are there any semi-pro athletes on r9k? or people who play competitive sports in general? (university, college, etc) i feel like a robot basketball or hockey player would have unique stories about being surrounded by normies.
Are there any semi-pro athletes on r9k? or people who play competitive sports in general? (university, college...
I played hockey until midget. Don't know if that's enough to to qualify
I played hockey well into midget and almost played competative. Like everyones opinion is extremely mainstream and the same for my team which was in the suburbs. But my friends team which was in the middle of nowhere didnt accept blacks or jews so they mustve been fun
Yeah that works.
I played football in college. I could tell you the story about the time some of the negro players took me to a swinger party of geriatric white people.
Eh ill bite. Race car driver sort of counts? I don't race in anything televised but I've got a proper sponsor and have to travel a decent distance for events. It's fun. Expensive though.
Everyone in the scene falls into two categories; extremely quiet introverts or massively ADHD adrenaline junkies. There are no chads, at least not that I've met. To play at the level I'm at you pretty much have to run a business or earn a very good wage, plus be educated enough to work on cars and not be dumb enough to wreck them. Chads aren't capable of all four at once. Auto racing is basically a science project so think about the types of people who would be attracted to autistically fiddling with springs and shocks all afternoon.
Everyone is right wing. There was a team that came 6 hours north of the border and sold Nobama shirts at an event. Sold out on the first day. Next year they had Racers for Trump stickers. Again sold out on the first day.
The only normies are the spectators, and even then they're pretty educated and after an event you can hold a conversation with them about the technical stuff.
Won regional table tennis junior tournament at 15, ranked 4th in national, a small yuropean country though.
At uni I was captain of the hockey team, went to UniGames 3 times and didn't get a single root.
That was years ago though and im pretty normie now and dont play anymore. Did my knee a while back and never picked up a stick again.
I've always been interested in the whole racing environment ever since someone lent me Gran Turismo 5. Is it as comfy as it looks in the game? I still remember that one track...Nurburgring I think? Is that kind of stuff out of your league?
Played hockey at an elite academy with some kids who were good enough to get drafted. I was shit and the worst player there by far. I have lots of stories but none immediately come to mind as being particularly r9k worthy
My experience from racing motorcycles is that you need to be a chad to do well.
Get a load of this clown.
The Nurburgring is European circuit racing; I do semi-pro american oval racing. Car class is basically as high as you can go before you're on TV (there are several sub variations but this is r9k and im simplifying things). I have no aspirations of going further than I am now. 460 hp on cramped ovals is enough for me.
>Is it as comfy as it looks in the game?
Comfier. Usually on the track you can smell the hot dogs cooking at the concession in a certain turn. In between sessions, provided you haven't damaged your car, most people just sit around and bullshit with each other. The majority of officials are nice people and aren't out to get you. Track owners can be a mixed bag.
Because it costs so much money & work just to put a car together, there isn't the animosity towards other competitors like there is with football, hockey, etc.
Motocross racers are a different breed.
I was captain of my lacrosse team in high school senior year and played on a summer team with mostly kids who went on to play in college. I probably could've had a shot at playing in college (nowhere major though) if my high school wasn't so garbage (we were the cupcakes you padded your stats against) and my stats weren't impacted by us being so garbage. 2 schools offered me walkon spots (I wouldn't have to try out but they wouldn't gibe any money) so I just quit playing and went to a school in-state.
I also played intramural basketball/soccer at college and played pickup bball 2-3x a week usually. I was with normies and chads daily, most of my friends are one of those or the other, but at 22 (almost 23) I'm still a nogf virgin. Interesting how that stuff works, right? Luckily I had enough normie interests along with the sports as well as average normie looks to pass as one.
lacrosse is the ultimate chad sport
Ive got a couple about sailing at a national youth level, it"s a blend of hyper autists, some chads and a couple of of mixes like me. If you want i can greentext the best ones
I am a professional tennis player and somewhat well known in my country, I don't want to reveal much about myself but I will say I am in the top #300 ATP ranking and have played in some major events.
>If you want i can greentext the best ones
go on
I was second in my country for my weight category when I was younger. I placed in the top 3 in every judo tournament I went to.
I play halo competitively.
Yeah pretty much chad and richkid central. Its fun as fuck if you're decent at it though.
What does it take to make it to Indy 500 and that type of higher up competition? Aside from a sponsor that is
You basically need to be in go-karts at six years old, and your dad has to be the head of a major corporation with unlimited funding.
>smart and educated
>nobama and pro-trump
Pick one.
>score the game-winning goal in overtime in my high school hockey league championship
Unironically one of the high points of my life.
Anyone here read Robot x Laserbeam ?
The mc literally have autism powers.
