How are you feeling tonight, friends? anything on your mind?

how are you feeling tonight, friends? anything on your mind?

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Just got home after a long but fairly enjoyable day of work. Couldn't ask for much more.

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Goddamn I wish I could do art like this.

Not a lot, just thinking how I may be making a mistake moving to a job thats a lot less flexible and a lot less "fun" than my current one, in order to get more learning.

Is that more important? I dont know. Maybe. I want to be the best, and I think this is the right step.

i wish i was worth a response
really sucks having people ignore you

glad to hear it, guy! anything interesting planned for the evening?

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likewise, ukiyo-e art has always been my favorite. there's an extremely calming quality to it that i very much enjoy. as for your job, it depends entirely on your priorities. it sounds as though both options provide beneficial opportunities so i wouldn't overanalyze it to excess, just do your best to enjoy the choice you make.

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I'd be happy to chat with you for as long as i'm conscious, friend! anything new in your world?

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>just do your best to enjoy the choice you make.
Thanks mate, that was oddly enough the right thing for me to hear

>tfw not currently playing video game in area inspired by this image

I probably don't have a gf because I am boring to be around. I have a monotone voice, don't go out a lot so don't have many stories, and don't have a passion that others share.
I am just a forgettable person, and women want someone who isn't that.

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friday is the loneliest day of the week... sigh, not doing much here.

>don't go out a lot
This is why you dont have one. How do you expect to meet a girl if you dont go anywhere where girls are?

no problem, guy! i hope everything works out for the best.

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that would be great! i have a tendency to lean towards games that favor old-growth, mystical environments.

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i have no doubt that your hyper-critical opinion of your qualities is perpetuating some of your woes. self-reflection is a valuable skill that should be used to better the aspects of your character that are lacking, not shit all over yourself. you have value and you gloss over it when you should embrace it.

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in some ways i agree, post-work friday is usually the most solitary time of the week for me because i don't work on the weekends. so, i spend the evening recuperating. however, i very much enjoy this time to reflect without excess stimulation. saturdays are for socializing. why are your fridays so lonely, friend?

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now this is a fella who is talking some sense!

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I am currently pining after a youtube star who is taken and way out of my league, feelsbadman

Agreed. I never really do much or socialize on Friday's so naturally they are pretty lonely and as you mentioned this allows time for reflection, which often just makes matters worse.

that's the pits, guy. however, this only presents you an opportunity to find the inevitably more attainable and personally fulfilling romantic opportunities that lie in your future. keep your chin up!

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if you don't mind me asking, why are matters bad to begin with? self-reflection is a double-edged sword, you can't let yourself focus excessively on the negative. you have the absolute potential to change and feel whatever you please, friend!

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boutta start my summer term at my local college, and the usual friday of shitposting in the dark.

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I can make myself feel whatever but that doesn't change the reality of things. There is nothing positive about this world nor is there anything negative, it's just existence and that can be hard to bear.

i would absolutely agree with you about everything you've said. however, i would argue that most people who recognize the inconceivable vastness of existence and their relatively small role within can find happiness, not only with, but through this realization. perhaps you don't need a cosmically-driven purpose to appreciate the beauty and intricacy of your life and experiences. if you are the type of person that needs purpose or validity, you should work to find joy in searching for it. there's no need to bear that weight when you have opportunities to develop your peace of mind. however, i can't speak to your neurological state or experiences, but i do genuinely want you to be happy.

whoops, i forgot my picture. here it is!

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very cool, what year are you in? any specific subject of study yet?

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The hinge cover on my laptop completely broke off and now I have to have a cardboard box & duct tape supporting it. I think I'm going to see if I can take it to a PC repair shop and have them work magic on it, but it looks as if I need to buy a new computer in the near future. If I do that, I would want to get a mid level computer so that I can rely on its durability so that I won't be in this same position for a few years (as is what happened when I got the one that is now breaking down).

I just don't know what I want out of a computer though. I'm really getting into coding, especially with AI, crypto, and web development. Therefore, I feel like I need computing power. When I think about computers normally, I think about my capacity to play video games, so I feel like a good rule of thumb is to have a computer that will be able to run WoW: BfA on it. That being said, with a full time job, hobbies, and an overarching goal to get paid without having a boss, my computer will see exceedingly little video gaming. Ultimately, I could afford a computer in the $1200 range, but I don't know if it's a good idea. There's also the issue of whether it should be a laptop or a desktop and if I should build it myself having no knowledge of how to build a PC.

