Skelly thread

no fatties
no Jow Forumsfags
post skeleton feels

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153 pounds soaking wet

I was actually up to like 158 last month but got the flu, lost 5 pounds and haven't been able to get back on track since.

You're no skelly. Dont come here and show off
129 lbs

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im tied between becoming a femboy/getting muscle but im 56. i had to 56. why do i have the need to find extreme admiration from all parties im the lowliest sunken worm with delusions

>47 kg / 107 pounds

154 lbs / 70 kg

I am skelly. You are Holocaust tier.

Post wrist sizes
6'2", 150lbs with 6.25 inch circumference here.

>waking up in the night with dead limbs all the time

Replying to myself, I also have 6 inch wrists

How does it feel, skeletons? I may be a fatass, but as long as I practice basic hygiene I always have a position as the funny fat guy.
>286 pounds
>Great personality and sense of humor
>Not the protagonist, but I don't want to be
You, on the other hand? You're stuck as hideous, fatless, muscleless things, who should only be seen in a Holocaust photograph. Do I have to buy big boy pants? Absolutely, but it's a lot better than disappearing whenever I turn to the side.

Goodbye for now, skeletons. I'm going to go enjoy this Wendy's Dave's Triple cheeseburger. It's so delicious... want a bite? Oh, no, it won't help.

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135 pounds
Don't know wrist size exactly but I've got large hands and small wrists so there's that

I really hate my body, I am undatable because of it, I am never getting a girlfriend.

>large hands and small wrists
this is true suffering. i just want to wear a watch so i can keep track of the time, but i look retarded with my tiny ass wrists and huge gangly hands

I get scared everytime I cut myself because I'm so thin I might hit a vein or something and die

do i count as skelly?

Enjoy dying from heart disease in a couple years, fag.

My life might end before yours, but at least it'll be filled with more merriment, pleasure, and happiness than yours, toothpick.

post that in english and we'll tell you

>Being the fat ugly guy everyone keeps around to feel better about themselves
>More merriment, pleasure and happiness

Thank you for the laugh, you fucking piece of lard. Go continue killing your heart on greasy fast food.

>insulting the superior chubbies because you don't get invited to anything
Tough luck, thincuck. I guess you're rather THIN-SKINNED too, huh?

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Nah mate, I'm not a virgin or anti-social. I just think it's funny how you think being a whale is superior to being skinny. Neither are traditionally desirable but some women like skinny guys. No one like a fat ass.

6'1, 130 lbs, 6 inch wrists. i dont know what im going to do this upcoming week, its supposed to get to 90 degrees every day. might just wear hoodies anyway.

All skellies need to resign themselves to transitioning and becoming a cocksleeve to superior men PRONTO

Oh, skelly, the lack of calories is starting to have a series effect on your brain. In what world is this...

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>128 pounds

5~ of that are probably water weight too because I started taking creatine recently.

more attractive than this big, handsome fellow?

Whoops, typo! Big fingers, you know how it is - oh, wait...

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It's around 5' 11" and 130 lbs in amerifriend.

>try to eat more to gain weight
>feel sick
>end up throwing up
Why is eating so hard

Nice cherrypicking, lardo.

BTW, no need to apologize for the typo. I know how that Wendy's grease can be slippery on the keyboard.

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That's the exact same as me, and yes, you are definitely a skelly, especially by American standards.

>pectus on top of that

hey, almost the same here.
I know your pain my spooky bro

Don't worry, skelly. When I'm walking your girlfriend home from the club tonight, I'll protect her. Of course, I can protect her, because I'm tall and large and intimidating. You, on the other hand? Jeez Louise... if I was a mugger, I'd skip you out of pity.

>being able to walk more than a few steps without needing to sit down

Don't make me laugh, tubby.

>recently have had insatiable appetite when i would previously go an entire day without eating and feel fine
I might make it bros

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>tfw only 75 degrees out
>still sweating and overheating

What do women think of skellies?

i'm not too skelly, i'm 6'2 and average 150
could be worse i guess, being obese is gross and

not a problem if they're tall.

Pectus is the worst fucking thing ever. It looks like I'm skinny fat because of it even though I'm actually a skeleton king. My side profile is 1000x worse because of it.

Is there even any way to fix it other than expensive surgery?

105lbs in high school 5'10

wore hoodies in 80 degree weather

5'6" 122 lbs im trying to gain weight

and if they're manlets or average?

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5'10", 118 lbs reporting in, haven't gained weight in over a decade

i am doomed to this fate

"Just eat more! Its so easy"

>tfw i can eat whatever I want
>tfw I dont get fat

feels good being a skelly my man

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