Good ol'shrink pill thread

Thread No.9

Bonus points of the day: Your fav artists

Artist of the day: Preesoul

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How is everyone doing today sorry for not being on for a bit

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Do you enjoy games with giant female bosses?

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Oh fuck yes who doesnt

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wish there was more shit like this

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What do you guys feel is superior shrinking or the girl growing?

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but what about a fully developed adult woman the size of a small child
how do we feel about that you guise

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Eh not really my thing

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but how would you even fuck a giantess

i guess you could fuck her tear ducts

Boom problem solved

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But hey if you like anal your screwed

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Shrinking has more good content, growth has more potential but it's often ruined and you forgot one, new world order where the size difference is just normal and expected.

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Good pic whats the sorce?

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Come on lads don't let it die.

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Yeah bots let keep it going

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anyone got hero acdamia stuff?

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There is plenty since the series has a canon giantess

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I'm glad I don't self-insert into my autistic fetish.

Fucking a giantess makes more sense than fucking a tiny woman.

shrinking is better
you can have more intimate moments with the girl that way

you could be shrunken and in her stomach or her panties as she just goes about her day and no one can tell

with your whole body

Yeah but not as much as i expected

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exactly there is a lot more stuff you can do

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reminder that amazon/mini giantess stuff is the best

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debatable depends on her personality

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a man with taste
>tfw mini giantess gentle femdom is rare
>tfw the farther down the rabbit hole you go the more cosmically big the girls get with shoving galaxies in their ass

At that scale, the whip would be a bit redundant, no?
Also needs more giantess pee

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I really do
Specially when they are nice with me

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oh yeah wish they had more nice gts in games though

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