>tfw i want to be a neet housewife but these feminist bitches ruined it for me
Tfw i want to be a neet housewife but these feminist bitches ruined it for me
Why do you or any woman deserve to be cared for by a man?
I dunno man are you kind of cute and into comfy music?
>tfw I want to provide for a neet housewife and give her a comfy life
You'll always have a Y chromosome.
Yeah you better be very kinky and all over my knob the moment I walk in the door, and willing to at least get a part time job or I'm dumping your ass
You lost me at get a part time job.
Would you be my domme? I want to live my life for the sake of my Goddess.
Sure, how much money do you make per year slave?
You're foolish being a housewife is not the same as being NEET. Not even close. Being a proper housewife is a full time job, because a proper housewife cleans and maintains the home while her husband is working for money, cooks for him when he gets home, provides love and comfort for him, and raises as many children as they have. Being a housewife is no small feat, and I wish society celebrated the role more so that little girls wouldn't feel shameful or lazy for wanting to get married and have kids instead of go to college and get a degree in liberal arts and work at walmart the rest of her life.
I-I was using future tense, I'm still going to college
Are you going to make loads of money?
dude you suck, stop rewarding this girl's laziness.
Absolutely, yes
How are you going to make money?
this is why we NEED feminism (unironically)
about time you trophy wives start to make some significant contributions to the grid and cease being lapdogs to your spouse
What is stopping you from being a NEET housewife? Find a man who makes enough to be a single-income family.
My field is decent to high income, and due to various other skills I learned outside of college I'm also getting in on a few other opportunities with some entrepreneurs. No financial commitment on my end, just some time.
How about you get a part time job i get your paycheck and then i take a portion of that and give you an allowance.
I-If that would make you happy
I also want it to be laborer
I want you to do back breaking labor
What level of labor would you like best? Warehouse, construction, what?
You're obviously a guy. You can get a bf in this thread but you don't want one
Construction desu
And how would I give you my paycheck?
High IQ reply.
Trannies are still trannies OP
Give me the money duh
Where do you live slave?
>haha I want to seek male approval by pretending to hate having rights
Fucking women. You seriously can't help but take on criticisms without questioning how retarded they are? Plenty of people still want a housewife and no one is forcing you to be anything else except maybe your immediate peer group which will obviously has its own set of values that, if you weren't a weak ass bitch, you wouldn't feel the need to conform to or project onto everyone else.
Ultra original
Aaay i live in canada
That's close
Buy me a plane ticket then
its a catch 20/20
whicle having a neet housewife to raise the kids sounds ideal, thats primetime for cheating while im at work
however having a woman that works too she's probably going to meet someone better while working and then cheat or leave me still.
there's no winning.
You mean... We are all cucks no matter what we choose?
That's my fear.
I used to not feel that tfw no gf feel until recently when i realized I'm aging and want to have a family, but shit like this makes me second guess what i want.
How would I give it to you?
But... I mean... Not all women are like that... R-right...?
>catch 20/20
Stupid and insecure? Incredible.
For a college guy you sure are stupid
Do i have to do all the thinking for you?
Probably autistic desu but I haven yet to emet a woman who gives me any reason to believe she isn't the typical whore.
Myabe not, but rare.
If youd like to, sure
How do you look like anyways?
I demand a picture slave.
Have both? Literally just work in a field that pays well until you find a man that will support your housewiving. If he's shitty, leave him and start working again. Repeat. This is 2018, cunt.
I'm not the guy, but posting a picture is against the rules... Miss
good. fuck you, cunt.
Literally be my NEET housewife.
*Assuming you are a biological woman
This is me from a few years ago
Would you even be a decent housewife?
Wtf thats moot fake
Who? That's me
Why would you post this? Just to hurt me?
I-I didnt think I was that ugly
Confirm. Moot is japanese. It cant be him.
Youre not ugly
If youre a moot clone
Nice bait bro
(This is original)
I'm in Canada too. If you're not obese I will take up this guy's place
So youre going to give me your paycheck?
What province are you at? Also, are you a biological female?
>Moot is japanese
How many Marijuanas have you injected today?
Quebec, Canada
Post pic
Dont actually do it man, find someone that will love you that you can spoil, not some chick just looking for a free ride
None. Cold Turkey since yesterday my dude. Also Captcha fucks with me i need to sleep. But how?
I'm right near Quebec.
Email me [email protected]
No pic no response
That's probably a dude anyway
Figures you're looking for handouts lmao
Dude they didnt even say they're a female they ignored that question entirely because theyre a guy
>pic on Jow Forums and not on email
Okay, your loss.
Nu uh
Im a girl
>a princess :3
>find someone that will love you that you can spoil
Not him but kek
That's gonna be literally impossible nowadays
At this point I'm just gonna try to find some fembot who's willing to not say no in exchange for free housing and food
i make 65k/yr. Well?
How about i get 40k and you get the rest.
depends, what do i get out of it?
My vagina when i feel like it
Free use or nothing
is that really it? oooorijinal
Nobody has even posted their pics on this thread
Too scared to even post a picture on an anonymous imageboard
too accurate, ouch... even in a non-gynocentric world though, I would be just as happy with a girl that worked.
>acting like you're ever really anonymous on the interwebz