I need a book that will counter my nihilism and misery

I need a book that will counter my nihilism and misery.

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The Bibble

reading any book will not change your perspective more than momentarily. you're miserable at least partly because you choose to be. if you can't accept that then you're fucked for life.

Unironically this.
Read the bible, realize you are a sinner in need of salvation, repent and lay all your faith on Jesus Christ.

Stand up straight with your shoulders back, clean your room to fight the dragon of chaos and save your father from the belly of the whale. it's no joke

captain underpants is like chicken noodle soup for the soul

I'd recommend the Qur'an first because it's a lot more shorter and already gives you a general outline of the prophets stories so you can use it to understand the previous scripture more.

Also there's a lot of philosophical verses that are a bit vague and let you thonk.

The Qur'an is basically the book of ecclesiastes but way more better, longer and vague.

But after that the Bible would be a pretty good choice. The KJV is probably the best for poetry but the ESV is a lot more easier to understand and contains dead Sea material

>read about men stoning women for cheating on them
>read about starvation and upper class mistreating lower-class kikes
>some imaginary bearded guy gives kikes super powers and kickstart a rebellion

Unironically this. Read the Bible.

The Gospels, focus on what Christ teaches, that's what matters most.

A Confession by Leo Tolstoy is a good one about how he found peace.

Unless you're willing to do religion there is no salvation from this. The world is a mess, you don't matter, and you're essentially not even real. You just think you are.


No joke, open up a bible and read ecclesiastes

Buddhist philosophy is a pretty good thing to study and things such as vipassna mediation method is quite easy to do and studies have shown it cures stress, depression and increases intellect and empathy.

I'm too lazy to find source but a quick Google search should find something.

Or just watch the Jordan Peterson lectures on it.

The biggest thing I have when it comes to life not having meaning is that really it doesn't matter. It only matters if you think it does, and that's the beauty of people I think. We say it has meaning and therefore it does to us. Other people can get fucked. I will never see the universe from their perspective so I'm not about to start worrying over it.

I unironically want to see her naked, she's like 19

>reading boooks and listening to music to find answer
this was me until like 16
>acid weed molly coke xanny weed everything i cn get my hands on
this is me after 17
there is no answer
salvation is when my doctor tell me im gonna die

This will atleast distract you and give you a new skill archive.org/details/AllInFightingByCapt.W.E.Fairbairn1942

Communist manifesto

He wants peace not to be an edgy millenial

>Muh nihilism
>Le Morty and rick
OP is a le deepfag

Religion won't help you unless you actually believe in it. And even then, the idea that all of reality and your actions are controlled by a god isn't an inspiring idea.
In the end, the only one that can help you is yourself. And if you can't find a reason to live then you don't deserve to live.

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any book that makes you feel less miserable and less nihilistic is not a good book

Politics is very much like religion. It gives you an ideal future you can fight for and a way to make sense of the world.

