How did women come to have such a great fall from grace? Is there a way to reverse the damage?
How did women come to have such a great fall from grace? Is there a way to reverse the damage?
>How did women come to have such a great fall from grace?
Some beta cuckold faggots decided it would be a good idea to give women rights roughly ~100 years ago.
if I had access to a time machine, they'd be the first people to get their shit slapped
women have always been like this. civilized societies just don’t let them talk about it.
>post of random girl
>this girl is every girl
I forget the weekends allow these threads to get easy bumps.
>slap cuckhold faggots
>not kill
it's good user knows what not to do or he wouldn't exist,
show tits
emotions were a mistake
At least she's honest.
>How did women come to have such a great fall from grace?
They were always shit by default, only social pressure and/or laws can force them to act like decent people.
It's nothing weird though, it's the same for men, the problem is that women are no longer forced to act like decent human beings
You first s o y boy.
I’m sure the estrogen pumping through your system has given you decent C’s by now