This board's just not the same anymore.
This board's just not the same anymore
yea well, shit happens i don't know
times change old man. i hate this fucking board now too and every fucking faggot in it. they all worship women, this is what happens when newfags come to fast and wont intergrate
This board was always shitty Wizchan is the future.
I started going on wizchan a while ago, but it's still a shame seeing this board go further down the shitter every day
had to hide 25 threads or so because they where just cancerous
>no sex in 5 days
>help me with my relationship problem
>muh "fembots"
>muh dicks
>muh black dicks
>muh diaper
absolute state of r9k
I hate this board now as well but you know what they say, you're here forever. Until a major change happens in my life or I move to another board of the like, I'll probably stay just looking in disgust at the amount of degeneracy on this excuse of Jow Forums
This board is literally just fembot bait threads now, it seems like every thread is some sort of attempt to get females to reply to. There's just never any good threads anymore
was just skimming through and fuck i have to stop coming here on weekends. all the wagies are in full force.
The board and the website haven't been the same for like 8 years.
>mfw faggots complaining about normalfags ruining Jow Forums when original intentions and culture of this board wasn't even about loser virigins
holy shit all of you need to kill yourselves.
Yesterday there were so many fembot bait threads. So many. Like 10 or 11. I bet they were all propagated by literal faggots or traps pretending to be women.
I'm well aware of this, but it was at least bearable up until a few years ago. Now it's just bait and /b/ tier threads.
I just don't understand what triggered this wave of bait/shitposts
you should migrate to infinity
>muh dead board
Jow Forums was dead as fuck as well 10 years ago but it wa sway better than it is now.
>new community
>interesting people
>community attracts normie because plebbit screenshots
>normie shit staisn come to community and ruin it
>interestign people migrate
Jow Forums hasnt been the interesting place for like 3-4 years minimum now
>This board's just not the same anymore
This whole sites not the same.
But I stay here because its been so long I dont know how to function on a forum where you have a username.
And because every so often, if I search hard enough in the mountains of dung that 4chins provides, I will find something interesting. Not a diamond, those days are long gone and probably never existed.
I would use double chan but I find it annoying to use. What do?
Been on Jow Forums since 2007. Porn shills and homoposters ruined this board beyond repair.
They should really make this a blue board, the amount of porn on here is just awful.
porn is fine, as long as its not a fag or a nigger.
it is half newfags and half shill groups testing their diaper and race war bullshit
I make those threads to troll this shitty board. I used to be part of the community but then it all went to shit so now I just shitpost. as long as you faggots keep replying to fembot threads I'm gonna keep making them
I prefer none, honestly. The minute people start posting porn on a board it goes to shit.