Still Can't Get Over Her, Lads

I'm just about done. It's been 5 months, I'm still an empty wreck of a person. I can't do this anymore, nothing brings me any enjoyment, nothing takes my mind off things. I thought maybe I could make it to October and escape into Red Dead Redemption II, but I don't think I have it in me, lads, I just don't...

I can't move on, being with other women just reminds me of her, and I can't stop feeling guilty and full of hate when I'm with someone new. They're not her, I don't want to talk to them or be with them, and I can't force myself to do so.

She doesn't care, she just moved on, doesn't even talk to me anymore. I put a year into that girl, gave her a year of my time, loyalty and attention and after it all she just walked. Everything reminds me of her. I cry several times a day, I hadn't cried since I was a child until I met her, tears just start rolling down my face as I stare at a wall. I'm already dead, I just constantly think about ending it, it's the only thing that makes me feel anything anymore.

This community is the only thing that has brought me any kind of joy since we broke up, and it truly warmed my heart and at fleeting moments took my mind off her. I thank you all for that, I feel a bond with you, you're like my brothers and I wish there was something I could do to pay you all back.

Please stay away from women, robots. We're not built to be with them.

I fucking love you, Jow Forums. Godspeed, robots.

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Shes taking big black cocks now and also Chad cocks. Man up and move on, dry those tears, women are whores.

I can't. It's been 5 months, user... I can't. Thanks for trying though, buddy, take care.

not op but I'm starting to think all women are good for are cum rags

it's only been a week for me
do things really not get better? because i've never felt this bad before and don't want to continue like this

In my experience, they just get steadily worse. We talked on and off for the past 5 months, and the only times I felt even okay was when we were talking, we haven't spoken for almost two weeks now and she has blocked me on everything, and asked me not to contact her anymore.

Feel like I'm drowning, lad. Almost had a panic attack today. Can't face anyone, can't speak to anyone, can't interact with the few people who still care about me, I just explode at the slightest thing.

I thought being a NEET would help me, but I can't even enjoy NEETdom anymore. I just can't do this.

op isn't it pathetic that some Woman ruined your life ? i can't understand. you're really weak. come on. i understand you love her but come on.
why you need that she loved you back... i know you wont fuck her but just feeling of love isnt it enough? go get some hobbies try forget her or just adapt.

> the only times I felt even okay was when we were talking
yeah this is how I feel, we're still in touch. I tried asking if there's any to go back, but she would only give vague answers. The lack of a hard no gave me some hope, but I would lose a lot trying to pursue it and there's only a small chance it would be worth it.

But at the same time, I've been having panic attacks all week, and feel like absolute shit. I got really drunk a couple times too and ruined relationships with my two closest friends.

I don't know, I'm just a fucking mess. I'm gonna try to hold out for a little bit, but I don't know how to get better.

It's all those things, I'm aware, I am weak. I know she never deserved the love I had for her, I know now she clearly never loved me back the way I loved her, she would still be with me if she did.

I know all this, user. I know...

It doesn't matter.

Never orbit women, they have 0 empathy for men they discard. move on.

I don't know how to move on.
It was the best thing I ever had, and it ended because of my bad decisions. How am I supposed to accept that?

>but I would lose a lot trying to pursue it and there's only a small chance it would be worth it.

Why? What does she want from you? In my honest opinion, my ex only told me there initially was a chance if I sorted myself out because she felt sorry for me and thought I would do something crazy, either hurting myself and/or her and others.

I think she also thought if I pulled myself together and got back on track, I would just forget that I had done it all to be with her and would move on at some point, and therefore she had helped me through lying, it's what women do, they nurture through dishonesty.

I very much doubt she will ever get back with you, bro.

You need to remember it didn't end due to a bad decision. It ended because she didn't love you like you deserve to be loved. You loved her unconditionally and in an all consuming matter, she did not do the same for you and her love was conditional.

I'm OP, my ex was the same. She used to get so upset and cry when I said she didn't love me the way I loved her, she couldn't even understand the concept of pure love though.

She doesn't deserve it, but I'll fucking off myself due to her nonetheless.

Been there user.

Use that anger for something productive, like working out.

But NEVER go back to her.
If you go back, nobody here can help you with the autism you're about to unleash on yourself.

If she comes back to YOU, don't show her you're attached. Just fuck n go, or keep her on a leash.

I just had a breakup because I was with a chick who said she loved me and got upset I was upset when she told me she didn't mean it and was just saying it. Very similar to what happened to you.

I'm starting to believe the only viable strategy is to never tell a woman how you feel about her beyond "You're cool, let's fuck"

Just dropping by to let you know that i'm in the exact same spot as you, from the blocking to me being the one ruining everything.
100% the same.
The day she is with someone else is the day where i either completely break down permanently or grow.

Only advice i can give is to stop thinking and lock away all feelings and emotions. Sure you'll become devoid and empty but the pain will stop

>Why? What does she want from you?
It ended because I moved out of town. I know it was stupid to even try long distance, but things were going really well for a couple months.
I asked what would happen if I came back, because honestly I hate it here and it hasn't been long enough that I've built a life anyway, but all she would say is that she doesn't want to be responsible for me doing that.
But honestly I might move back regardless of her, I might crack, and at least I have friends and family where I was.

Anyway yeah, I know it's dumb to even consider the possibility. But that doesn't stop me from wanting it.

Only difference i would say though is she had unconditional love for me, but my hate and alcoholic issue, my problems with trust and being controled by impulses was what drove her away after 2 years. Cant blame her

That's the only way I've lasted this long, user. Now that I'm not in contact with her at all anymore, I'll likely never even know if she finds someone else, I'll never have that closure.

So it is as good as her moving on, assuming she hasn't already.

