I hate having gender dysphoria

I hate having gender dysphoria.

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Yeah it's not fun... I can't stop thinking about how much happier my life would have been had I gone through it as a female.

Exactly. I hate being reminded all the time of something I'm not and I'll never be, and at best I'll just be some weird andro ersatz female

It sucks sometimes I think I should just be content being a (((femboy))) other times I cry over the fact that I'll never be a normal girl

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Well it's only a temporary thing, just ride it out. Don't ruin your life.

Same. I feel out of place in this body. Nothing we can do but survive till the end. Transitioning is not an option for me.

>Transitioning is not an option for me
Why not?

I too hate having gender dysphoria.

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3/3 pics are anime
Like pottery

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Yeah, gender dysphoria sucks. You should post your boipucci so robots can masturbate to it until finally the line between woman and femboy doesn't even exist and you are a girl.

Just take comfort in the fact that if you did put in the effort of transitioning, you'd never be a cute anime girl anyway.

>supposedly pass
>always seen as a girl when I go out
>still have dysphoria
>still want to kill myself
Just so you know, it never gets better
Many people will tell you it never gets better and theyre right

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no bro, you're a faggot

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originally start lifting weights

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OP is a massive faggot, and so are you get b8d

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I wish I was never born. This life is cruelty. I can't handle my problems any longer. I can't handle my feelings.

you could try self improvement but your kind dont seem capable of that

I am self improving going to school and trying to get a degree while also taking hrt hopefully I will pass someday but I don't think so I'll always be an andro freak

Just go gay and find dysphoric basedboys to play pretend with

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Listen to subliminals to become a cute Anime girl.

You admit you have a mental illness then?

It's the basics, why you asking?

Straight male here. If I dated you (treating you 100% like a girl), married you, we adopted kids, and you were the mother to my children would you still have gender dysphoria? Or would that cure it?

It's never enough for them.

So many people with your issue don't see it that way and don't get any help

It's one heck of a brain condition. Your brain has trouble handling your adult male/female body.

If we didn't go through puberty we wouldn't go through this hell, and if transvestite fetishists and SJWs didn't politicize this we would be closer to a cure.

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I hate having body dysmorphia. I feel like an absolute monster with this face of mine.

Theres only two genders, deal with it.

Or maybe you're victims of pop culture? 10 years no one was talking about it and now suddenly everyone has mental gender issues and are allergic to gluten, think about it

>Theres only two genders, deal with it.
we know, most of us are just males who want to he the other gender (female).

Have you tried not being a retarded faggot? O find that helps.

this condition really fucking sucks to have.
even worse it will probably be like this for the rest of my fucking degenerate life.

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Try accepting who you are because trannies are fucking abhorrent in every way and you probably dont need more reasons for people to hate you

I got diagnosed with gender dysphoria before I even knew Tumblr existed and had Caribbean parents.

This board is much more susceptible to jewing than others. You guys need to think for yourselves

It wasn't even called gender dysphoria back then, it was called gender Identity disorder.

Word of warning. If you take the antiandrogen, hormone route, you may not want to go back.

I have to take a small amount of estradiol a day, or else I feel like am suffocating, sometimes with discomfort every time my testosterone used to spike, other than the gender bending feelings and thoughts.

I hate it too, but I feel it's a product of a shit society. I don't have a strong aversion to my physical self, though I don't look closely in the mirror.

It's called homeostasis you dumb fuck.

>t. faggot with self-hate.

This was before when I didn't do anything, not when I went off the pills. Having my hormones go up randomly during puberty didn't feel good, but to normal males they feel so energized and feel like doing 50 reps.

>but to normal males they feel so energized and feel like doing 50 reps.
Bullshit. I felt more tired than anything else. Stop taking hearsay as the real thing, most people don't feel much at all

Disgusting faggot how do you even choose to go on

>I felt more tired than anything else

you feel tired with higher testosterone levels?

You don't have gender dysphoria. You're just ugly. Too unattractive to women so you figure turning into one is your only chance at finding a relationship.

Quit invalidating trans people

>insanely high suicide rates after transitioning
>(((people))) still parrot that it works

I'm just saying if 48% of people who got lasik killed themselves, that shit would be shut down.

i want to have sex but also be a little girl

>Just so you know, it never gets better
how is this possible

Theyre not valid to begin with

I wish I could be a normal girl but femininity genuinely disgusts me and watching feminists online makes my dysphoria so much worse


Because their lives revolve around their gender and their communities reinforce this. Ever realize why there are almost no trannies in third world counties? Idle minds and free time not spent on trying to survive makes people think about dumb shit.

t. Femboy who almost fell for it.

Just stop having it then lol.

Every femboy and trap in this thread clearly just wants attention so lets not beat around the bush. Youll say oh Im so ugly or pretend like you dont just want someone fawning over how well you pass, I can play along then ill tell you how cute you are and really make you feel validated and you can send nudes here Lost#2786

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Believe it or not, becoming a girl is not a cure to mental illness
And the severely mentally ill will always be nothing but tortured souls crying for help but never getting better. Until we kill ourselves at least

>Every femboy and trap in this thread clearly just wants attention
You posted the first picture of a real human bing ya dingus.

It's because it's unhealthy to obsess over one's physical looks.

I just wish I was a cute loli like that one.