What qualities do you have that make girls want to hang around you?

What qualities do you have that make girls want to hang around you?

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Girls think I'm cute in that sort of "little brother" way. I'm not even a shota or anything, I'm just very beta and submissive

i can be funny and I am sometimes friends of their boyfriends.

this thread is just targeted at lonely males to make them feel worse

shame on you op

That is cute. I would want to hang around you

Dressing really nice

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literally none. originally.

vast blackpilled knowledge

I can do a handstand for a really long time. Does that get me a gf?

I'm sort of smart and I have a stable income.

I can't think of any other reasons honestly, which is why I'm just going to stay single.

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I'm "funny" and "attractive"
That said when they hear my opinions and views they bail hard

100% this is all you need to get a gf

I treat them like human beings and actually listen to them. Can also reliably induce a slamin' orgasm with one finger in less than 60 seconds.

I used to pull pranks and kinda bully people in middle and high school so I had people hang out with me.

Now I have no friends though because in adult worklife you can't really steal someone's bicycle and haul it up a tree or sneak up on someone to wedgie them or pull their pants down in front of everyone. I don't know how to talk to people really. Oh and I was decent at sports so I guess when I didn't suck people liked having me on their team but there's no mandatory sports lessons with your work group in adult life either like you have in school.

Shall I feel inferior? No, I don't think I will do that.
You on the other hand should consider moreso what it is that you're doing here.

I'm polite, and I actually listen to what they have to say. All the girls around me just want to be friends though. None have ever really been interested in me, but at least I can talk to girls, right?

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I have quite a "vivacious" personality, or at least people seem to think so (I think) because of the way I talk.

A lot of people don't seem to know and/or apply this but the way you talk and your vocal inflections have a huge impact on how people perceive you. You can say the exact same thing you would normally, but altering the way you talk a little bit can make you seem much interesting, funny etc...it can't completely make up for the lack of a personality, but it goes a really long way.

I have had quite a few girls tell me I have a "magnetic" personality, and they seem to gravitate to me even when they're in relationships.

I have no idea.

I'm antisocial and awkward, yet there are girls interested in me here and there. I'm poor, skinny as fuck, got an acne face and generally look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Personality-wise I have no interesting hobbies and am very timid... Still, there are even those older ladies who seem to want to bang me.

I have a girlfriend who instantly wanted me. I asked her what did she see in me and she gives me generic answers about me being good looking - I'm not.

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>I have a girlfriend who instantly wanted me.
get out now

>how big is the pedestal you put the pussy on?
Fixed, OP.

You should strive to better yourself so that you have a higher quality of life, fulfilling relationships in general and hysterophemy.

Women should feel privileged they can be a part of your life. That's their natural place, at your side, as a compliment to your life.

Spare me that retarded drivel.

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Handsome. That's about it though

Me in a fucking nutshell. What the fuck. LMAO. And yeah that whole fucking old woman shit is extremely true. I mostly get girls in their mid-20's.

I can play guitar and I have an attractive face. Sometimes that is enough.

>Self aware
>Know how to make them laugh

>tfw beta, submissive, and tiny 5'8 120lbs skeleton who looks 16

>>Know how to make them laugh

this can honestly be such a huge help. I've seen some ugly mofo's get somewhat OK looking girls by just being funny.

I have a big penis but sadly I suffer from suicidal depression and anxiety

My pessimistic and realistic attitude
Females are fucking stupid for finding that interesting

Good sense of humour, I make them feel safe and I clearly convey to them that I have superior and mature values.

I don't know how many folks are LARPing in here, but that's my honest answer and women actually love me. I've never been rejected, I'm married to a gorgeous girl and my female colleagues, for the most part, endear themselves to me.


It's as if the universe engineered me for the sole purpose of repulsing human females.

>enjoyable when intoxicated
>promising future

Being tall and having a large cock.

I'm over 6' and I'm white
That's about it
The only girl I ever sorta hung out with was the dyke who liked sports

i know this feel man, i'm in the same boat.
The worst part is when they say, "the girl who will have you is gonna be sooo lucky".

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im funny in the awkward say stupid shit way
i know alot about random shit i like art and films and while being a 5/10 i can grow a pretty decent beard

Cuck them.

pic unrealted. that isn't actually hilarious.

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i'm a depressed, sarcastic and really mean piece of shit, i even tell people that i hate them, i don't know why they don't take me seriously and want to hang out with me.