The most chaotic evil things you have done
The most chaotic evil things you have done
Got a girl to attempt suicide for the lulz. I didn't even dislike her.
I told my mom that I wouldn't clean my room.
And then I started cleaning my room after a suicidal Canadian youtuber told me to.
chaos isn't evil in fact evil fears chaos
not clearing my mind of dumb thoughts
i cranked down the set screw on a few flushometers at school in 2008
The grocery store I work at had a display of dates out and I took one
pushed a small kid into a lake when no one was watching. Then pretended saved him myself in front of everyone. Maybe it's not really evil enough.
stole myloli female cousins panties then fapped in them repeatedly before going back and putting them back in her room
Tailgated an SUV for maybe 5 or 10 minutes with my brights on at night. They called the cops on me lol. Turned out it was some hamplanet and her pussy whipped husband up front, plus one mongrel of a baby in the back.
Haha fuck, nice.