Tfw no bf for 1210 weeks

>tfw no bf for 1210 weeks
Can this get any worse? What sort of magical powers will I get after 1565th week?

Attached: 1513038972246.jpg (686x992, 101K)

Nice trips Honnu. There are no magical powers at the other end by the way. You just make such jokes to cope with how much of a loser you are.

>You just make such jokes to cope with how much of a loser you are.

It is your own fault. Blame yourself.

Dear Trannu, please please stop, you just want attention but you won't let me give it to you, fuck you.
regards, anonymous

I take it you've come crawling back to r9k since you have reached your maximum thread capacity on /tttt/, isn't that right my late transitioning, inverted triangle bodied friend?

>but you won't let me give it to you
What did he mean by this

No, I didn't reach the limit, I barely made any threads today.

You should post on r9k more, I'm sure you could get a much bigger reaction and anger many more anons this way.

Why don't you just get a long distance bf? You could meet later on