Why is it that so many incles support this idiot?

Why is it that so many incles support this idiot?

Attached: 1200px-Donald_Trump_official_portrait.jpg (1200x1520, 452K)

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you mean uncles? i dunno, i guess they just like his policies

Incels are good goyim who, despite being redpilled on women and their bullshit, refuse to do anything about it, so of course they follow Israel's greatest goy and are ready to support and possibly die in pointless proxy wars in the middle east.

when people hit rock bottom they want to bring everyone else down with them

why do you keep calling him an idiot? hes the best in my life time

Trump hasn't started any wars brainlet, you're not going to get drafted and die for the jews

Name anything Trump's done so far to ruin this country. And use sources.

>first president to do what he promised to do in centuries
>first president who actually advocated for change in centuries instead of stagnation
>first president to actually care about the country instead of rich people's profit in centuries
Take a guess. Does he say the most retarded things ever every other time he opens his mouth? Yes. But actions matter, not words.

This. Trump deescalated the situation between north and south korea, even. But of course he's not getting a nobel peace prize, those are reserved for LITERAL WARLORDS and presidents who dronestrike children.

I supported him because all of the people I hate hated him. It was a great moment of schadenfreude when he won.

>abolishes AMT, the only tax that actually hits him and his cronies
>no wall
>Hillary running free
>got more involved in Syria
>just as much as a good goy for the Jews as any president before him, more so than Obama

>Trump is now Moon Jae-in

of the other nominees, who the hell appeals more to incels then him?

looks good to me. he pushed the red button on the interracial pill. he can go liberate Syria and bring refugees here.

Well Dems are usually more for NEETbux than Reps.

Because hes appealing to American citizen's interests while trying to stop us from becoming Mexico

the Obama administration hated Israel
good thing I actually support israel because I'm not a white supremacist or a Palestine loving lefty

trump is necessary to show the left they are not tolerated. Hillary would have made them run wild

kek underrrated originally post

So you're a bluepilled goy too, who cares.

Because he's finally a president that supposedly doesn't want me to become a minority slave to foreigners.

Wall is literally underway and that's despite every single entity getting in the way and pretending a wall is racist and unconstitutional.
AMT didn't apply to him or his cronies because anyone with even a million gets to bypass every tax law by using tax havens and other loopholes which normal people can never actually benefit from. Making tax laws transparent to even the layman will change that completely.
Hillary is being investigated despite the fact every single entity is protecting her.
Syria involvement has never caused real damage, it's obviously all theatrics. Unlike obongo who goes and dronestrikes kids first thing in the morning.
No proof of goyishness given his actions so far. "hurr dur he's not literally hitler" is not an argument.

incel =/= neet

if you're a neet and thus get free money so you don't have to work, it's either because of your parents (spoiled privileged brat), or because of the government (claiming disability therefore literally claiming you can't contribute to society)

neither of those mean incel

so you're redpilled and would have voted democrat? lol

Chances are you're a goyim too. Hating the only real democracy that doesn't cater to terrorists in the ME doesn't make you red-pilled-- it makes you a traitor to the same foundations America was founded on, and thus a traitor to the US.

Stormfags plz go

"It's gonna happen anytime soon" is not an argument either.
And from the 38mil he paid taxes on his 2005 report, 31mil were due to the alternative minimum tax. Why lie?

>it's literally happening at this very moment and has started a while back
>same as it's gonna happen anytime soon
OK kid

>20 miles of bollard fence in El Paso, not paid for by Mexico
Yeah, that's definitely gonna make a huge difference.
So what about those taxes again? How is abolishing a tax that hit nobody but Trump and his rich buddies "caring about the country and not rich people's profits"?

Attached: 5acd1397f41c781c008b4fc2-1536-768.jpg (1536x768, 225K)

I see you don't work. because if you did you probably noticed cuts

You're shifting goal posts and going for personal attacks instead of arguing. It's embarrassing.
The argument wasn't "did he cut taxes for his rich buddies as well as for other people", you stated he doesn't care about rich people's profits and afterwards that he didn't pay any AMT. Both wrong.

because you're so annoying on hating him id rather see you overburn. ill vote him again.

