Even though he Killed the Iran Deal,Negotiated the release of 3 Americans from North Korea, Captured 5 ISIS leaders,got the DOW up 400 points, and Date and location set for meeting with Kim Jong-Un people are still willing to say trump is doing a horrible job. Wtf. I mean what else does this dude got to do to get these liberals to shut the fuck up? I mean damn.
Even though he Killed the Iran Deal,Negotiated the release of 3 Americans from North Korea, Captured 5 ISIS leaders...
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liberals hate israel and so actually think the iran deal was good
also, I doubt they heard much about it amidst all the russia daniels spam
>trump could cure cancer and they will still find a way to discredit him
The joker says "normies are schemers, scheming away in their little worlds" Don't follow trump. Don't follow anit-trump. Don't fall for it.
History is just repeating itself. Obama was similarly polarizing in his first term, and his approval ratings even looked fairly similar. They eventually had more of an uptick after his first couple of years, though.
Remember the Tea Party phase in 2010 when Republicans absolutely dominated the midterms? Current generic congressional polling (not to even touch on incumbent advantage) is less-than-stellar for Democrats, especially considering incumbent advantage. Polling ~5 ahead when such a polarizing figure in office is not ideal for them, to say the least.
I remember getting my hopes up immensely that we'd unseat Obama in 2012, but it didn't happen. There's absolutely zero way that Trump is ousted in 2020 if the economy stays strong. Absolutely zero.
yeah the DOW gains got wiped out man. So no longer a win unless there was a recent rebound in the last few days?
In any case I primarily hate him for the destroying the environment bullshit. If it wasn't for that I would of likely voted for him.
Oh and I don't care if you don't believe in fucking climate change. Even completely disregarding that we have way to many other environmental problems.
>how is nuclear disarmament a bad thing
>Moon-Jae organized the release of the 3 Americans while trump was busy taunting Kim Jon un over twitter
>Explain how trumps actions had any relation to the capture of ISIS leaders
>You don't seem to understand how this rise in the DOW will backfire in a few years
>Again all the work of south Korea
i care strongly about maintaining the environment in the US (i care less about global warming, billions will die but it won't be me). that being said i was convinced the paris accord was just a wealth redistribution scam. do you know of anything tangible he's done to harm the environment, other than appointing a retard to the epa?
>yeah the DOW gains got wiped out man
Up 100 in the last day.
23.5 on March 23rd to 24.8 on May 11th.
18.9 in November 2016 to 24.8 now.
20.1 in February 2017 to 24.8 now.
Staggering. That's roughly 20%.
Not to mention unemployment being down to 3.9%.
A few of those may be kinda iffy but its more or less a good list.
unemployment was already going down. He kept up the work. Should be even more work for defense contractors after Israel baits us into going to war in Iran.
>He kept up the work
Great, at least you admit that.
>Should be even more work for defense contractors after Israel baits us into going to war in Iran
Awesome baseless scaremongering, I love it. Just like how we were going to have a nuclear war with North Korea, right? Oh, wait.
They would sooner nominate Kim for the Nobel Prize over Trump. Only because they didn't vote for Trump.
Let's be honest. Trump is an embarrassment to America.
sure he may have some superficial accomplishments but i would never raise a daughter in the environment that Trump has created
What a basedtastic post. Gave me women level empathy for a second there.
"I'd rather have a leader like Trudeau. He's accomplished nothing and is spineless, but at least HE doesn't say mean things to people sometimes!"
Wow they changed S O Y to based. Fucking gay.
I thought you were being sarcastic. Basedtastic is great.
>unemployment was already going down.
Under Obama it was stagnate. It didn't keep up with population growth so we were essentially still having more workers and fewer jobs. That changed under Trump. It's gone way up in sectors that Obama said were gone like manufacturing. Also small businesses are hiring now and their "small business optimism" coincides with rump's election and policies. Plus wages (Adjusted to inflation) are going up for the first time since the 1970's.
This wasn't Obama's planning. Obama said 2% growth was the new normal and we're at around 4+% last I checked. This is moving at breakneck speeds while growth was anemic under Obama.
This is coming from a former Obama voter who voted Trump in 2016. Economy's better, our country isn't as filled with SJW shits in government and media, our foreign policy could use work on Syria (Still better than Obama) and North Korea policy is doing great. 4 more fuckin' years my fren.
This, just do this and you'll be truepilled OP.
Please post more sexy ashe/fran/penelo
What does that have to do with thicc Princess Ashelia
>Even though he Killed the Iran Deal
I have very mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, I think Iran absolutely should get a nuke as a deterrent against American invasion, and killing the deal destroys any incentive not to do that. On the other hand, I also don't want Iran's economy getting sanctioned to shit, and once Iran gets the bomb, Saudi Arabia (the real largest state-sponsor of terrorism in the world) is going to follow suit.