/r9gay/ - #298

you're going to okay edition

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faggots burn in hell

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>not boypussy edition
fuck you

Tfw no peepee bf

I Am Not Going To Okay I Am Never Going To Okay I Will Never Okay

*shakes vigorously*

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survive the present and believe in the future user-kun

T-Thanks user, I hope you will okay too

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>tfw these yaoi pics used to warm your heart and give you erotic feelings when you were younger
>now they do nothing
What happened? Am I really that dead? Am I the only one?

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i never felt much of anything from these pics. i dunno.
then again i think i mostly looked at yaoi not this soft stuff.

Boyfriend is netflix and chilling with me later lads. Any movie recommendations?

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What are you into brothero?

My favourite films are probably Drive, Donnie Darko, Back to the future, Indiana Jones. He's kinda normie though so I'm unsure

watch Drugstore Cowboys

Watch Magnolia, by Paul Thomas Anderson.

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If you're into coinciding lives and butterfly effect stuff, you will find a summary/synopsis of magnolia to be HIGHLY misleading. It's not trippy at all, very much a feelings movie.

It's good in its own right but it may not be what you would expect.

guahaghahguhahbahghgahauhahaha IVE GOT A DATE IN 10 HOURS
if he cancels im gonna fucking kill myself he's so hot and cute and easy to talk to and loves my gross body its amazing

fucking inflation
i should have bought one at 50 bucks...

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best of luck user, i'm jelly

thanks bb, i'll be sure to appreciate every bit of him

what's something you would change about yourself?

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Good luck
Spooky google images ghost offers his blessings. He will watch and guide you from afar.

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!! (most important) NO MORE NIGHTMARES
less fat
more intelligence
more love
more calm
more humor and fun

Give him a big hug lad!

I would give myself an attractive face and passion/drive/motivation, whatever you want to call it

>!! (most important) NO MORE NIGHTMARES
i'll trade you user
i don't have nightmares or dreams

i want to complain about something but i fear that it might make me seem like i don't belong

my unwillingness to make changes or try new things because it might make me anxious

Have no fear! As long as you are complaining about something, you will always belong here.

it'll make me seem like a pussy
basically this guy who i was talking to and after a while he offered to voice chat and he kept saying stuff like nigger and faggot and i guess saying it out loud bothers me more than i thought it would.

Pretty sure my crush has a crush on me
Where the hell do I go from here??????

Iktf too. It makes people seem more hostile and dangerous even if they don't mean anything by it.

You both keep eternally quiet. Find a gf, buy a house, get a kid, be unhappy, die knowing not speaking up have tormented you your entire life and wishing for the chance to go back so you could have told him.

i wish i would be gay.

are you a nigger user?
and being called a faggot by another gay boy isn't too bad

don't feel bad for realizing there are certain words that will make you sound like an asshole if you aren't careful

I want a gym user to take me under his wing and make his pet project and also make me swallow his load from time to time.

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Cum is gross, don't be disgusting. The only place cum belongs is a cute boys tight asshole. Just like pic related.

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>tell someone that there's something i wanna say but i don't know how to put it
>they ask me what
>change my mind and say nvm
>they push on and ask what i was going to say
i always do this to myself.

confess? i dunno.

>say something
>"what do you mean by that?"
well shit I don't know, I meant what I said and that was the best way I knew how to put it

It's impossible not to want to know when someone does that.

Ich bin so wie alle sind.
Ich hab euch nichts zu sagen.

it might be my way of trapping myself to tell the person

Wieso schreibst du nicht mehr..

cum is not gross
but yes putting deep into boys assholes is a good idea as well

looks a tad painful desu

A bigger dick, like 8 inches. Also i want my foreskin back.

i want to be a doctor so i can remove this anons regrown foreskin

how many inches short are you?

You just get it into position b4 being hard m8.

I want to be a lawyer so that me and can sue for malpractice

I want to be a chemist so I can synthesize a love drug and feed it to cutebois

I want to be a wizard so that I can turn anyone who wants to be a "cuteboi" into one

I just want a bf to live in isolation with

user consented since i fed him some of this anons love drug and you'll never prove it!

I want to be a vice president so I can shock you all

i want to be an isolated bf so that can be my bf

well I used my massive piles of money to hire so that he would turn you into a cute boy as revenge. All of those years of toil for gains? Gone. Your masculine pride? Gone. Your ability to have a normal conversation with even straight men? Completely annihilated, because they will all instinctively want to snuggle and protect you.

Nobody fucks with me.

>tfw no bf with feet that stink so bad that it burns my nose

>no bf with feet that are so incredibly rank that it dissolves your septum

How about a stinky sweaty ballsack?

I'm up for that. Where are you?

bare feet are gross, wear socks

ah that's fine
i bet i could make a good business out of being a cuteboy doctor

Is that to cover up the black coloured akin?

God damnit, yet another thing I never knew I wanted.
I'm not even into effeminate men, generally, but having a cute little guy as my GP would really warm my heart.

moreso to cover the goblin feet a lot of guys have

>he doesn't like hairy goblin feet
Well that's fine I guess. We all have our tastes.

This made me laugh out loud for some reason, in the most unique sense possible

and then we he knocks you out he fucks your face and rides your cock right?

Thanks for ruining my fantasy.

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>doesn't wanna have his face fucked by a cute feminine benis

lesgen when

How are you boys doing can i watch yet?

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Never, women aren't robots and lesbians are even less robots
You can watch but this ain't a charity showing, you get me?

ya, ya whatever.
I wanna watch two boys kiss and fuck if they're cute.

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>tfw you will never be a cute tomboyish lesbian
Feels that haunt me when I pull the covers over my eyes and pray for sleep to take me

Go to gayboystube and have your fill then, fuck outta here.

We both know that's not the same.

Set me up with a cute boy and fine I'll let you watch

>tfw no legionnaire bf

it's hell, i can't find any dom lesbians at all that will tolerate me.

idk what that is honestly.

what kind of boy do you like user?

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one with a benis, and wants to use said benis on me

i know a lot of boys,i could help you if you were a bit more serious.

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>tfw no bf to show off in front of girls with
>tfw you wouldn't be cute enough for it anyway

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i was being serious....any boy that dicks and maybe cares for me is fine...

If you know any caring adventurous boys who appreciate nerdy shit that would be nice
Shit I need to build a more comprehensive image of my ideal bf

are you guys just sexual fiends or do you care about love?

good taste there user

Shy, gentle, compassionate, introverted af, protective/assertive in his own way and kind of boring

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the answer is both

Although the sex fiending really only began a couple years ago, for unknown reasons. I miss being pure.

Thanks user, I've always loved twinks and that site is a goldmine. Twink on twink is all I'll fap to. What's your favorite video?

Not really interested in your fetish.

If that's all you care about, then i have no interest in helping you.

I'll look for you user, ill be back here in a few days so check for my post about it.

I'll also check my list for someone for you user.
Same thing as the other few days and you'll see my post for you.

No promises though.

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It's not a fetish, really. It's not as though I would get off on it.

I'd much rather prefer a romantic relationship than a sexual one. Most guys unfortunately just want to have sex with eachother than make something meaningful

Well seeing as I'm a virgin who wants nothing to do with hookup culture, I definitely prioritise love. I still want mad amounts of sex, but just with one person and hopefully for life.

Wow that's actually pretty cool of you user
I don't know if I'm actually seriously ready for a bf but thank you

I need games

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That about sums it up for me as well.