I started seeing a shrink

what advice can fellow robots give about seeing a shrink? should i be 100% honest or is it best to keep my mouth shut and pretend to be a normie?

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Don't say anything that could be interpreted as a threat, ie. "Oh man x really makes me want to hit something" and you will be fine. The other thing to watch out for is saying anything that would make you get commited. Generally, no threats, or anything what would give someone cause to believe you are a danger to yourself or others.

Don't use any vernacular that you would here or mention here. If your a Jow Forumsack don't mention your political views. Don't talk to him about anime. Certain non-violent vidya might be ok though.

And if they don't give you a fairly sized stack of paperwork to sign it's either a really good sign or a really bad sign.

shrinks are people too, there are very good ones and then there are terrible ones. you'll probably find out how good yours is within the first 10 minutes of a session.

whether or not you want to be honest is up to you and what you want to gain out of a session, but desu if you wanna act like a normie you're better off talking to people online. on the other hand, being too honest also comes with its own set of problems and the shrink may not understand fully the depth of your problems

the most important thing is to be thorough with whatever you tell them. never give out vague answers. that will make the shrink think you are obfuscating on purpose or misdiagnose you. try to pin down your thoughts before going to a session. if he/she asks a question and you don't know the answer, don't tell them outright you have no idea. tell them you need time to think about it and you'll bring it up on the next session.

also this very important

i'll try my best not to sperg out but normies really do need to die in a fire
i have already revealed that i am right wing. i kept my mouth shut about (((them))) but knowing myself it won't be long before i slip up
next meeting i am signing paper work (its the second meeting), am i screwed?

Nah, in laymans terms it's probably going to be insurance stuff if you have it, and a thing that makes it so they can only tell other people about what you say if there is a danger/threat to them. Also, if they call you for an "emergency appointment" or something along those lines, DO NOT GO.

I went to a sped school and every kid learned right quick the three excuses shrinks have to legally break confidentiality:
>hurting someone else
>hurting yourself
>someone else hurting you
Any of those three and they can blab to someone and have you committed or get police involved. At least at the place I went to the effect of this was that the only kids who stuck around and didn't get sent away were the ones that learned to never tell their therapists anything of substance.

If it's a woman, drop them and find a male shrink immediately.

> if they call you for an "emergency appointment" or something along those lines, DO NOT GO
i will take your advice user. if they call me in for any appointment i didn't schedule i won't go. i assume if i missed something like this they might come looking for me? should i go into hiding if it comes to this?
also how long should i see the shrink before i try to get out of it? i am only seeing him because family had me admitted to the hospital and rather then be trapped there for 72 hours i agreed to met with this guy voluntarily so i could come home right away.

i actually don't care if i live or die. it's not that i want to hurt myself or kill myself, but if it happens so be it i don't give a fuck. is this something i should kept to myself?
it's a male they first tried to set me up with a female and i said no.

What the fuck is a shrink?

Keep that shit to yourself for sure. They will consider you a danger to yourself if you even suggest that you have any sort of feelings towards death that aren't fear and a desire to avoid it for as long as possible.

You can talk about it but I wouldn't frame it in terms of death. Talk about how life seems like a pointless chore, instead of not caring if you die.

If you don't want to be there act normal. The emergency appointment thing usually means your getting involuntarily committed (very bad). If you act normal and everything goes well you can be out in > a month.
Good job with that. And as said. That is even worse than wanting to kill yourself, as you will be considered at risk by just going outside.

would "i feel like living is pointless without companionship" be too extreme?
it's not that i don't want to be there, i know i need help with some of the shit m going through (crossdressing/depression) but i'm scared of the power they have to just lock you up and throw away the key if you say the wrong thing.

Shrinks are for normies only. They can't understand or help with issues that deal with existential thought or disenchantment. Only stuff like coping with child abuse, dug addiction, relationship issues, teen girl depression, fat people problems, deadbeat dads, etc. Most shrinks are bluepilled normans afflicted with problems of their own and get into the profession in a delusional attempt to help themselves. You will spend most of your time expressing your grievances and problems to them and doing breathing exercises. The only kind of help of advice they will ever give will be coping mechanisms that encourage you to simply pretend that these very real things affecting your life are imaginary. You could tell them them anything as long as it's not a plot for revenge or violent and they will say "that's totally normal, If that's what you want to do then do it". So if you tell them something like "I want to surgically remove my penis and turn it into an open wound that resembles a penis". They will tell you it's normal and encourage you to find a surgeon. They will rarely disagree with you on anything.

>woke on the JQ
>STILL a crossdressing fag
What the fuck is wrong with you?! What would Uncle Adolf say if he could see you now?

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it's not like i want to be this way user. i look like a white Elliot Rodgers, women want nothing to do with me. when i dress up i actually pass and people are nice and say nice thing about me for a change. i feel like it's either become a trap or be alone forever.

don't see a shrink, it is completely useless.

I dunno what you mean by "shrink" because so often people think a therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist are the same thing so i'll just give you my own "interacting with mental health professionals" lessons

Be honest but stay composed
Don't just spill everything straight off the bat, even professionals can get the wrong idea when you dump it all out in 30 minutes

Take an interest in your own mental health, ask your shrink why and how they come to the conclusions they do, read up on how your meds work etc...

It's ok to have thoughts of murder, pedophilia and suicide but never express actual intention or STRONG desire for these things, mental health professionals have an obligation to report you if they believe you are a genuine threat to yourself or others and it never really leads to help

Most importantly consider your future and how any information you reveal could impact that
I was gonna join the military but realized too late that all the bipolar and depression meds on my medical files would be too hard to explain
Turns out i'm too fucked to work anyway so ah well, but i doubt my psych would've wrote a reference for me when i applied for a disability pension if he knew what a degenerate i was (anime, questionable porn, loli, alcoholism, Jow Forums etc) so i avoided touching on those subjects

There's a big difference between not caring if you die and WANTING to die
As long as you express yourself properly that should be fine (and even important) to talk about

"Anhedonia refers to a diverse array of deficits in hedonic function, including reduced motivation or ability to experience pleasure"

"Apathy is a lack of feeling, emotion, interest, and concern. Apathy is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation, or passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical, or physical life and the world."

I hope this helps, OP

lol i told my psyche i'm not a fan of the jews and he was like "yeah, me either"

Just drink alot, its how everyone else does.

Just take some MDMA and talk to someone, they're using it to cure PTSD now so it should help you.