Do you like SCPs, Jow Forums?

Do you like SCPs, Jow Forums?

What's your favorite?

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Is there a SCP that likes to gf lonely Anons?

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idk what number but I like the one where they find an alternate dimension of earth, and its exactly the same except literally everything has died. they go into a house and the food hasn't started to decompose because even all bacteria are dead.

scp1981 is a lil edgy but I like it

They can sometimes be alright

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i like the one wheres its a big ikea with zombies in it

This one, user?

I do OP, my favorite is 970 the looping hallway

oh yeah thats the one. nice.
theres also an okay one about giant extradimensional spiders that fish with people to absorb energy from our dimension that i remember thinking was kind of interesting.

I like the funny ones.

096 is /ourguy/. Larry is based asfuck and 173 is also /ourguy/. 049 belongs on >/x/ and deviantart.

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The flesh that hates is really good

I like the ones that love the make laugh.

i had a dream where i was going about my day and i heard his theme music playing so i just ran in terror waiting for him so emerge. I even dangled myself from a crane because at least then he couldn't get me from underneath.

>tfw no old man bro to emerge through my walls in the middle of the night and steal all of my teeth

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SCP-3008 is pretty cool

>literally mommy SCP
sometimes, sometimes I wish it were real

some of the original scp shit is pretty cool, a lot better than the generally shitty holders stuff that predated SCP and generally wasn't that good.

I don't know why people only hype up the new SCPs. There's lots of good ones in the newer series. Did you know that world-renowned writer Stephen King was once hit by a car? Just something to consider Though, many old ones are still good, but they're not the end all be all.

It's a lonely and horny as fuck infohazzard


Scp 999 just so i can be happy

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Scp 096 is the literal definition of Jow Forums. He looses his shit when you look at his ugly face and his insecurities cause him to go on a murder spree.

>tfw chasing normies across aquatic borders on foot, reeing all the way
True robot.

I like SCP 999 because he's SCP 231-7's baby

Guest Researcher Dr. W did nothing wrong.

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SCP-2786 "The Archetype" is by far the best I know of.

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Favorite of all time is easily 1730. Possibly because all of the logs feel more like traditional fiction, also the one about the pipes is good, dont remember the number.

excellent taste in scp's
1730 has so much potential beyond its normal document and such an interesting dynamic that it's probably one of the best on the site

Just checked it out. Pretty cool indeed, user.

I like lore-heavy SCPs. My favorites are probably 093 and Kalinin proposal (even though I didnt get the ending, brainlet). Also Scarlet King stuff is cool even if its kinda heavy handed.

I haven't looked into SCPs at all but I'm starting to be interested because of this thread.

Seems to me like something Douglas Adams would come up with.

529, Josie the half-cat, because I made her.
people in a basketball game tape realize they're in one and shit happens

It got invaded by furries at one stage a few years ago but they seem to have been driven out.

Here's one that describes a lot of robots

Honestly speaking, 106 has to be my favorite. So many tales and canons to go along with him that I always like going back to, like the one where he escapes on Halloween and kills tons of people.

93 is also a favorite, I've always loved the longer reads.

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