Self improvement is for narcissistic faggots who cannot deal with thier insecurities so they try to hide the pain by...

Self improvement is for narcissistic faggots who cannot deal with thier insecurities so they try to hide the pain by hitting the gym and wearing fancy clothes because they want to be fashionable or aesthetic but in reality all of this just show how shallow and egotistical they really are

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what if you do more than just getting fit and getting clothes to make your life better and isntead get a promotion or a job since most people here are neet

Or I just got tired of getting winded walking upstairs and I don't give a fuck about how I look lol

I gave up a long time ago, there is no real reason to self improve the only people who do this are just in denail

I remember when I was 14 and took the philosophy of Fight Club seriously

More like misunderstood the philosophy of Fight Club

>pretending all people aren't narcissistic

nice cope kido

Self improvement IS about dealing with your insecurities you fucking retard
>so they try to hide the pain by hitting the gym
Nobody does that. They go to the gym to improve their physical and mental well-being, retard

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I have accepted that no matter how much effort I put toward my looks, health, ect, nothing changes. I tried to quit smoking multiple times, and realized that I have no one anymore I'm trying to impress, so I keep smoking. I've tried multiple times to keep up with a fitness schedule, and again realized that there's no one I'm trying to impress anymore. I'm done.

self-destruction is unironically superior to sel-improvement

And what if someone has shit genetics and just cannot get swole? or what if he has a horrible face that only plastic surgery would fix his mess of a face? tell him ''just be urself bro xd looks don't matter''

Fashion, I would argue could hardly be considered a gain outside of its social application. Weight-lifting can vary in how impactful it is in regards to your character, it all comes down to your reasoning and how honest you are about it with yourself and others. Self-improvement extends infinitely beyond the scope of what you've presented in that literally anything can be considered a determent or net improvement to what you consider the self. Something as basic as becoming more resourceful (taking shorter/ colder showers to save on water and heating) can be considered a form of self improvement.
>tl;dr you could always read a book or not be a lazy nigger, too

If they brag then they haven't changed, to change you have to get to know your demons in order to come back a new person. Most fags just run for the hills because they are scared of themselves and thinking about that shit can really fuck you up if you aren't mentally strong.

>dying like a fucking faggot instead of unironically becoming Chad
Trust the motherfuckers that drop like flies, you'll go far kiddo!

who said anything about dying?

The world is competitive, we're animals, we need to constantly fight to improve ourselves to continue our lineage. If you do nothing and live a lazy and unfulfilling lifestyle or convinced yourself that there is no meaning to achieving said lifestyle because of nihilism or believe that things should come to you like some anime or TV show and that the world revolves around you and you couldn't let go of your own ego when you realized that those things weren't even remotely true, then you already failed at life.

People wear make-up, workout, etc. because sometimes you are given a shitty hand at life and need to overcompensate for your shitty genetics. The only thing you should do is improve yourself to elevate yourself to maintain your lineage in the human gene pool even if it is a small upward rate, or die off and give up. Some people are given an amazing hand at life with god tier genetics, but they become lazy and content and fail, too, or for example a really good looking scandinavian guy has an asian fetish and dates some moonface womanlet and gets ugly kids, bad shit happens and good shit happens.

Overall, it's a fight, we all have to work hard, there are too many people in this world and we have no control over it's increasing rate, but what we can do is work hard and improve ourselves to ensure we pass on the genes that have been passed onto us - thousands of thousands of our ancestors who worked hard to ensure we exist today.

OP, you're not serious are you? If so, have fun being stuck in depression for the rest of your life.

You cannot become a chad you can only be born one

Self-improvement is what made men rise out of the forrests and deserts to attain authority of this planet. To make civilise the mind through hard work. Self-improvement means to not-surrender and to fight again, each time stronger than the last. As you fall behind in your own insecurities that you can't improve yourself, the rest of us will. We won't surrender and become a cuck to your own fears.

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Then leave us and surrender faggot. Your mentality of putting others ahead of you as if they're ranked there naturally and you can never reach it. You've created a rank system and reinforced your weaknessess by believing its natural. Challenge those fears faggots.

>self-destruction is unironically superior
then why do it at such a subtle pace

Striving to be better then who you were yesterday is the only moral goal any human should be trying to undertake in this day and age. I guess you could say wanting to be a better person is egotistical in some way but it's very healthy. It sounds like you're just a botter fox who doesn't even want to try for the grapes

Holy shitttttttttt


you already posted this on /fa/

Fuck these ''self-improvement'' faggots are so annoying, they won't stop talking about how superior they are, just leave those who just gave up on lfe because no matter how hard they tried, they always failed because they weren't born with perfect genetics

The fight club thing is retarded because the only reason youre willing to listen to Brad Pitt making the point is because he looks like the model he's denigrating in the scene. If it was some fat, ugly neet sweatily telling you that "self-improvement is masturbation" you wouldn't give a shit.

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