I hate making these formative decisions.

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Would love to talk more about this but this means is quite slow, do you have a discord account?

i'm afraid not, but i do frequent Jow Forums somewhat regularly.

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you should appreciate the fact that you're even capable of applying such practicality to making purchases! i wish i thought more about my tech/monetary decisions before i make them. i'm not particularly computer savvy, but if it's critical to your professional well-being, i say drop the dough if you know what you want.

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Alright that's fine, I kinda gave up on r9k during the whole """fembot""" degradation phase, so a few people made a server now with only about 50 people to try to preserve what we like about this site. Anyways enough with the shilling, I don't really find happiness in purpose, I probably would if there was one, but that just isnt the case so finding some sort of purpose personally just makes matters worse for me. I appreciate life but I appreciate it about just as much as I appreciate death. I could use artificial means to make myself happy (Drugs) but that just takes away from the purpose of being happy and once again makes matters worse. I wish I could just focus on the little things and be driven and motivated by them.

studying Economics, going into my second year.

will see what happens I like what I am studying.

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its my birthday
and no one really cares
i read a manga thats composed of short scenes with 2 people and sometimes 3 doing things full of jokes and shit, 2 pages that made me start crying
i havent felt so shitty in years and im going to kill myself soon
im watching gondola webms too
its an average night i guess

i've only recently begun to browse Jow Forums but i have periodically browsed /b/ for a little less than a decade. it's certainly an interesting board, though i can't personally condone the degradation of any generalized group. i won't deny that some people are neurologically predispositioned to feel a lesser degree of happiness but i feel like the number of those individuals pales in comparison to the number of people who have yet to adequately or effectively address the issues that bar them from happiness. i enjoy drugs in moderation but i would certainly agree that they aren't a proper means to find general contentment. you should exercise all possible means of gaining new experiences and exploring various avenues of interest. what consistutes a healthy lifestyle, and the means to get there, depend entirely on you as an individual.

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Yeah I guess I am not really that fit/healthy so I might try that out. Have to go sleep now, have a good night.

that's great, guy! a very interesting and applicable field that's far beyond my realm of knowledge. i changed my major several times before settling, i'm sure you'll find your area of expertise if economics turns out unfulfilling.

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happy birthday, my man. i was an avid manga fan as a kid, but i lost the interest in my more recent years. anything you would suggest? i sincerely hope you don't kill yourself, especially if there exists some possibility of you finding a better state of mind.

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you should! there's certainly a positive correlation between physical health and cognitive/emotional well-being. thanks, guy. sleep well!

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i like all these pictures
and thank you
this is what i just read
i dont know if there is a possibility for me, ive already accepted death and have a belief about what happens after, which to me is much better than now. although that could just be an excuse, i dont know

yeah i do good in most classes, as far as college life goes no new friends, got like 2 people i only hang out with

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i'm glad you enjoy them! much appreciated, i'll give it a read. i feel as though an acceptance of death doesn't have to necessitate unhappiness. i personally don't believe that i possess the capacity to understand the objective truths about the grand nature of existence and potentially-infinite hierarchy of life. i don't personally believe in an afterlife, but i try to make an active effort to make the most of this one.

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How is Jow Forums holding up!?

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there's nothing wrong with that, if that's all you require to fulfill your social nerds then no worries. if you feel you would like more friends, i have no doubts you hold the capacity to go out and instigate new relationships. i wasted a lot of opportunities to engage others and enjoy new experiences my first few years of colleges. as i started making an active effort to get my head right, i had a much easier time making new connections.

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i'm doing alright, guy! i appreciate you asking. are you having a drink at the moment? i've had a number of dark lagers this evening.

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on my mind..... is i'm really a robot at heart, and no matter what i change, deep down i will never be a normalfag no matter how much i wish i could have normal friends and keep in touch with old professors and be likeable to strangers and spend less time alone and find love etc etc.