Sometimes, regardless of how deep I bury it, I'll still end up just silently crying, usually several times a day recently, tears streaming down my face and just feel utter despair and be filled with visions of ending it.

A year. Ha! Grow up. It will take you a year to get over her. Start fucking on the rebound now, it'll speed things up.

Do you think anti-depressants would help? I've avoided them in the past because I've heard they do exactly that, make you emotionless. But maybe thats what I need now.

I wouldn't know. You could try adderal but it could give you some bad mood swings. I'd suggest it is best to keep away from anything and just have patience and will to not suffer anymore

Before this girl entered my life i was like that out of sheer will due to being in constant pain 24/7 for many years. It became too much at one point and i decided to stop thinking, feeling, blaming myself, etc etc and just accept it all and live my days empty. Sure it didnt all happen once i decided it, it took time from day to day but slowly i lived an empty life but with no pain.

She of course took that away from me once i felt i could open up, all my locked away feelings came back and i ended up not being able to control it.

If you cant have the closure you desperately need, it is best to give up on it no matter how bad. user, i know it isnt easy. I believe you can pull through, it just takes time and time gives experience with dealing with what is going on inside you. Once you let go and accept what could be is no more, it will start to slowly get better

>still can't get over the Asian girl I liked in 7th grade that I was friends with until she randomly just stopped talking to me and moved to California
How do I cope

I don't know, user, sometimes I believe I can, and that I will be okay at some point, I just need to get to it. And even if not, I am a miserable that is tolerable and manageable. But then the dark times come, and they can last a long time, maybe one time the dark time lasts a few weeks, and maybe it never stops.

As it stands now, I won't see out the month. I can't do this.

Because you're a fucking loser right now in life.

No woman wants a man acting like a bitch.

You need to get an abundance mindset. Her fish hole is no better than the millions of other ones.

You need to focus on yourself . Focus on furthering your education and making more money. Get real productive hobbies that bring you joy in this miserable universe.

Women come and go. She's already forgotten about you and is talking to other guys. Why are you crying on the incel subreddit of this Croatian basket Weaving Hentai tcg forum about someone that doesn't care about you?

>She's already forgotten about you and is talking to other guys.

Yeah, and I'm gonna make sure she remembers me and never forgets, and will feel guilty talking to or being with another guy for the rest of her days.

I'm going to burn it into her memory.

>Why are you crying on the incel subreddit of this Croatian basket Weaving Hentai tcg forum about someone that doesn't care about you?
Because I'm a fucking loser, you just said that.
Nothing but a miracle or a bullet is going to change the fact that I'm pathetic. I don't care.

it doesn't get better
6 years now for me and every day is just as bad as the previous

I know you are in the darkest place now and it seems impossible, but suffer through it, give it time and see where it leads to.
I need to sleep now, i have work in 3 hours. Take care user and wish you all the best, remember we both are in the same place but i wont give up. Neither should you

You're still thinking like a bitch. You're only a loser because you're choosing to be one. Same as 99% of this board

Stop caring any what she thinks

Let me say it one more time. She doesn't care, and neither should you.

You want to get excruciating revenge on her? Get a job making 6 figures, go to the gym, and be happy with anther women. It will destroy her and you'll never even be aware of it.

The reason you haven't moved in is because you have nothing to move on to. Change that and you solve your problem.

>op will not deliver
nice wall of text but unless you livestream this is utter bullshit

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The way I'm going to do it, it won't be livestreamable. I'm going to go into her place of work and jump from the top of the balcony right down and fall just next to the counter she works at.

I will literally splatter into pieces right in front of her eyes, probably spray her in my blood and she will never forget the sound of my body hitting the ground.

You'll hear about it, user, don't worry. It just won't be livestreamable.

yeah sure you would, while you're at it already, tag this post in your postmortem will.
print it and take this with you, don't forget to eat a happy meal before you splatter.
if you want to make your death more traumatic you should take a jar fill it with ammonia(any brand) some laundry bleach 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 spoon of baking soda
wait for the concoction to dry and then place some in her office if you have access to it , otherwise carry it with you

It could be worse, user
>same situation as you
>except never even had a romantic relationship with the girl
>she was just my friend / oneitis for many years
>never met someone like her, literally the only person that I've truly liked and gave me real joy
>haven't seem her in almost a year
>pretty much left a huge empty space in me
>still think about her every moment, often end up crying for hours
>can be attracted to other girls but not imagine me with someone else
>they all pale in comparison
>not that it matters, I'm too ugly to have a gf anyway
>even psych is amazed at how fucked up my depression is, medicine doesn't do shit
She teached me that I was able to love someone much more than I thought, and also a whole different level of suffering that I didn't even know was possible to feel. I know it sounds like gay shit but no pain compares to this - it feels like I'm being constantly torn apart from the inside all of the time. I don't know what to do anymore. I might end up just an heroing too.

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Same situation here. I think about her constantly even though I had no romantic relationship with her.
>daydream about her constantly
>fake conversations in my head with her
>little things remind me of her.
>she's always my first thought when i wake up.
Every day I tell myself "tomorrow, I'll try to think about her less." It's been 2.5 years. Not a day has passed where I didn't think about her all day. It's bizarre because we were never intimate and she definitely doesn't when remember me.

>its been 5 months
>i put a year into that girl
be happy it wasnt your 5-year marriage where she took your kids, house, and half your retirement plan

i'll talk you out of it, these people replying don't give two shits about you.

You're learning that women have no sympathy for the men they discard. It usually takes about a week for a girl to get over a break up. For us it can last months and the residual pain lingers for years. I'm going on 7 years now, new gf and everything and I still feel the pain of my breakup. It's a tough pill to swallow but women are whores and they are heartless.