Alright guys it's that time again. Hunger Games time! Pick a name and post a picture to play. The first 24 get in. Try and limit yourself to 1-2 slots, thank you.
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 5.45.24 PM.png (555x564, 216K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:45
Wehrmacht Wojak volunteers.
Attached: cc0013_5577217.jpg (1300x1466, 155K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:47
OP The idiot
Attached: 1525737671876.png (402x592, 246K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:49
Ice Machine 13.0 I feel it this time
Attached: CF007752-C620-4F37-AD36-E30EF2475260.png (932x554, 45K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:49
George Soros Originallly
Attached: images.jpg (275x183, 6K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:50
Fembot originaleke
Attached: 1526078544948.jpg (207x243, 12K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:50
he cute
Attached: 1525922587552.png (1000x1000, 77K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:52
Ian Curtis Wojak
Attached: 1525743875410.png (500x658, 21K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:52
Attached: 1525728595679.jpg (283x263, 15K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:52
Kaiser Willy the second.
Attached: 1200px-Kaiser_Wilhelm_II_of_Germany_-_1902.jpg (1200x1731, 384K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:53
gay black nigga
Attached: 1526074210782.jpg (506x552, 42K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:54
Toasty McRoasty
Attached: 1525437441930.jpg (600x450, 30K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:54
Andrew Jackson orgnll
Attached: andrew_jackson.jpg (1200x1385, 1.04M)
May 11, 2018 - 22:54
I fucking love joy division. I made this version of the game a bit more custom so hopefully the new additions will be fun.
May 11, 2018 - 22:54
Black Jesus is resurrected once more
Attached: 1524536604878.jpg (400x509, 26K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:55
>8 posters >12 replies stop being fags
May 11, 2018 - 22:55
Attached: Twisty.jpg (1500x1000, 243K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:56
This. I said 2 at most so it'll fill quicker and because some people really want 2 but I prefer 1. I'll be doing one game with no arena event after this one so people will have a second chance.
May 11, 2018 - 22:56
Caveman lets do this
Attached: 1524907035638.png (485x443, 24K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:58
Cody ogoggogogogogo
Attached: tumblr_oc46elmfzP1vcjv2fo1_1280.png (640x357, 217K)
May 11, 2018 - 22:59
"The Escape" makes an entrance
Attached: 1525848464016.jpg (1024x1024, 118K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:00
One girl and no anime girls. This'll probably end up being really gay.
May 11, 2018 - 23:00
You two I know for sure already did one so if it overflows and the two extra people didn't get one these characters will be the first to get dropped.
May 11, 2018 - 23:01
How do you originaly know?
May 11, 2018 - 23:03
post a picture. OP said to in the second sentence
May 11, 2018 - 23:04
Well because after these posts the number of posters did not go up
May 11, 2018 - 23:04
le 56% american
Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.jpg (800x800, 66K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:05
here is the picture
Attached: sunglass-selfie.jpg (640x360, 50K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:05
here izs your elliot
Attached: el4.jpg (1700x692, 118K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:05
Just filling it up quicker
May 11, 2018 - 23:05
I posted a second one that you didn't catch
Attached: 1526054814639.jpg (653x590, 76K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:06
Attached: Mr.Bean Rollercoaster.jpg (480x360, 18K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:07
Yeah I don't catch all of them and I said people could post up to 2. I know that's what I want so people don't lose interest because they're impatient usually. I'll probably keep them all.
May 11, 2018 - 23:07
Wizard Pepe is my tribute
Attached: 1525744194328.png (852x944, 70K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:07
percussion warfare hopes he is not too late
Attached: 1524312165913.jpg (403x631, 67K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:09
One more before we can start. Make it a good one.
May 11, 2018 - 23:10
Duk Gondola Originally.
Attached: 32CDE1B3-1068-4E81-9135-41D4A390FEED.jpg (271x186, 8K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:12
We have our tributes! Let the games begin.
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.13.15 PM.png (559x587, 221K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:13
Lots of guys seem to run away
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.14.06 PM.png (319x548, 52K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:14
Elliot is already teaming up
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.14.43 PM.png (361x604, 73K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:15
What's he doing with that trench coat?
