Behold! You stupid faggots!
The greatest piece of OC this board has ever had.
Read it or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.
Behold! You stupid faggots!
The greatest piece of OC this board has ever had.
Read it or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself in a manner that is most original
Holly shit, you actually turned up again.
bump for shilling this book.
jealous non-creative brainlet.
i'm cringing rn to be quite honest with you
i don't think the opinions of a tripfag count for anything bro, just saying
die bitch fag cock sucker
Like a publicity loving whore like you would know genius when you see it.
Go suck daddy Peterson's dick some more you homosexual.
Why is this being ignored? Why do the jannies keep pruning the threads?
i know garbage when I see it
because it's not good
protip: the mods and janitors are well known homosexual leftists.
Why do you tripfag? For fuck's sake do you really need to attention whore more than you already do?
i dont think anybody cares about the opinions of a tripfag desu senpai. nobody likes your kind here.
very high IQ,,
these threads are becoming tiresome. your book never gets better than the sample paragraphs.
Great now the FBI knows my Google account.
FTR I dont condone mass shootings.
Did you even read it or are you just doing some knee-jerk reaction to it?
We'll keep an eye on you, buddy.
give me a reason
is this just the usual pol outlook in dystopian book format written by someone cocksure that their critique of strawmen is worth anything?
Who wrote this? It's hilarious although poorly written at points.
Some Mexican fellow
I'd let him over the Great Wall of Trump any day
it was written by a fellow robot whose initials(i suppose) are M.A.V.V. He posts here.
i can't say it's a good book, but i was suitably entertained
it's coated in too much obnoxious irony for me to read past the first few pages
Then maybe you should fuck off back to plebbit you pleb. It clearly goes over your head.
Its a strawman of pol interacting with pol's strawman of ideal leftist society. Id read it, its not very long and its really funny.
no it's just poorly written and obnoxious
I do have reddit open in another tab right now though
Its not really a strawman. I mean, all those things are more or less real. For example, in venezuela they literally had only diet sodas because of the sugar shortage. They also ran out of bread for their mcdonalds hamburgers at some point.
Go be "incel" somewhere else. Real niggas are "volcel".
I left incels, I keep getting sucked back to Jow Forums no matter what I do
I hate this shit but my mom is sick so I can't risk it.
no, that's not how I use this website
Where do i find the fucker who wrote this?
Bump for btfo of libtarda
send him an email to [email protected]
I am not wh*Te and I am going to literally judge a book by its cover... I am NOT going to read it.
kys you dark-skinned subhuman.
>google drive link
Fuck you I ain't clicking that and letting you know who I am.
You're probably already on multiple government lists... what's another one?
stupid paranoid fuck, you know the google and microsoft and facebook and all the other jews already know everything there is to know about you, right?
How DO you use this website? Is it a promotional tool?
>you know the google and microsoft and facebook and all the other jews already know everything there is to know about you
But the king cockgobbler known as OP doesn't.
Can someone sum up what the fuck this is about
>Is it a promotional tool?
I laughed. no, I just like to attach my name to the shit I post online because it forces me to stand by what I say.
It's about a robot dealing with leftist takeover of america. His parents abandon him right after the revolution, so he has to get a job and stop being a neet. He has to deal with jews, immigrants, communists, trannies, and other degenerates. Eventually, hes so fed up with it all that he plots to assassinate the leftist leader.
Bumping the thread for leftopia.
fuck off faggg
You remind me of the guy who wrote Empress Theresa.
can we all just agree not to talk to/give (you)s to this absolute fucking waste of human life? you know who i'm referring to
some user wrote a retarded book
>someone considers this good writing
>this is the type of writing evola ended up inspiring
america was a mistake
pure envy lol. kys fags.
using means of threat to get your book promoted is just as kikeish as being a kike in kikeland
saving this thread with no survivors
pastebin that shit and i'll read it
am not envious but you need to learn to proof read your writing , take some english writing lessons or hire an english teacher to help out your writing ,this actually reads like satire am not joking apply yourself
Are you stupid? it IS satire. Also the typos/spelling mistakes in that image were corrected.
Here you go, but you are missing out on the images.
is jordyn jones 18?
yes, she turned 18.
Seems like some kinda autistic Jow Forums+Jow Forums drivel.
OP is a fag, as per usual.
this is fucking hilarious, i have no idea why people give you so much shit for it
10/10 so far, main character is uncomfortably relatable
im guessing its just one autist ITT butthurt by the politics
its pretty funny
I wish this was an audiobook