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Cheep beer lots and lots of cheep beer is what I'm drinking

i believe that most people are much more malleable, both emotionally and socially, than they give themselves credit for. however, if you are wholly comfortable in the belief that you are lacking the potential to gain communicative and connective tendencies, then i see no problem whatsoever. however, if it brings you any degree of unhappiness, i personally believe you shouldn't quit striving to change. thank you for sharing that incredible painting!

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it, as well as your pic related, are woodblock prints actually

I am feeling very chagrin. I am such a failure and all attempts at happiness are futile. I lack any motivation to continue living and the prospect of suicide is becoming more and more likely. I am already impressed with how far I have delayed my death, but I am quickly realizing that it was quite the mistake

i guess
its not unhappiness, this life is like a waiting room i guess
the unhappiness stems from other things the suicide stems from that plus acceptance of death

>be me
>shit at biking
>decide to go mountain biking
>eat shit
>I'm ok
>goes home
>has work later
>anonmom tells me to get ready for work
>can't get out of bed
>calls 911
>sent to hospital on stretcher
>doctor looks at me
>ask how bad
>get sent by plane to big hospital
>recovers in the icu for a week

I'm doing pre good boys

my bad, i suppose print would be a more appropriate term. a large number of these prints i've posted are by tsuchiya koitsu. i've come to find i prefer these relatively contemporary woodblock prints as opposed to classics like hokusai.

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>but I am quickly realizing that it was quite the mistake
Me too! I shouldn't have listened to the voice that said "temporary problems! It gets better!"

Now I'm used to be a total failure, I don't think I have the guts to do what I wanted to do so badly when I dropped out of Uni/collage.

what in particular is bringing you down?

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>>I'm ok
>>goes home
Noone told you you were badly hurt?
Something with the spine maybe?

sry i want to respond to what you wrote to me but i don't really know what to say. i just don't really think people change, or anyway i don't think i have it in me to change myself. it does hurt me but in a way i've made peace with it myself. idk i'm 26 so i'm probably older than you anyway.
hope you're doing ok anyway.

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Thank you, dawgg

glad to hear you're making a fair recovery from what, not to be insensitive, sounds like a pretty badass accident. stay safe, my man!

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I'm twice as awesome as a hippo

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the waiting room can be a fairly enjoyable place under the right circumstances. i don't doubt that suicide could potentially be the right choice for those in severe, chronic suffering but i do hope you find the means to make the most of your mortal experience.

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Thanks for the love man

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So what the fuck happened to you?

that's okay, friend. though i care for your well-being, i place no expectations on you to change your ways of thinking. that you are, i'm 25. thanks for asking, i'm doing well. there are some potential academic/professional opportunities that i'm looking for. i'm also happy that, now that it's spring, hiking has become more visually pleasing.

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lad, delaying it was a mistake. what are you doing now after dropping out?
it is an amalgam of things that I feel chary about openly discussing. granted it is an anonymous board, I am just unreasonably clandestine
i must say though, lad, your words are very touching and come off as exceptionally sincere it would be nice having you as a friend

I knew I was hurt just felt like I had a bruised rib or something turns out I had completely decimated my spleen

I ruptured my spleen, they were able to fix it. There was about a 90% chance they were gonna have to remove it

i understand, and i can very much appreciate the value of privacy. likewise, guy! i can always appreciate a good conversation with a genuine and kindred spirit.

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Bumping thread to keep nice art alive

I want to cummy on this lassies face

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>what are you doing now after dropping out?
McD, supermarket, state sponsored jobs for losers (like becoming the personal servant of a handicapped person), call centers, etc

I really should have done it. You don't get second chances in that cunt.

i appreciate it, chief!

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what did you want to do, if you don't mind me asking?

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I just got home from work, it was tiring but decent enough, not too many customers.

At lunch today I saw a girl who i've liked for almost two years now. I can honestly say i've actually tried everything with her. I asked her out, she didn't realize it was a date until a week after somehow. My life is pretty good overall but whenever I see her I just want to curl up on the floor. Christ just thinking about her makes me feel awful. I don't know, I like talking about how awful she makes me feel for some reason.

would you be my friend orignio

Until 18 I was on track to become a jet fighter pilot. But at 18 I wasn't admitted in the next stage after HS. So then I became a future journalist, but I quickly realized it was a meme job for sluts, sellouts and daddy's boys. Then I became a future HS teacher of philosophy, but even philosophy, I was too depressed by tfw-no-gf to be able to concentrate on your Hegel and your Kant.