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.15.23 PM.png (323x595, 56K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:15
Well I guess no one died in the "bloodbath"
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.15.56 PM.png (657x561, 117K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:16
Doom Slayer and Elliot is the dream team
May 11, 2018 - 23:16
Attached: 1523768857455.jpg (474x711, 66K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:17
I bet 200 GBP on Elliott and Adi-chan each!
Attached: 1525290878298.png (713x611, 26K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:17
Both of my volunteers ran away
May 11, 2018 - 23:17
Day one originally starts
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.17.52 PM.png (366x514, 63K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:18
Rip wizard pepe. Elliot is where my money is at
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.18.33 PM.png (344x599, 79K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:19
>the roasty gets free shit pottery
May 11, 2018 - 23:19
Why would gondola do this?
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.19.23 PM.png (360x590, 73K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:19
>Both of the pepes die on day one well rip
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.19.57 PM.png (622x409, 61K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:20
high class survival strategy kek
May 11, 2018 - 23:20
We all knew of Gondolas videos already..
Attached: a056d179df026cc88bc2d4b840147cf2ea54b44a964466db98429a3351a1cdd9.gif (1200x700, 474K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:20
>2 pepes in 1 day How powerful can these cunts be?
May 11, 2018 - 23:20
>elliot receives katana Kek
May 11, 2018 - 23:21
RIP adi-chan F
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.21.51 PM.png (501x575, 68K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:22
>Joy Division >Shitty Pick one
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.22.39 PM.png (508x597, 97K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:23
F did nothing wrong and still died
May 11, 2018 - 23:23
NOOOOO, mein Fuhrer! Fucking Roastie is the most hateable character as usual
Attached: 1525719071428.jpg (800x800, 153K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:23
The rest of the night seems pretty comfy. Lots of nuzzles and cuddles.
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.23.34 PM.png (342x606, 79K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:24
This seems like a different version compared to the original. What were the main things that changed?
May 11, 2018 - 23:24
I changed deaths, events, and day stuff mostly F he should've won Day 2 begins. It's violent but no one dies.
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.24.59 PM.png (441x600, 91K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:25
The roastie is burning the coal already..
May 11, 2018 - 23:26
>Roasty and nigger are friends Today elliot kills his own kind
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.26.19 PM.png (433x574, 69K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:26
>Fembot helps human garbage get better >He kills her
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.26.57 PM.png (283x475, 59K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:27
Here are the day 2 stats so you guys can keep track of shit
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.28.06 PM.png (558x598, 217K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:28
When will roasties learn? Origg
May 11, 2018 - 23:29
Fugg these are some big groups
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.29.36 PM.png (649x621, 167K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:29
Is Ice Machine a trap?
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.30.18 PM.png (570x565, 73K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:30
my contenders will live on
May 11, 2018 - 23:30
F for the Bean
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.30.45 PM.png (254x317, 35K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:31
inb4 The Escape is ironicly the only survivor.
May 11, 2018 - 23:31
The Escape here with 2 kills now
May 11, 2018 - 23:32
Day 3 begins today That would be golden
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.31.31 PM.png (447x592, 70K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:32
That is the most Mr. Bean way to die How the fuck is a noose doing all of this
May 11, 2018 - 23:32
F brainlet cavemen >The roastie and the nigger
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.32.31 PM.png (619x530, 83K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:32
Day 3 ends Why did Black Jesus do it?
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.33.10 PM.png (443x590, 68K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:33
F for the escape. I thought he'd do well.
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.34.19 PM.png (534x622, 83K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:34
>a noose dies from hunger Whatever you say
May 11, 2018 - 23:35
Kek Black nigga listening to rap
May 11, 2018 - 23:35
Fuck every time I forget the pic
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.35.12 PM.png (466x527, 61K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:36
And thus ends night 3. Should I have bugles or fritos?
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.35.46 PM.png (528x438, 71K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:37
I have a good feeling this is Ice Machine's round
May 11, 2018 - 23:37
>Falling for the roast's tricks I hope so. Ice Machine just got a kill and ROAST BTFO Elliot survived
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.38.38 PM.png (523x617, 139K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:39
>the two pedos sniffing fingers
May 11, 2018 - 23:40
Here are the stats. I post em every other day
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.40.57 PM.png (566x607, 202K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:41
Night 4 is super duper calm and comfy
Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-11 at 6.42.08 PM.png (338x620, 87K)
May 11, 2018 - 23:42