Do other fembots ever feel breast envy?

Do other fembots ever feel breast envy?

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I'm a 32GG so not really

Can you feed me or at least smother me to death with them?

Yeah, but you're also probably 300lbs or a bulldyke.

I imagine ass envy is more common. People actually are into small breasts...
small ass though

There is no such thing as a fembot. The more you give them a title the more they will keep posting here. Stop posting hive threads

STFU and leave you roastie cunt.

gib mommy milkies.

My gf wears a DDD (she's 5'4" and 125lbs) and literally came home crying the other day because the lingerie store told her they didn't have any nice lingerie that would fit her, and she felt so embarrassed about having such gigantic titties.

>what is a band size

I do look like a lesbian though, unfortunately.

No I actually wish my boobs were smaller than they are. I would love my body so much more if they were just handful sized.

Do you have a single nude photograph to back that up?

my gf has absolutely massive juggs and she's never been able to keep a girl-friend, they always get jealous or bitchy or turn on her despite she being the kindest most thoughtful person you'd ever meet

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You're kind of an idiot, aren't you?

must suck that her proportions are so messed up, man.

Specialty stores do exist user.
Also you can get good stuff online or custom.

Just like my favourite mandchurian cartoons.

Looks like a caricature of a fertility idol.

I wish my gf looked like that.

i like a small but firm/shapely ass

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I am fine with my body. I am 90-57-85 at 5 foot one. It is a scar on my face and my mental issues that are the issue.

Why are her hands so gross and large?

Can I see?
Also maybe your scar as well?


I want to know more about this scar.
Is it cool, like in the movies, or are you more ugly because of it?

Scars are a good conversation starter lass.

Please post more of that actual tittymonster.

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I'm 36E and I want to be a lot bigger because I'm a weird pervert

Not a chick but once again I want to lament the fact that my sister is the only one with decent tits around here
What the fuck?

What's the rest of you like?
You should gain weight, that'll fatten them up.

Jesus, they must have insane amounts of back pain

Agreed, C cup is best cup

>tfw big tits
>tfw flat ass

but how big are your tits???

Trust me thats another one of my weird kinks but I really shouldn't gain any more weight

>>tfw big tits
>>tfw flat ass
don't feel bad, ass men are literally nigger-tier. tit men are patrician

start milking them and they'll grow.

Nah, I cannot show it without revealing my face. You will have to take my word for it.

I am more ugly because of it. It sucks, too, because I think I have an objectively nice face otherwise. Oh well.

Not for girls.

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Fair enough. Are you not a lesbian, though?

How does one unintentionally look like a lesbian?

>I am 90-57-85
Speak English.
Are these co-ordinates?

>being a tits """guy"""

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Case and point. Only niggers and spics like asses.

Its B/W/H measurements in cm... do guys really not know this? Fucking all the horny anime out there gives b/w/h measurements on its girl characters

>How does one unintentionally look like a lesbian?
lack of style/bitchy demeanor and a shitty haircut

Indulge yourself, don't let your dreams be dreams.
Also pics

Those are centimeters you dweeb.

literally everyone likes asses you infantile sperg

Yeah, but all you have to do to kill that stereotype is grow your hair out.

too bad, i'm gonna fatten you up.

There's another way to fatten tittiesup...

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Can I at least see your tits then?

post ama wishlist or something, I'll buy you sweets and a pizza

Fuck off cunt, I got her first.

m8 i will fucking fight you for this. don't make me glass you.

yeah but that takes time, plus my hair needs a lot of maintenance to not look like shit when it's long

>a bad thing

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>tfw no fertility goddess gf
This is an awful feel

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Really? Curly hair or some such?

You could try being more feminine, or going full tomboy.

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I am not comfortable with that. I really do not care if you believe me or not, but I am not ready to be that kind of girl.

>fake tits
>fertility goddess


So, seeing as this is a blatant cocktease thread anyway I'll make it productive.

Femanons, would you date a hyper right wing guy?

Completely reasonable reaction, specially for an adult.

>I am more ugly because of it. It sucks, too, because I think I have an objectively nice face otherwise. Oh well.
a scar literally says nothing about genetic health, which is what attractiveness is all about. unless its a 3rd degree burn scar over your entire face i doubt you have anything to worry about

Do you even lift you skinny cunt?
You can't handle a real woman like her, especially once she's double your weight.

only if he were a chad

We we talking moderate McCain or Trump/Hitler-tier or what?