>really like sports
>no friends to play with
>a thread about interesting sports stories
>sportsman come out of the woodworks
>nobody except nascarnon posts anything
you'd be surprised who you come by on r9k, it's really quite a diverse board, makes you wonder what some of these anons are doing on here, or rather how they found this place
I agree completely. It's confusing how so many angry NEETs began to think only their ilk posted here. It's people like this, the outcasts, who I wish posted more.
Lol nice bait my dude
why the fukc are you here?
i played hurling and soccer to a relatively high level to last year when i just got sick of it and quit but i didnt really do much but play i went out played and practised at home and that was it.
it's mostly just lacrosse, judo and hockey players etc. I'm assuming field hockey. It's not the kind of shit anyone watches on tv, so it doesn't count as sportsChad.
I don't see a problem with that. Just sick of seeing the same boring NEET story crying about dumb shit they could change if they just put effort in. I want to talk with people who have seen normie life, can fake being normie but don't want to be. Those are the true robots.
absolutely, very rarely come across a decent thread, it's once in a blue moon. most of the time the board is bombarded with the same old shit, gets pretty tiresome over time
Played Highschool basketball but quit could've qualified for ncaa too but had to quit all that training meant I had no time for hanging out with friends from class and I didn't really like anyone on my team they were just all showing off to the coach so they could get a scholarship, it was sickening to the point where I just had to quit, my love for basketball ended there never picked up a ball ever since am 21 btw.
BTW basketball jocks do some really borderline gay shit in the locker room. The world of chads is a strange place
Because I don't fit in socially, I'm not even ugly or a virgin but I don't have any desire outside my career, I can't relate to people or form friendships, I like posting here and reading other people stories. I had my best start to a year in my career earlier in 2018 and when I did some interviews I thought about shitposting and saying something only 4channers or robots would understand but I bitched out
>field hockey
Get that weak faggot shit out of here. You go ice hockey or you go home.
Please tell me more about your everyday life.
I have dreamed during all my teenage years to become a professional tennis player.
What do you I miss for not being an ATP level player? How much money did it cost you in terms of training to attain that level? I know life is hard for players outside of the top 100~.
Also, are you Ugo Humbert?
I can pretty much imagine him being there.
I played ice hockey at a pretty competitive level up until the end of highschool.
Despite the fact that almost the whole team was chad, they were all super nice to me.
Honestly it might've been an act and they were all kinda grossed out by the weird kid who doesn't talk, but I don't really care, it really felt like some kinda family.
I know the "MY BOYS ARE MY FAMILY" seems pretty stupid, but once you actually experience it it's pretty surreal. These were a bunch of guys who I probably wouldn't have been too fond of had I had classes with them, but you really develop a weird connection with people through working towards the same goal.
When I mean chad, I really mean chad, almost every conversation in the dressing room was about what girls they fucked or how the got fucked at parties.
When it all came to an end there was a bit of crying, and then our whole team of sweaty homophobes hugged it out and said goodbye.
What a weird experience, truly.
I've always wanted to be a race car driver(especially in rallying, no circuit shit) but I don't even have a driving license. It's pretty much a dream job for me.
im an amateur boxer, 14-3
I started playing very young, playing juniors, my parents have money so things haven't been so rough for me but in general if you're not too 100 or crushing challengers your expenses are ridiculous, paying for specialists as well as travelling only to get knocked round 1 of a challenger is demoralising for sure.
Everyday life for me when not on tour is training and exercising, id like to say more about some funny experiences but I don't really want to get doxxed, I will say I have played in a grand slam before but never past round 1. I haven't won any tour titles but I've made the finals of a challenger twice, I'm still young and hoping to improve more.
No but I've met him before kek, surprisingly normal dude
I made my high school hockey team
but only because they needed a goalie
College football player whose also in a frat reporting in.
Yeah, this is why I gave up, my parents were broke. Anyway, I started tennis at 14 years old with group courses and I progressed really quickly in club rankings; I'm good enough to be sponsored in France but I understood later how hard it would be for me to go further because of my lateness and because of money.
Then, I failed college two times in a row because I couldn't focus on anything else, I was watching streamings for a ridiculous amount of time and so on.
I can't explain it but tennis can be really obsessing for robots/autistic people.
I wish you great success desu, you are Jow Forums only chance in racket sports.
Try to play Frauderer early at some tournament, if Donskoy can do it, you can.
Kek, I understand I have the same autistic passion, I've actually met frauderer and roidal but only very briefly, roidal always seems very short with people and in a hurry, I guess he's glad it's mud season despite getting btfo at home by Thiem yesterday
You are right. Look, peak roidal, even burger bodybuilders can't compete.
Don't worry, after 2015, I can watch everything. He can't do worse than that Madrid final against Murray.
It's a shame that normalfags don't value tennis as much as soccer, we could talk for hours without feeling bored.