Neither of these claims were ever made. Getting a little desperate, shillary? Scared of being sent where you belong for your crimes?

so you don't work?

i cant wait until trump meets with kim and they both agree to end the longest war the US has ever been involved in

and the look on both the lefties faces and the spencerpedes shilling that he's a warmonger

>here's what to think
>trump didn bring peace
>it was actualy _____
>and we shouldnt be happy
>and that's a good thing

3 minutes 55 seconds

the absolute STATE of lefty

Refer to
and . I know reading is hard.

I do, I don't see what's that to do with my argument however.

I'm Jewish. He is protecting Israel. He get's my vote.

so how do you feel about trump's tax cuts?

So butthurt about being called out you're now trying to pretend people can't read what you link to. Amazing. Do you get paid for that at all? Wow! No wonder hillary lost.

Would you rather I support a feminist?

Yes, bigot

I'm in favor. I personally don't think they are needed right now because the deficit is high enough as is and I'm afraid the overconfidence might lead to a stock market correction but just in terms of numbers I'm for it.

Come on now.
>AMT didn't apply to him or his cronies
>first president to actually care about the country instead of rich people's profits

Because you guys don't like him. The Democrats are where all of the normies and socialites are, so we associate them with our school bullies and vote against them to try and get back at you. We have no faith that what you believe in can be moral or right because you've already proven yourselves as individuals to be otherwise. You spent years lying to us, so why would we believe a word you say now?

Hillary admits 41% of the democratic party are socialists


>ceo admitted my job was created due to Trump tax cuts
>make 60 grand a year in a nice job with a lot of upward mobility, right out of college
>friend in the navy coming home, doesn't need to be deployed to Korea because everyone's banking on peace
>no longer have to pay the Obama mandate, more money in my pocket
>normalfag libtards crying about their delusion thinking Trump is literally hitler gives me entertainment.
>less mexicans running around doing dumb shit in my neighborhood because ICE comes through to bag them
Gee I wonder why I support him.

Everyone is a bigot. Equality is a lie. Gender and race = unignorable.

Fucking this. Democrats are the epitome of normalfags. They're the ones you see mouth agape ruining movies, music, and video games with their fad-centric tastes, all while ruining countries by forcing them to accept rapefugees while they themselves live in cushy upper class neighborhoods that will never be touched. All while convincing the idiot minorities to vote to maintain their lifestyle while ruining the lifestyle of everyone else. Remember, the Right is not complaining about Incels. The Left, however, is.

>Repeal net neutrality

>allow cable companies to sell your browsing history to the highest bidder.

>tax bill forces man to pay taxes on alimony and child support .

>majority of tax cuts goes to wall street and the billionaires

> legalized harmful pesticides that were banned because they cause developmental disabilities to kids .

You want to go on .

>Repeal net neutrality
"neutrality" so you mean you want the government to run the internet? You know who runs the government, right?

>allow cable companies to sell your browsing history to the highest bidder.
Done under Obama. Already done by facebook

>tax bill forces man to pay taxes on alimony and child support .
It also forced women to pay taxes on these. Don't pretend this didn't happen

>majority of tax cuts goes to wall street and the billionaires
If you have no money, do you expect to get money? You know how many people with literally $0 salary are getting tax returns of up to $1k or even more? Are you going to provide jobs with your cuts? Bonuses to workers? No? Then fuck off.

>legalized harmful pesticides that were banned because they cause developmental disabilities to kids
Chlorpyrifos has been deemed uncertain even by leftist publication as to if it causes this or if there were contributing factors in studies done.

1) no I want to make sure every site is given a fair chance to succeed instead of the existing ones stifling competition

2) false this bill was brought up under Obama. Facebook sells the information you freely give them , but every site you choose to visit both in normal and incognito mode .

3)courts rarely if ever require woman to pay alimony. If the courts award custody if a child to a man it's because the woman is too incompetent to even handle basic finances.

4)most companies are using their tax breaks to buy stock back , the wage increases have happened to a few companies that have huge stipulations for meeting the requirements to getting those bonuses . These companies were already enjoying record profits and could have raised there wages before yet choose not too.

5) your last comment is bullshit .