Ok thats disgusting at that point

not him but what about ethnomonarchy-tier?

>Ok thats disgusting at that point
I've got some bad news for you buddy.

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That'll answer your question. McCain is a fucking Rino.

Hell, Trump is too politically liberal for my likes.

Nah, it is not a burn. My mom slashed my face with one of dads hunting knives when I was a kid.

Doesn't matter
Wouldn't want to date a leftist fembot

Nah nigga, past a point it is simply too much. They cannot be firm enough or have form past a point and they just sag horribly.

I'm not seeing any pictures, so I'm assuming all the "big titted fembots" are all just larping robots.

One day I'll see a big titty girl, but today is not that day.

Got bad news for both of us, my man.

Even girls that go to Jow Forums are leftist as shit. I bet half the girls in this thread believe the "MEN AND WOMEN ARE THE SAME" shit.

>tfw never find a traditional girl who embraces her feminity

eh, i bet its cute. why did she do that?

Do you actually mean ethnicity or just race?
>inb4 literally all europeans

I have met one female who wasn't
She was black too

Would he lock me up inside all day and beat me if I misbehaved? ;)

I was playing with some of my moms makeup and stuff and spilled some expensive shit. She had been drinking and had a history of abuse. My dad got custody of me and my brothers but it took me a long time to get to a *healthy* point. Give or take.

catholic girls are the only ones like this. they just want to be stay at home moms with 7 kids and to homeschool them. but they obviously don't tend to like neo-nazis sadly

Yes, but only with a sack of oranges. That way you don't bruise.

Probably means race. Ethnicity means nothing, since spics or "ethnically" american.

I find that hard to believe.

Maybe but that's not a reflection on his political beliefs

tits are so useless in modern time even their offsprings don't rely on breast milk anymore not sure why women still have them they need to evolve.

>my gf wears a DDD

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I'd slap you right across your fat ass, woman.
Woyldn't touch your face though.

I've shared pics of my gf here a few times, she's 36JJ but doesn't browse imageboards herself, I'm also this guy and that pic was not her, just some random image from my breast envy folder

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reminds me of a girl who works in my apt leasing office, insane body but seems like a bitchy lesbian

>but they obviously don't tend to like neo-nazis sadly
Honestly, this is the most annoying shit.

How does acknowledging basic facts(race and tribalism) equate to neo nazis?

Do people think nazis were the first to hate jews?

Why not just get a gf who doesn't care for politics? Like really just find a decent girl and wife her/fuck her/whatever, not talk to her about dumb shit you've read on Jow Forums.

Formula has only been used in the past hundred years, give or take. It takes many thousands, if not millions of years for a species to evolve. Hell, yeah we still have body hair from our caveman days.

Are you the Irish lad from krautchan?

i mean white americans/canadians who look white and speak english. maybe other races could exist in this hypothetical state, but there would be strict segregation. the king would nominate a successor not related by blood, and only the priest class would vote on his approval. no women would be allowed to be nominated obviously. this wouldn't happen across the entire US, it would ideally be in the northeast, i'm hoping for balkanization

Fucken nice. Big veiny tits are gold.
Out of a bra do they sag a lot though?

>Ethnicity means nothing, since spics or "ethnically" american
Literally what the fuck did you mean by that.

>Why not just get a gf who doesn't care for politics? Like really just find a decent girl and wife her/fuck her/whatever
Because even "apolitical" girl have leftist beliefs. They say they don't care but try saying you're against gays or trannies.

I meant ARE ethnically american.

they've just been brainwashed. it is what it is

i feel breast envy on flat chested girls. im small chested myself but theres still too much. just want to rip them off

are you dating a baby?

Ok so it's not an actual ethnostate but a race state.
Are the Italians and Albanians white?
>selecting the monarch
>priest class that high
Sounds retarded imo

you're alright


>tfw fat with a b cup
everyday op.

>tfw chubby with flat ass and narrow hips
i look like a square when skinny too, losing weight doesnt help

>ethnically american.
That's not what ethnicity means at all. There is no American ethnicity.