Can PCtards build a better PC for under $500?
Can PCtards build a better PC for under $500?
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console companies sell them at a loss, make the money back through licensing
Nice bait kid.
S4ge for trash thread
This. It's pretty obvious the X is being made at a loss at this point.
i really like the indie market and AAA titles are boring
This was always a true statement. Still console market is a dozen times in better shape than PC market (VG based, and no, overpriced swords for your free to play MMOs dont count) and the trend is growing.
>can't install GNU + Linux
Why would I ever want this?
Wait there's yet another xbox console out? I'm really out of the loop with these things.
give me $499 and I can try
It's not as if both markets won't continue to grow. The only true delimiters on the market is the technical limitations of consoles and any given platform's exclusive titles.