It's a bit more complex, as the last thing was indeed dropping out but hell, I had to simplify the story to avoid a TL;DR. Thanks for asking.

what kind of work do you do, guy? as for the girl, i can very much appreciate the overwhelming call of attraction. however, don't overextend yourself when there exists an infinite number of opportunities for you to stumble into. you'll meet your lady eventually!

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i absolutely will and i'll do it in a very original way

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I'll be honest.
I don't really know how I'm feeling.
Not sure if I really ever know. Except sometimes, when I'm mad and stuff. Or not really mad, just shaky and adrenaline-filled feeling. I think it's different from being mad.

I wish I could be a better person. People usually say I'm a good person but I don't buy it. I guess being a good person doesn't make people like you.

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it sounds like you're an individual with very well-rounded interests. don't knock yourself just because the paths you've explored so far have proven fruitless, you clearly possess the reflective qualities and articulate nature to do many things. i very much enjoy teaching, but in no way do i consider it an integral part of my identity. i would say the way you influence and benefit others carries much more weight than your professional pursuits.

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>I don't really know how I'm feeling.
>Not sure if I really ever know.
ok, let's play a game.

Masha has a puppy dog. She plays with him and loves him more than anything.
One day her puppy crosses the street, and she sees him get ran over by a 13 wheeler, his blood splashing miles around.
He didn't die instantly, but died eventually.

How does Masha feel ?

I work in a butchers shop in a grocery. I like it a lot, I know eventually i'll have to leave but it's great work, I love my coworkers, my boss is great, I get decent hours, and the work itself is awesome, I like working.

Maybe so, but my school isn't too big, so I see her a lot and that just reminds me more of her. It's not like I haven't had feelings for any other girls, but she has been pretty much constant. Whenever I feel it fading it'll come back in full force again, it kinda goes in waves.

>How does Masha feel ?
via the limbic system

good post, thanks.

>you have been muted because your comment was not spiderman.

just the fact that you are examining and reflecting on these feelings is a testament to your ability to be a better person.

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it's time for me to get some sleep, friends. i hope you will maintain the conversations and continue to spread the love. 'til we meet again.

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bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks, you aren't missing anything

there's the flip side to this perception where you're so infinitesimally small that nothing you do or ever will do matters, which is even more depressing

Lucky. I wish people left me alone on my bday, it's just another day, chill out. Then they expect you to remember/celebrate/buy stuff on theirs. Fuck that noise.

What threads are you usually on, buddy? I really appreciate the time, thought and effort you put into your responses and I would like some of your thought from time to time.
ah, well, we can suicide pact, user. Sometimes it is pleasant doing something with someone.

why not consider it liberating as opposed to depressing? the weight of predestined grandeur is lifted from your shoulders and you're free to do whatever you please with your fleeting, though substantial, existence!

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thank you, i very much appreciate that. i usually just make threads comparable to this one every now and then. i hope we have the opportunity to speak again!

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I was thinking that earlier today. Like I just feel like I'm going through the motions and waiting to die.

>ah, well, we can suicide pact, user
thanks, but I'm such a loner. Also either I'll have a chance one day, or I'll get revenge.
When you kill yourself, never forget it's the perfect murder for THEM.

it becomes insubstantial, and it may lift from you, but unless other also practice this new consideration or recognize your new perception, they'll remind you of how depressing it is

I can be your gf user

i would say you also have control over your reaction to those who don't share said view. the majority of my coworkers are middle-aged, highly-religious women and, though i don't share their views, i can certainly appreciate the beauty of their opinions and happiness it brings them.

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gf (female) ?

>You have been muted 2 seconds because your comment did not mention Donald Trump.

I prefer to be alone because the last time I opened up and trusted someone who I was really hurt, I cried everyday for weeks. People have been leaving my life for who knows how long by now it always happens. Now I stay silent and never say anything at work and dont say much at home because I prefer shutting myself out. I never feel like myself anywhere and pretending to be someone Im not is so exhausting. It also doesnt help that people dont take me seriously, they think Im a joke. I just want some respect, be it with just plain old honesty or just not treating me like trash

yes (female)

Thanks for the pics OP, for some reason I find them very relaxing to look at. Feeling tired, trying not to worry about my future (more like impending doom).