, work, everything we were going to be as we got older.
When I graduated, she went away to college and I went to the Navy and neither of us returned to our home town to live. Last I talked to her was 1986.
Fast forward to last Christmas..I go back home to see my ill mother and while at the store, I run into Patricia's younger brother and ask how she is.
Oh user, guess you didnt know she died of breast cancer last Spring. But...Here's a picture of her 18 year old daughter...and she looks like Patricia did when she was 18.

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>I'm 50 years old
How do you even manage to survive on this cesspool of a website then?

yes but I try to forget it everyday thank you for reminding me you cockgoblin

I do, she gave me mixed signals and my autism didn't know how to handle it.

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Never really had one soo..yeah there you have it.

Yes, she's currently cuddled up next to me.

Its Sunday and I'm bored

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Is this the new 'reeee' or are you having a stroke?

Yes. Saber is perfect, how could I ever forget her?

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No, even as a teen I was too autistic. I came close to asking a girl out once, but before I could make a move, she had me rejected via her best friend. She didn't even reject me personally. Thinking about this still hurts 14 years later.

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my day were going a-ok until you talk about this subject
why user, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?

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Well I'm 18 and I'm enjoying life with my qt gf. I love her so much I can't tell with words.

Never originally had one.

>go back
to reddit?

how the fuck is this shit not original?

>do you remember your teen love?
she became a raging feminist and she cheated on me with chad and she got her ass disowned by her father shortly after we broke up.
lets just say that she didn't understood why her actions had consequences and persisted that she can do no wrong.
of course rode the cock carousel.
she had abortions which one of them was perfomed badly and made her infertile, totally too since the wound infected her womb and ovaries from what i've heard.
right now she is going directly to become a suicide case or a bitter old hag with cats.

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>being this originallIily new

She was 18 tho so it's okay

can't remember something that never happened to me,unless i go through some self induced psychosis that is...

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thank you user you made me wanna die even more

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Your relationship might last, but boy are you in for a world of pain even if it does.

Yeah but I wish I didn't.

At this point it doesn't even make me sad, I just feel like I'm going to cringe to death.

Can't tell which is more fake, your pic or your story.

I can't believe this thread is still here honestly it's been two hours since I made it.
>>Update: I'm still sad and shit

shut up you onion

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I never bothered dating.

Onions boy cent handle the bants

i-i can, shut up

Yeah I do
Last year see was posting on Backpage
Literally charged $100 to fuck
I would of loved and cared for her every need
LITERALLY charged $100 to fuck
Roasties get Toastie

Pic related

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Only ever had a girlfriend in third grade, that's it so I guess no?
(She was asking out everyone, it was nothing special for me)

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Is it onions juice in your cup desu?

Course, still love her, it was unrequited of course, although maybe it could have went somewhere, but she would have regretted it, she deserved better.
She kind of looked like Mary Elle Fanning, I think that's why I like Fanning so much.
She made me really happy when I was with her and I got really sad whenever I left, not because I missed her, but because I was suddenly aware of how empty my life was, that that was what happiness felt like, that it was all possible but that it would never happen because I was a massive faggot.
I haven't spoken to her in about three years now, the last thing she said to me at her going away party while she was mildly drunk and we were cuddling outside a chippy was
>you know what your problem is user, yourself

I don't really care anymore though, I know if I ever met up with her again it wouldn't feel the same, I hate myself too much at this stage

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I never had a relationship or even a crush in high school. All of the girls who went to my high school were either absolutely hideous or absolutely annoying, no proper balance of the two. I used to have a girl I played video games with, and we were somewhat friends, but she turned into a fanfiction-writing SJW so I cut it off then and there.

What exactly have I missed out on? Spending my hard-earned money on dates and gifts for a girl I'll never see again after high school? Getting intoxicated and losing control of my own bodily functions for fun? Having to choose between my friends and my girlfriend, like one of my friends did, and it ended up alienating him from our group?

The teenage years aren't something to be thought about fondly. It's a time of unending horror. You start with the brand-new social environment of high school, where the workload is really ramping up. Not only are you stressed because of grades, but also because of work, and because of your parents. Your hormones are off the charts and every single bad thing feels like it's the end of the world. You're in the in-between stage where you can no longer have innocent fun like you used to have as a child, but you can't have adult fun because you're not old enough to go anywhere. You're stuck in the in-between stage of life where everything is terrible and there's nothing to do.

Maybe it was just different for me. I wasn't antisocial, or afraid of talking to girls. I could talk to anyone I wanted, I just didn't want to talk to most of them because I'm the only person who met my own ridiculous, specific standards for spending time with. The only people I could stomach were other guys because they weren't completely vapid and irritating.

This entire cult of nostalgia for youth is nothing but a distraction to prevent you from becoming your best self. So what, exactly, have I missed by spending my teenage years being happy in solitude and saving my money?

it's donut juice

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I wish u had died in the navy so you didn't post a picture of a fucking infant on my board

>he says while reeking of onions
Foul basedboy
Do you have no shame?

I had 7 girlfriends in middle school. in highschool I kissed 4 girls, 2 at the same time. the only one who was hot I dated for a week and she dumped me, I knew she would, I was letting her reciprocate and would aim her friends instead and she said "you treat me just like you treat my friends!"

If im almost 20 can I still have this? have I missed it?

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for those who missed it: it's a matter of the dissolution of the k-12->college social groups. once they're dissolved you're going to have a chance

If I make love to a teen does it still count as teen love?

yes retard you're still young

Why do you think that?
I'm really happy

>Why do you think that?
He's just trying to piss on your parade because he's asspained with envy. Pay him no mind.

>managed to have it as a 21yo
Lucky me.
But around at what age can you not have it anymore?

>21 and feel nothing for other human beings
>Feel a sharp mental grind when I talk to other people, and feel as if it's an absolute improbability that i'll ever love another human being

I'm thinking to commit suicide.
It feels like it's too late to have anything good in this world even though I'm a very young man.

I see a recurring pattern of people in "love", and it's more like "dependence" to make it through this world.

I'd rather die than participate in the system around me.

>experiencing teen love
You fucking shitbags will never understand what being a robot is like. We have no past. We have no future. We are those who permanently missed out on the delights on which you fondly reminisce.

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Then OP clearly wasn't talking to you.