Hunger Games Beta Uprising Edition

Alright guys it's that time again. Hunger Games time!
Pick a name and post a picture to play. The first 24 get in. Try and limit yourself to 1-2 slots, thank you.

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Wehrmacht Wojak volunteers.

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OP The idiot

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Ice Machine 13.0
I feel it this time

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George Soros

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he cute


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Ian Curtis Wojak

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Kaiser Willy the second.

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gay black nigga

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Toasty McRoasty

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Andrew Jackson

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I fucking love joy division. I made this version of the game a bit more custom so hopefully the new additions will be fun.

Black Jesus is resurrected once more

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>8 posters
>12 replies
stop being fags


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This. I said 2 at most so it'll fill quicker and because some people really want 2 but I prefer 1. I'll be doing one game with no arena event after this one so people will have a second chance.

lets do this

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"The Escape" makes an entrance

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One girl and no anime girls. This'll probably end up being really gay.

You two I know for sure already did one so if it overflows and the two extra people didn't get one these characters will be the first to get dropped.


plz an0n

How do you originaly know?

post a picture. OP said to in the second sentence

Well because after these posts the number of posters did not go up

le 56% american

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here is the picture


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here izs your elliot

Attached: el4.jpg (1700x692, 118K)

Just filling it up quicker

I posted a second one that you didn't catch

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Doom Slayer

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Yeah I don't catch all of them and I said people could post up to 2.
I know that's what I want so people don't lose interest because they're impatient usually. I'll probably keep them all.

Wizard Pepe is my tribute

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percussion warfare hopes he is not too late

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One more before we can start. Make it a good one.

Duk Gondola

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We have our tributes! Let the games begin.

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Lots of guys seem to run away

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Elliot is already teaming up

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What's he doing with that trench coat?

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Well I guess no one died in the "bloodbath"

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Doom Slayer and Elliot is the dream team


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I bet 200 GBP on Elliott and Adi-chan each!

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Both of my volunteers ran away

Day one originally starts

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Rip wizard pepe.
Elliot is where my money is at

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>the roasty gets free shit

Why would gondola do this?

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>Both of the pepes die on day one
well rip

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high class survival strategy kek

We all knew of Gondolas videos already..

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>2 pepes in 1 day
How powerful can these cunts be?

>elliot receives katana


RIP adi-chan

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F He was cute

>amerimutt bonding

>Joy Division
Pick one

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did nothing wrong and still died

NOOOOO, mein Fuhrer!
Fucking Roastie is the most hateable character as usual

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The rest of the night seems pretty comfy. Lots of nuzzles and cuddles.

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This seems like a different version compared to the original.
What were the main things that changed?



>New Order

I changed deaths, events, and day stuff mostly
F he should've won
Day 2 begins. It's violent but no one dies.

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The roastie is burning the coal already..

>Roasty and nigger are friends
Today elliot kills his own kind

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a true american hero

F cody

>Fembot helps human garbage get better
>He kills her

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Here are the day 2 stats so you guys can keep track of shit

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When will roasties learn? Origg

Fugg these are some big groups

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Is Ice Machine a trap?

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my contenders will live on

F for the Bean

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inb4 The Escape is ironicly the only survivor.

The Escape here with 2 kills now

Day 3 begins today
That would be golden

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That is the most Mr. Bean way to die
How the fuck is a noose doing all of this

F brainlet cavemen
>The roastie and the nigger

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Day 3 ends
Why did Black Jesus do it?

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because wypipo be raycis

F for the escape. I thought he'd do well.

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>a noose dies from hunger
Whatever you say

Black nigga listening to rap

Fuck every time I forget the pic

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And thus ends night 3. Should I have bugles or fritos?

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I have a good feeling this is Ice Machine's round

>Falling for the roast's tricks
I hope so. Ice Machine just got a kill and
ROAST BTFO Elliot survived

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>the two pedos sniffing fingers

rip ian

Here are the stats. I post em every other day

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Night 4 is super duper calm and comfy

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